Saturday, February 1, 2025

Writer musings

Every once in awhile I tend to stop and assess. The focus of this particular assessment is the Blog's activity. 

Most all of my writing has take place in the context of this blog. Books were birthed here, other devotional opportunities were birthed here, etc. At this point I'm moving toward 2000 separate posts - I'm actually at 1991. That's a lot of posts. Yes, sometimes the topic was written about more than once. That's because my understanding grew or I discovered a different perspective or my focus was slightly different. 

I really do love to write. I tend to think that I'm not the writer, the Lord just invited me into this fantastic journey and has allowed me to put into my words a message for all. I like that. Probably this is based in my all consuming desire to make a difference, to provide ways for people to grow as Christians regardless of the path they're on - as long as they want to grow into the person the Lord's always seen.

Initially I had post daily... when that got a bit much, I switched to every other day... when that also got to be a bit much, I switched to every 3rd day... which is how it has continued - until today. From now on I will write and post a post when I have something to say that I need to share. And I should warn you... I'm a devotee to discovering. And then comes the fun to see how it can be incorporated into my mindset, my personal person. 

Knowledge apart from application is just knowledge. And yes, knowledge is the foundation to wisdom. But wisdom comes from applying. At least that's my frame of reference. Trust me, I've got a lot of miscellaneous pieces of 'knowledge' floating around my head ... I'm beginning to think that's a given. I do tend to try and see if it (the new 'knowledge') 'fits', improves, expands, or contradicts my current standard.

The point in all this is - 'regular' has ceased to be the primary motivator in my blog posting. I just hope that challenge, pondering, interacting with what is written isn't jeopardized. I did feel you needed to be apprised of this latest change in 'publication'. Also... recognize that I enjoy dialogue (iron sharpening iron) and welcome your thoughts, agreements, disagreements, discoveries too.
Come... let us dialogue and discover...... and apply.


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