Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Easy Path

Do we all instinctively seek the easy path? Are we searching for the minimum amount of 'discomfort' (not always defined... or known)? Do we invariably look, first, for paths that are smooth, straight, simple, not strewn with those aspects that demand a reasoned (sometimes defined as 'painful' - undefined) response? I think the answer is a resounding - YES!

Besides, why would anyone purposely choose a path that would require endurance, commitment... the opposite path? Isn't that counter intuitive (by definition)? Yet, isn't this precisely what Jesus did? And not in the heat of the moment - He knew and lived with this since the beginning of time. He knew that mankind's ONLY hope lay in His willingness to accept the path to the cross? Did He complain, or try to deflect His role, or any behavior that would mitigate? His response to God was ... not my will but Yours (Luke 22:42).

Is there anything inherently 'wrong' with seeking an easier path? No. What is necessary though is for you to look at your motivation, it comes down to your 'why' of choosing the easier approach. If it is an avoidance of difficult and 'testing' times - not a good choice. Learning isn't always an easy choice but in my world, it's the only choice that leads us effectively. John 16:33 

   "I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In
    the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome
    the world."

(Read the whole chapter to understand the 'things' mentioned.) My point is that tribulation is a fact of a fallen world. Our assurance is that in Him, Jesus, we can have peace because of His act in overcoming the world. Through Him (read all of Ephesians and put your name when it says - in Him, in Whom) we do have the ability to overcome our struggles. When we apply our learning that we understand, we act as witnesses to those watching us about the great power found in following His way.

Any act that is involved with compromising Who the Lord is, what He did, Who He is today is never correct or acceptable. We weren't asked to provide an easy or comfortable answer, but to speak the truth - to act on what we know. Rarely is that the easy path. Why? Because this IS a fallen world we live in and we are His witnesses that His path leads to abundant living... even in this world. But we have a far greater destiny awaiting us. Take the path the Lord is leading you on. It truly is worth the effort. Peace is all that it's cracked up to be.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

He always has time

I find it a constant amazement that whenever I turn to the Lord - there He is! And He always has time... for ME. I know He said that He would never leave me or forsake me... but it is also true! Amazing! Regardless of time or any other factor - He always has time. Paul reinforces this when he tells us (Romans 8):

     "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be
      against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for
      us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?" (v.31-32)

He not only has the time, He takes the time... just for Me. And He does the same for all who call upon Him. Time and place mean nothing. All we need do is whisper the name of Jesus and there is He is! But I believe that this should be a constant 'condition', not just in the midst of crisis.

Not worthy of His attention? Of course not. None of us are. Our worth or lack is not the issue, never the question. And never say that you have been too egregious, that your sin is too black to allow you to be redeemed. The only question is - will we turn? Will we seek Him?

     "Christ Jesus is the one who died - more than that, who was raised - 
      who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us." (v32)

Let that sink into your spirit - Jesus is interceding for us! After having done all, He continueS to act on our behalf. I realize that this is more than most of us can get our heads around. Not the point. He CHOSE to do this for us. Love in action.
The only act we need do at this point is realize this, recognize our own sin and need, and to accept His gift of life.

     "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or
      distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 
      As it is written, 'For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we
      are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered'.

      No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who
      loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers
      nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor
      depth; nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from
      the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (v 33-39)

Covers everything - yes? The only thing not covered is your decision. Will you accept the gift of life that comes from acknowledging your need, your lack, your sin? Will you accept Jesus as your Lord able to save you completely and bring you into the Family of God? The decision is always yours. But in the acceptance you have everything you will ever need. Then you will have One who always has time for you.

Monday, July 24, 2017


Walking in all the light you have. This is what we all need to do. You aren't responsible for what you haven't learned or understood. Walking and Responsible are our 'defense'. But they also are our impetus and responsibility to continue to discover, develop, and grow. We have to grow: to learn, to understand, to become. There is no 'down time'. Oddly enough... there's also no stress. Becoming and understanding aren't enhanced by stress so when the situation IS fraught with tension and frustration, though it can become an effective  learning environment... when we let it, but it is never the most ideal.

I remember once that my Mom apologized to me for not having taught my brother and me a more dynamic and effective Christianity. I hastened to tell her that I thought she had done a wonderful job of providing us with the basics, the foundations and that she was doing all she knew how to do - she was walking her understanding, not just talking it. She walked in all the light she had and she never stopped growing and learning. Quite honestly, she provided a powerful witness for me.

Never allow others or yourself to demean what you know. But also, don't stop learning. Take the offense and act on a mindset that you will continue to become your best you (which is what I call walking in all the light you have). It is far more important to walk your talk then to simply continue learning and never applying what you know. Without a continuity between your words and actions you only provide mixed messages which is confusing. I would argue that too many of us learn just what we need or think we need to know, at the moment, and then stop. 

'Light' is a powerful concept in scripture. Truth will always eventually be evident... and effective. Light always is distinguished from darkness and evil. When light appears, darkness flees. Light also implies actions and not just words. Actions are our method to understand what the words say and how they look in practice. They are also stepping stones. A line upon line, precept upon precept approach to how we go about being who we are. You can't 'think' action, you have to act. And then from your acting, discover the affect on others and self. One never diminishes the power of words in actions, you don't compromise, but you can refine how you go about doing your words. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Submission? Surrender?

In my world of definitions, these are NOT the same words ... nor do they have the same definitions - though they are often used interchangeable to mean the same. Is one something that is done to you and the other something you choose to do? Perhaps simplistic, but accurate? Webster - submission: "the condition of being submissive, humble, or compliant; the state of being obedient - an act of submitting to the authority or control of another." Surrender: "to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand, to give (oneself) over to something (such as an influence)." 

Now what do you think? Are they the same? Does it make any difference? The last question can be answered with a resounding 'Yes'! The whole difference is how we interpret the word, which one is used, and how it directly affects us. When it comes to the church world it is incredibly important because of how it affects how we grow as Christians. Too often the new Christian doesn't realize that the church world is not necessarily a 'safe place'. If that sounds harsh and condemning... it is reality. We certainly don't want a new believer to simply be a notch on our 'accomplishment' - the Great Commission tells us to make disciples. WE are responsible to help them grow and not leave them to their own devices.

We ask that others believe what we say but do we, in those essential areas of Christian growth, provide the necessary scriptural support to what we say? Do we simply expect others to accept our understanding? And even more critically - do we take scripture out of context to meet our personal beliefs? Sometimes we are mistaken out of our own lack of understanding. Not that we should censor our thoughts and not speak, but we do need to appreciate the depth that is in scripture and not simply use it to support what we think. Remember Paul's words to Timothy - (2Timothy 2:15) show yourself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Do I seem to have veered from the initial subject? Not my intent - I have been attempting to give a context to how the church world employs these two words when it comes to helping new Christians. If we expect them to submit to what we say then we need to be absolutely certain that we are explaining scripture by scripture, not just the 'general understanding'. Surrender? When this word is used, the one to whom one is surrendering is the focus. There in only One...The Lord - not us. I suspect the question of how we demonstrate/model who and how we surrender is inestimable in understanding.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Game playing. I must admit that I really don't like this - which could mean that I don't really know how or that I am really, really bad at doing it. Both could exist but I'd like to think that I am 'above' this kind of behavior. The only kind of games I enjoy are ones that you do for fun with others or simple activities like crossword puzzles or solitaire. But game playing seems to always involve a kind of 'one upmanship' or doing something that elevates self at the expense of others.

Have you ever been the 'victim' of others playing games at your expense? Most of us have. Sometimes there have been 'games' that I was totally unaware I was involved in and only discovered considerably later. Why the game playing? Why are people intent on promoting themselves at the expense of others? Don't they see that they harming themselves just as much? And what happens when you are discovered in the midst of acting this way? How much of your reputation is tarnished?

I've discovered, observed that those who play games typically are completely involved in the game. Also they seem to be primarily unaware of people who are not directly affected or involved in their game. The opposite 'philosophy' of 'what you see is what you get' is rejected out of hand. There's part of me that believes that when confronted by a wysiwyg person, there is total disbelief and suspicion.

I've also wondered about the ultimate 'prize'. What is won or lost by engaging in gaming? Is the 'goal' the prize or simply the game? No one answer since it depends on the people involved, the seriousness of the game, and the 'stakes'. Regardless... this kind of mindset makes little sense. My (hoped for?) philosophy is that you need not agree with me, my plan, or my methodology - but do you understand why I am suggesting what I am suggesting? If I am asking for your input this is what I want - not someone to say later... I knew it wouldn't work. A lot of help that is. At one time I think the 'tag line' for this position was called transparency. Another word with multiple definitions... and behaviors? Do not forget Matthew 5:37 and 12:36.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Livin' the Life!

Do you have the faintest idea of what the other person is actually saying when they give this response? Of course not! Unless you know them extremely well, it is simply a pat phrase that has gained great popularity in the last few years. Do you even know what you mean when you response to someone else's inquiry of how you are? Is it meant to suggest asking a deeper question? Or... is it meant to keep others away from what you truly are feeling?

Your 'livin' the life' may be defined entirely different from another person... and probably is. So why do we continue to use a phrase that conveys absolutely nothing and is intended to strengthen the walls between people? One word that gained great popularity when I was in college was - anomie. Webster defines this state as: "personal unrest, alienation, and uncertainty that comes from a lack of purpose or ideals". Lost? Perhaps, but I think it goes deeper. 

Is this the malaise gripping people in today's world? Does it underscore why the response is 'livin' the life'? Or is this too pessimistic a view of the state people are actually feeling? Are people truly in a rose colored glasses state? Perhaps the questions should be - how 'bout you? Are you doing and being who you are and loving it? Is life, even with its occasional moments of unrest, as positive as you want/need it to be?

I would argue that for anyone to truly be livin' the life, they need to know who they are, who the Lord is, and be in relationship with Him. Jesus tells us in John 15:5 that apart from Him we can do nothing. That includes our mind, our will, our emotions - all of what makes us ... us. It includes not just who and what we are, but how we go about doing this. It includes our relationship with the Lord and others. It includes everything that makes life worth living. It is joy and meaning and fruitfulness and hope and faith and love. We really can be livin' the life - no fake, no bravado - truth. John 10:10 Jesus speaking:

     "I have come that they may have life, and that they may 
      have it more abundantly."

We are the 'they'. Sounds live 'living the life' to me.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Frustration, tears, and other feelings

Scenario: you are really, really angry (hurt, disappointed, frustrated, et al) what can you do? Remember, you are a Christian and can't retaliate in the world's way (of getting... even?). Also, you remember your Bible which tells you, "Vengeance is mine says the Lord. I will repay."(Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:17). So WHAT can you do? One thing you can do is to turn this over to the Lord and let go. 

Another option (recommended) is to ask the Lord for understanding - why the other person acted the way they did/said. However, don't put a positive spin on your case over other interpretations because you could have misunderstood. And don't disguise your feelings because, right or wrong, it is what you are feeling. If you are close to tears, it really is fine. Actually... when was the last time you cried? Not the stub the toe tears. Tears of frustration or tears that stem from a deep reaction to (fill in the blank). 

Point being is that we ALL face frustrations, sometimes tears, and other feelings less than positive. Again I state as strongly as I can - NEVER deny what you feel regardless of whether or not there is any basis in fact. What you feel is what you feel! And, for me, I have discovered that the only way to resolve and move on is to own how I feel. Then I can try and discover why I am feeling the way I feel. It is always an issue of 'is' first. 

Every disappointment, discouragement, frustration, mis-step, outright defiance, and every other emotion you care to include happens in our lives. Do we learn from them and how to resolve them? Do we move on or sulk or pout? Do we seek understanding? How do we handle these? Denial won't work and neither does self-defense. What happened... happened. Now it is our time to really shine - to demonstrate that we will not be defeated by ourselves. We CAN when we turn to the Lord and seek His answers and then act on them. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

One more time

My theme has become - even if I fail a 100 times in the day... I will always try 'one more time'. For me, I pray, I will always try one more time than my last failure, disappointment, fill in the blank. I'm a goal setter - it gives, in my opinion, meaning to what I'm doing and especially... why. Even as a child, I don't remember my parents responding to my question(s) with a - '...because I said so'. Therefore, mistakes are not as devastating but provide a basis for my - 'one more time'.

I really don't remember being afraid of making mistakes because I don't ever recall being afraid of 'failure'... then again, it is in the definition. How do you define failure, disappointment, mistake, etc.? Disappointment, on the other hand, is never a good thing. For me, if someone (especially a significant someone) is disappointed in what I did (or didn't do) or said (or didn't say) - that has far more reaching emotional implications. I don't like being a source of disappointment - especially to the Lord.

Simultaneously, I am quite aware that I do disappoint so this becomes a check point in my being and doing - admittedly, that I disregard (much to my eventual chagrin) at times. The point for me is that this becomes a learning point and a basis on which to judge what I do and why. It also serves as an understanding to act upon not just intellectualize. Whatever my basis for mistakes - failures - disappointments - etc. I don't stop, or at least rarely. This becomes my impetus to correct or attempt to redeem or apologize... but not to stop.

'One more time' is really a mindset and standard by which I attempt to choose how I face those times. Perhaps part of my 'problem' is that I was raised with the axioms: 'that if anything is worth doing, it's worth doing well' and 'if at first you don't succeed - try, try again'. Not a bad standard. And yes, there are times that the only thing you can do is apologize and take a different approach. But then again... a different approach is part of my definition of 'one more time'. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Livin' the life...

Do you have any idea what this means to you and your life? Is it merely an oft used phrase with little or no meaning? Or... does it define your goals, what you want to attain and accomplish? Is it specific? Or is it vague? Next - are we talking your LIFE or certain aspects like family, salary, leisure, etc.? Without specific and identifiable goals, how will you ever know you've accomplished what you intended and attained? Do you know when 'livin' the life' is present?

Another way of asking this is... can you be livin' the life in one area but still be working on the goals in others? or not experiencing any change in another aspect of your life? See! Definitions are important because they differ with each one of us. Some areas are of greater importance than others, some require significant expenditure of time and effort, some will never be attained - does this mean they need replacing?

Do you want to be in a position that you are 'livin' the life'? Are you willing to pay the cost of that attainment, be it later in life, right now where you are? Or are you in a 'wait and see' or 'I'll attend to (fill in the blank) later' position and not engage in fulfilling the requirements in order to be in your livin' the life (ltl) place? I sometimes wonder if this is merely a dream that's given little attention until 'something' happens that informs you loud and clear that you are not in your ltl place. 

What will it take for you to find and live in that place? Do you look at only the financial conditions? If you do then you are terribly short sided because this is only one facet and there are some incredibly important people and other factors that enhance our ltl place. How does the Lord and His hand on your life factor into your considerations. If He isn't the most important consideration then you really do have your priorities wrong. 

Without the Lord, you will be in a very empty place. His Presence makes all the difference. You will discover that your 'place' can be anywhere you happen to be as long as He is with you. 

Monday, July 3, 2017

Little return...

Is that what you think? That you've gotten little in return for your investment (energy, time, resources, support, etc.)? Have you ever turned that coin over and looked at what others have received from their investment in you?!!! Consider what others have done, and do, for you - have you 'repaid them'? In like, kind? More than just the investment? Less? They didn't ask for a return? ... you meant to??? I think that we very infrequently look at ' the other side', the opposite position. And we especially don't consider the 'why', the belief and actions that indicate the opposite view. We do look at what we didn't receive.

This thought assailed me one morning. I was thinking about all (that I was aware of or remembered) that the Lord has done and continues to do and give to/for me. Goodness! Talk about little return on His investment! This thought then led me to how we relate and interact with one another. Many times it is our unspoken expectations and or assumptions that eventually lead us to our feelings of 'little return'.  

This then led to our 'how' we give our investment. Is it open handed - no thought or expectation of the return? Not a quid pro quo or in like manner? Or is it an expectation - known by both parties - of the what, when, how the investment will be repaid. Have you ever looked at the expectations by others to their investment in you?  Did you fulfill the expectation? Were you unaware that there was an expectation? Now, take that a step further and look at what your return to the Lord is for His investment in you. 

If this doesn't make you blush then you are indeed rare... or deliberately unaware. Harsh? Sometime we need to wake up to how we treat others and look at how this relates to what the Lord does toward us. No, I'm not suggesting you be a doormat for the world. But you might consider granting a bit more grace and mercy toward others. And that includes yourself. We need to move away from unspoken expectations of others... of ourselves to a reality of what can be expected. Primarily, I believe that we need to make certain that everyone is aware rather than operate on assumptions. 

'Little return' may be all that we (or the other person) can do. Where should we focus... on the 'little', or on 'return'? And before you answer that, remember all that the Lord does for you and how you repay Him,