Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Abundant Life... Yours?

Is abundance the kind of life you are experiencing? If not... why? You didn't expect it to be dumped into your lap... or did you? More importantly... precisely, how do YOU define 'abundant' life? Are you looking at abundant life in spiritual terms or secular? Both? A different kind of question is - is abundant for here and now or for later? Both?

First, remember that it is Jesus who first talks about 'abundant life'. What I enjoy in His definition is that He compares it to what the alternative is - what our enemy brings: John 10:10

   "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they
     may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it
     overflows]." [AMP]

The provision isn't 'just enough' but Jesus brings abundance to overflowing! Got Questions explains this as:

   "Unlike a thief, the Lord Jesus does not come for selfish reasons. He comes to
    give, not to get. He comes that people may have life in Him that is meaningful
    purposeful, joyful, and eternal. We receive this abundant life the moment we
    accept Him as our Savior."

This is how we can define abundant: meaningful, purposeful, joyful, eternal. It isn't measured by worldly standards. That's why He tells us:

   "Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and
    rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves
    treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves
    do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart [your
    wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also."
6:19-21, AMP]

When we only look at the secular definitions, we can totally miss the message and method of activating. Continuing with Got Question's response to the concept of abundant:

   "This word “abundant” in the Greek is perisson, meaning “exceedingly, very
    highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, a quantity so abundant as to be
    considerably more than what one would expect or anticipate.” In short, Jesus
    promises us a life far better than we could ever imagine, a concept reminiscent
    of 1 Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has 
    conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” The apostle Paul
    tells us that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly....'

So what's our dilemma in activating and acting on spiritual definitions? For some, it's making a mistake or expecting more than they think they should. For others, they simply are unaware of what's available for them. We should also be mindful of James' admonition - asking amiss (4:3). And there are other reasons but I think the primary one is the reality that we don't put the Word in it's proper perspective. The Word is our guide... our manual for living... our answers... our standard... our comfort... our understanding. And those only scratch the surface. It is OUR responsibility to hide the Word in our hearts and the only way this happens is if we spend the time studying it.

At the same time, the Father is aware of our non spiritual needs too: 

   "Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying,
    ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we
    going to wear?’ For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do
    not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But first and
    most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness
    [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all
    these things will be given to you also.(Matthew 6:31-33) 

We need to be on guard that the things of the world don't ensnare us. Our thoughts should be directed toward the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We should never come in fear because He tells us in Hebrews to come boldly to the throne to find help in time of need. The Lord never exempts the secular... He just doesn't want us to focus only on it.

If we want (fill in the blank: peace, joy, understanding, meaning, etc.) then we take the time to learn, to grow - Now. This is always our choice... our decision but nothing happens without our involvement. What price will you pay to stay ignorant or to grow? With each there is a cost, You always pay a price... But your choice can lead to abundance.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Gee, I didn't know [he,she] was a Christian

Can you think of a worse epitaph for a Christian!? I can't. This should never be the last words spoken over a person who thinks/believes they are a visible Christian. However, I think the point is - is there any evidence supporting your claim of being a Christian? How would others know you are a Christian if you never demonstrate 'proof' to support your claim? And... simply going to church twice a year is not a demonstration.

At least periodically, though preferably daily, we need to assess ourselves and by that I am saying 'judge'. If we don't judge ourselves - who we are, what we say, what we do, how we do both of them, how we are growing, etc.- how do we demonstrate our acceptance of the gift of salvation? Do we even grow? Before anyone gets totally irritated at me, 'judge' is not a bad word. To me it means STOP, look at the fruit from my life. Actually... is there any and what kind of fruit is it? Would you want to give 'it' to the Lord who saved you and wants you to live the abundant life as your confirmation of who you are and more importantly - whose?

Let me ask this slightly differently... if you had a job, do you think you'd get paid for not going to work, for doing what you wanted/when you decided to/if you decided to? Plus there is little evidence that you actually are doing that demonstrates you are working? Never forget Matthew 7:21-23. Saying you are a Christian is far from being one. And if you have been born again, I'm not saying you have lost your salvation, but how do you know you are a Christian if you never act according to how the Lord leads, what the Word says?

It's hard to be a Christian? How do you know? Think about this... and the alternative. When you read Matthew 7: 23 does this apply to you/me? Does it go so far as to question our statement that we are born again. What proof can we offer that tells everyone that you have made Jesus your Lord. Are you following Him? Also remember His statement that His disciples will be known by their love. Your description? 

To me the key word is 'know'. "Depart from me I never KNEW you." I believe one of the first things we do once we have been saved is to begin developing a relationship with the Lord. Lordship is not a one and done, a 'ok, thanks... see ya', it is never cavalier - it is life changing. Do you now express a life that is changing? Even secular sources understand more than many who espouse that they are Christian.

   "How do we know that Jesus is Lord? When we accept Jesus Christ as our
    Savior, it involves a recognition of His lordship, for the Savior who saved us
    when we received Him by faith is the Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot and do not
    receive Him as Savior only. We receive Him as Lord and Savior." 
    (Dr. RD Willmore) 
Being a Christian is more that making an announcement. It means becoming the person the Lord has always seen in us. I think He always looks at who we can be and what we can do... and is available to us in order to achieve this goal. In this process we can also be available to Him so we can be used to touch other lives. The God of the universe doesn't wait until we attain some level of 'perfect' or 'worthy' before He uses us. And, personally, I find that fantastic. There's a great story (I think by Henry James) that talks about a man who was waiting his whole life to be who he should be. He never attained that 'state' so he never touched other lives. What a terrible epitaph. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Even More MORE Miscellaneous Thoughts on PRAYER, Part 4

When you hear the words... Let us Pray. What's the first thing you do? Think about it... I'll bet any amount that you close your eyes and bow your head. Why? What is the reason, purpose for this? Does this immediately indicate reverence? Respect? Decorum? And are those the words you would use to define 'praying'? Does body position determine the depth, breadth, height, of what you are doing? And if so... why? Remember it's the heart that the Lord looks on (1 Samuel 16:7). Should I assume that body position determines heart? Of course not.

Not to be contrary but what immediately strikes me is what kind of relationship are you developing with the God of the Universe? [Do remember that He is also a loving and caring Father.] What kind of relationship do you want? And how does your relationship determine/affect how you pray? I really believe that we don't understand or appreciate what prayer is and who we are as pray-ers. Yes, we 'do' pray but do we consider praying as one-dimensional?

Firstly... prayer is not an occasional act. It's a lifestyle that you create, develop as you grow. But growing as a person of prayer also is ongoing. Remember my bias - when it comes to spiritual issues, nothing is ever one and done - we constantly are growing, improving, increasing our understanding, etc. There always seems to be another layer, another plateau - and I find that intriguing and exciting. So... what is prayer to you? Why would you have your prayer antenna up in case you could touch another's life? Well... that's kinda the reason - so we are alert and aware to touching another person both directly (their being involved) and intercessory.

I would argue that prayer is our form of communicating with our triune God. And that speaks to the kind of relationship we have with Them. Consider what biblestudymedia.com says:

   "What is the role of prayer in your life, and what does God want it to be? Prayer
    is so much more than a blessing before meals or even the Lord’s Prayer at
    church on Sundays (though both are good). Prayer is an ongoing dialogue with
    your heavenly Father. It is about speaking honestly with the Lord and then
    listening to him. Prayer is about bringing your authentic self before the King of
    kings who is also your “Abba, Father” and then allowing God’s Spirit to shape
    your heart, mind, and spirit.
    Prayer is vital to our relationship with the Lord and fulfilling our God-given
    callings in this world. The Lord would have us all learn from Paul’s ministry.
    Prayer is to shape and direct everything in our lives."

How often do we think of prayer as shaping and directing everything and anything that touches our lives? However, it really is our decision.  And the alternative? You're only going to allow the Triune God, the Creator of everything access to only parts of your life? Why? Is your autonomy that important? Are you that infallible? And yet... it will always be our decision.

Prayer is our form of communication with the Lord and develops the kind of relationship we have that we can co-create with Him. If we truly want to be the best we can be then we need a relationship that helps us become our best... it begin in prayer.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Our Weapons

 Not an error... OUR weapons. Then again, our enemy isn't human so we need effective, powerful, and spiritual weapons.

   "For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men], we are not carrying on our
    [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh and using the weapons of man. The
    weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our
    weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are
    destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that
    sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every
    thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, being ready to punish
    every act of disobedience, when your own obedience [as a church] is
    complete." [2 Corinthians 10:3-6, AMP]

First do you see what warfare we are engaged in, whether we like it or not. This is why our armor is so important. Without it we are not prepared for the task at hand. 
Second, do you see what our weapons are and who they are aimed at? These weapons are not made to kill humans but they do weaken and disrupt the devil's plans.
Third, do you see what you are doing with your weapons in this warfare? If not, read these scriptures in as many a version as you can. Actually, though they may use different words, they all are saying the same thing. As an example, the Message Bible states verse 6 as:

   "We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing
    down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and
    emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are
    ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of
    obedience into maturity."

Same message... different words. 

Between our armor (Ephesians 6) and our weapons (2 Corinthians 10) we are prepared, but never, never forget your sword (the Word of God). But for any of this to be effective, WE have to put on the armor and prepare for the battle. Our sword is really are only offensive weapon... you do see this? All the other pieces of our armor are defensive and protective. We need only 1 offensive weapon because it does everything necessary IF WE PUT THE WORD IN OUR HEARTS. That's our part. The Word can never come out of us if we don't put it in in the first place.

Lets take a moment and look at some of the power that emanates from speaking the Word. 

   "Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to
    account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within
    you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect." [1 Peter 3:15]

How was it that Jesus defeated the devil when tempted?

   "After He had gone without food for forty days and forty nights, He became
    hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God,
    command that these stones become bread.” But Jesus replied, “It is written and
    forever remains written... [Matthew 4:2-4]  

Verses 4-11 tell us that there were 3 temptations and that Jesus defeated the devil every time using the same weapon - the Word: It is written... The only way we can use this same approach is when we have the Word in us. 

Another point to consider is that when we are in a spiritual attack, we can seek help from those brothers and sisters we are in fellowship. Seeking what I call reinforcement makes sense. And remember the verse that tells us:

   “Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one
    mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will
    be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are
    gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among
    them.” [Matthew 18:19-20]

One source says:  "Prayer of agreement is two or more persons coming together to pray concerning anything. Prayer of agreement is standing as one in prayer as 
touching anything they shall ask. To 'Agree' means to be harmonious; to agree
together; to agree with." I would add - in one accord. But if one person can be effective, think of what happens when united with another believer. Jesus is what happens! He is in the middle and part of the effort. And with Him, can we lose? I don't think so.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Organized and Detail Oriented

 Organized and Detail Oriented [D and O] are NOT bad words or actions - I did recognize this many moons ago. People who are organized and detail oriented are NOT uncreative or unspontaneous... they simply get the prep out of the way so it can be tweaked along the way, improved, and there is less chance that something will fall through the cracks. Tell me how you can change or improve on something if the something doesn't exist in the first place!!!? It can't! Personally I believe that the most vocal people against this quality [and YES it is a quality] are the ones who don't want to take the time. It isn't necessarily that they don't know how... it's that they don't want the discipline.

My scriptural support is found in the parable of the 10 virgins. In Matthew 25:1-13

   "God’s kingdom is like ten young virgins who took oil lamps and went out to
    greet the bridegroom. Five were silly and five were smart. The silly virgins took
    lamps, but no extra oil. The smart virgins took jars of oil to feed their lamps.
    The bridegroom didn’t show up when they expected him, and they all fell
    asleep. In the middle of the night someone yelled out, ‘He’s here! The\ 
    bridegroom’s here! Go out and greet him!
    The ten virgins got up and got their lamps ready. The silly virgins said to the
    smart ones, ‘Our lamps are going out; lend us some of your oil.’  “They
    answered, "There might not be enough to go around; go buy your own.
    They did, but while they were out buying oil, the bridegroom arrived. When
    every one who was there to greet him had gone into the wedding feast, the
    door was locked. Much later, the other virgins, the silly ones, showed up and
    knocked on the door, saying, ‘Master, we’re here. Let us in.’ “He answered, ‘Do
    I know you? I don’t think I know you.’ So stay alert. You have no idea when He
    might arrive." [MSG]

The Amplified Bible says: "Therefore, be on the alert [be prepared and ready], for you do not know the day nor the hour [when the Son of Man will come]." That is the simplest example of why we should prepare. Personally, I believe further support is found in the parable about the talents: about the servant who was given 1 talent. He could have chosen differently, but didn't. I also don't think it was fear that prompted his behavior... it was laziness. Severe? Possibly... or not.

Actually... when you look at the benefits of being prepared, what's so bad about this? If you have your draft (which is never done in a rush when you do it in advance) then you can use that as the beginning of your tweaking, what I like to call a 'build upon'. Which is why I do love drafts.. they are the foundation, the structure that promotes creative tweaking. If you have no draft... then what? Am I now beating a dead horse. Perhaps. But the point is more than obvious. If you are the Organized and Detail type - never succumb to the criticism of those who aren't. And if you are the ones that poke fun at O and D-ers. You might want to rethink this.

Monday, May 15, 2023

WHAT!!! MY Responsibility!?

Do you expect the Pastor and leadership in your church to do everything? As an aside... those 'things' that you feel/think they aren't doing - do you criticize them? gossip? complain about??? And what about YOUR responsibility? What are YOU doing to fill in the gaps or add your hand to? Do you honestly think that your presence at a service is the end of your responsibility? Were you called to this church? If so... then are you shirking your responsibility? Remember... you aren't expected to do or be all either. You are expected to act on and in the Gift that's been given you for the building up of the body.(read again 1 Corinthians 12 and especially Ephesians 4:10-16 AMP).

You really aren't 2 people. Your spiritual life doesn't stop as you leave your church on Sunday morning or at your secular life's door (or vice versa). However, I think we sometimes try and act that way. The problem in this is first - you aren't 2 people, next - each area does affect the other, the preference would be that the spiritual leads, and, for far too many, the spiritual only lasts for an hour on a Sunday morning. You do need to realize that you are a spiritual being. You know this - yes? 

When you accepted the free gift of salvation and made Jesus your Lord, this also gave entry by the Lord to help us become all that we can be. But this isn't only for us or who we might choose to share. Our salvation begins our journey of fruitfulness, of becoming who the Lord would have for us. As I have said numerous times - You were accepted 'just as you are' but the Lord had no intention of leaving you there. You don't think you are in this place, at this time, by chance do you? Surely not. You aren't a mistake nor is where you are. Granted part of your current 'status' is based on what you've done, the decisions you made but the essential you, the spirit within you has you here, now, and with the wonderful promise of being of use, value for the Lord.

            Bottom line is that YOUR responsibility is YOUR opportunity!

You don't see where you 'fit'? You don't see the need at your hand? You don't want to do what's at your hand? There are other questions I could ask, but they typically are included in those 3. I've finally learned that when any one of those questions rise, I try and stop and discover what the Lord wants me to do. It may not be something that you should do but you may know of someone who can or information that might be helpful. Just like the seed planter, water-er, harvester; we can be of use in a variety of ways.

So the answer to the Title is... Yes, you do have responsibility. It isn't being hidden from you but it is always your choice to accept it - knowing the Lord would never call you to something you can't do or would lead to failure and He always fully equips, enables, and empowers us to do what He asks. He doesn't use guilt or shame or lies or threats... He asks. We choose. If we say 'yes' then we are on the path to fruitfulness and fulfillment.

Friday, May 12, 2023

The Holy Spirit, Gifts, and You

The most important person of that three-some is the Holy Spirit. The most incredible realization is that You have been given specific gift(s) by the Holy Spirit. And the most blessed person is You. What a fantastic learning. The How you receive your gift is always personalized. The how should never be compared but extolled and delighted in. Sharing stories of discoveries is also heart warming. To think that 'little ole me' is given a gift is almost too wonderful to get your head around but it is fact. Never forget that we don't 'earn' gifts, nor can we purchase them. The Holy Spirit distributes them (I would like to believe that He does so based on the need and our personality and abilities.).

There is also a purpose in all this. None of us can be all things to all which is one of the reasons that we need one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord. But He has also blessed us by choosing to work through us to touch lives, to bring many into the kingdom. Some of us will plant the seed... others will water... and still others will harvest. 'More hands make lighter work.' One of the other things I've been amazed about is that no one gift dominates, we all are parts and critical parts so that the body grows and is effective through partnering with the Lord to accomplish His goals.

Scriptural? Oh yes. And I can cite many verses to substantiate which I've just said. 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 2, Romans 12, 1 Peter 4 - are foundational but there are other verses that confirm. Read and see what the Lord has done and given to us! Please, don't be like the one servant who hid his talent (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28).

What should our attitude and behavior be when it comes to expressing our gift?

  First: recognize the source of the gift, 
  Second: recognize the dispenser of gifts, the person of the Holy Spirit
  Third: the gift really isn't ours, we are the steward of the gift because the gift is
    given for the growth of the body so that we all are involved in ministry
  Fourth: there are others who have the same gift as we do... but only you can   
   express the gift in your special way and share this with others.  NEVER
   compare yourself - all are needed and wanted and honestly - The Holy Spirit
   knows what He's doing.

Let me give a simple example of why you are important and needed/wanted. Have you ever broken a bone and had to be in a cast? Or maybe some other health issue. When the part that you typically would have relied on isn't available because of the injury... what do you do? Obviously you make adjustments but the point is, until that part is healed you are limited. Now apply that thinking to the Body of Christ. If you, for whatever reason, are not sharing your gift, the body is forced to adjust rather than functioning as a whole. Saying that someone else has the same gift doesn't work because they are expressing their gift where they are. Would you like to be the one that has to do double duty?

Those 4 points that I listed are only some of the reasons we need to have our attitudes in alignment with the Word so that our behavior is expressed as it needs to be. We are never alone in this... we have the partnership with the Triune God and the partnership with fellow believers who are expressing their gift for the benefit of the body. This truly is a wonderful fact because we are in part of an incredible team - in one accord and touching lives. Now that's something to celebrate!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Preference: by Design or Default

Let me ask you a question... do you want to hear the Lord's voice? If your answer is, 'of course'. then - why? How important is it to you that you do? What are you willing to do in order to put yourself in the position to hear? And if you aren't hearing His voice... why? Do you think that He's stop talking? And if you are a believer, is there 'something' stopping you from hearing? Basically, how important is it to and for you to hear the Lord's voice... and do you know how you hear?

Recently I listened to a podcast by Pastor Robert Morris who was teaching from his book, "Frequency". First, I highly value Pastor Robert's teaching - I'm not certain that he's ever made a statement that he doesn't immediate indicate the  scripture that confirms his words. Second, everything I say from this point forward is based on that teaching. Honestly, this podcast has affected me more profoundly than I can express. Let me share my learning, understandings of what he was teaching. Some of what he was saying I had already put into practice before, but I think I have been 'doing' but without a great deal of understanding nor letting it grow.

This particular teaching was on Valuing hearing from God. Question: do we really value hearing or do we only give lip service? Do we want to know His correcting, leading, guiding, teaching? All those are components in valuing. When we value something, we make time for it. I remember years ago when I was doing a teaching somewhat related I asked people to pull out their check register (yes, this does date me). Then I told them to look at what they spend their money on because that's what they value. [There was a lot of sputtering from the audience.]
But it's true, isn't it (not a question). And if you say you have ongoing monthly bills of house and car payment, heat, lights, etc. I know. I'm not pointing fingers or judging. Your register indicates that you value your home. But are you also putting your treasure in heaven? [Matthew 6: 19-21]

Point is: you can't say you value something without acting on it in some way. You also can't say you value something and then do precisely the opposite. Don't be like Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. They lied and died. If they had said that they were retaining some of the funds rather than lying, I suspect they wouldn't have been struck dead. The Lord might have been displeased... Do we do this though? Say we value something and then do absolutely nothing to confirm this? It really would be far better to be honest. Your preferences, your desires are what you put everything you have toward attaining, accomplishing. No argument. No blame. But don't say you value something and not do anything about it/them.

Soooo... if your preference is, if you place value in hearing from the Lord, you will do those things that put you in a position where you are in relationship. The biggest obstacle, in my thinking, is time. You have to spend time with the Lord in order to hear from Him. How can you possibly build a relationship if you never spend sufficient time? If your schedule is so full, if your plate of to do's is overflowing... eliminate what you can and devote that time to spending with the Lord. If this means getting up 30 minutes earlier in the morning, then that's what you do. We make time for those things that are important

All that I have said is prep for hearing. The steps that Pastor Morris sets out are simple and doable. But they require our valuing and intentionally 'making time'. It always is our choice. The benefits are staggering but it always is our decision to act. So take a moment and be honest with yourself - do you value and are you willing? If what I've written makes you uncomfortable or even angry... why? I'm not accusing, I'm asking questions. Is this a case of conviction raising its head? I am ALSO speaking to myself.

   "Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying,
    ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we
    going to wear?’ For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do
    not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But first and
    most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness
    [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all
    these things will be given to you also." [Matthew 6:31-34. AMP]

   "I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous
    forsaken or his children begging for bread." [Psalm 37:25, ESV]

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Justified... Sanctified... Righteous

BIG WORDS??? Have you any idea of the what and why of these words? Do those words kinda stick in your throat? Do you run away any time they come up in conversation? Do you try and push them down and hope they will just become invisible? Maybe you try to bluff your way through? Do you even know what those words mean For you? AND, incredulously, do you realize that they are gifts from a loving Father not a burden or a trial you have to endure and will never succeed in attaining because it will always be outside your fingertips? If you feel that you are always a wretch... remember you were saved by grace. Wretch is really a then, not now, word/status.

First... it isn't a contest, it isn't a trial, it isn't something to attain on your own merits or abilities. These are GIFTS you are given once you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and placed All your hopes and faith in Him. Now why would you avoid them? Yep. The source of all this pain - our arch enemy does not want you to ever know who you are and who you are becoming. He will use any subversive and lying trick to derail you - he only comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10: 10) - he's a thief! The astonishing point is that we seem to be quicker in believing him then in believing the God of the Universe, the Creator of all things good! Our Father (Luke 11:11).

I'm coming to believe that the Father's Gifts of justification, sanctification, and righteousness are given to us to further separate ourselves from the devil. The Father is interested in keeping us safe from those deceptions which we seem to fall into with regularity. Those deceptions cast us into sin but those gifts keep us focused. 

   "For those whom He [The Father] foreknew [and loved and chose beforehand],
    He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son [and ultimately
    share in His complete sanctification], so that He would be the firstborn [the
    most beloved and honored] among many believers. And those whom He 
    predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified
    [declared free of the guilt of sin]; and those whom He justified, He also
    glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity]. What then shall we say to all
    these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?"
    [Romans 8

According to one Bible dictionary (Very Simplified): 
Justification is the process that occurs of moving our condition through our acceptance of the Lordship of Jesus. 
In it's simplest definition, Sanctification means set apart - to the Lord and for His work (Ephesians 2). 
Righteousness is what we are made (2 Corinthians 5:21) when the exchange of our sin is placed on our Savior and we become righteous by believing - simply, it's our faith. I realize that these 3 great and wonderful gifts have far more depth and are far more than the simple definitions I've given - but they can begin the journey to fuller understanding and appreciation. They truly are our foundation.

I think I've also discovered a wile of the devil. The more important, the more life changing the issue, word .... the more the devil will tell us we can never attain it, it isn't for us, we can't buy or earn it, etc. Now since the devil has used this absurd argument before - why, knowing he lied before, do we suddenly accept what he says? It is truly astonishing how we fall for the same tricks over and over and over. We don't need to. We can put a stop to these lies. How? Simply by believing the Lord. If He said it, that ends it. And especially if it's for our good, why thrust away a gift?

Part of our defense against all these lies is found in justified, sanctified, righteous - our status, who we've been made. Personally - I want all the weapons the Father has provided (Ephesians 6:12) and become more proficient in their use. We can defeat the devil. His only power is what we give him. That price is incredibly steep when we realize all that we throw away when we accept the lie in place of truth. And if this is you - immediately go to 1 John 1:9 and become cleansed and restored.

   "But He gives us more and more grace [through the power of the Holy Spirit to
    defy sin and live an obedient life that reflects both our faith and our gratitude
    for our salvation]. Therefore, it says, “God is opposed to the proud and
    haughty, but [continually] gives [the gift of] grace to the humble [who turn
    away from self-righteousness].”So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the
    devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you. Come close to God
    [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you."  [James 4:6-8, AMP] 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Have to's and Get To's

World of difference between those 2. Granted, a 'have to' can become a 'get to' but I don't think it works in the reverse... it would take all the joy out of being a 'get to'. The points are: 1. we can choose which will be our attitude, in both states and 2. how we will respond, react, express this. Our attitude is really the determiner, even in what appears to be a positive. Now the question - when you read scripture how do you respond to what is a 'have' and what is a 'get'?

When you look at your 'to do' list and schedule and all the things that are on your plate... when you consider their priority in the day - how many of the 'things' are 'have tp' and how many are 'get to'? Let's face it, we all have 'haves' but the 'haves' don't need to be heavy or burdensome and believe or not... they can be enhance too. Let me provide a simple example. One of my 'haves' is doing the clothes wash - a least favorite, low priority but high need activity. Part of my dislike is based in the fact that it is time controlling - you just can't throw in the wash and then leave it. The cycle doesn't last long. Confining is not a condition I pursue.  So... if it's a 'have' how can I enhance it? That's the challenge. Then again... what's your attitude about challenges? For me it's a plus.

I suspect the initial action we should take is determining if something we see is a 'have'. is really a have or only something we need to attend to at some date? Is it immediate? If it's immediate then that answers the point. I've discovered, to my pain and annoyance, that if I ignore immediate-s I will reap what I sow. However, how immediate is the task? Where is the priority? And do I look at all my immediate-s and other haves and place them logically. One thing I have done is to make a list. I take great joy in ticking off those things. Simple. Yes. But immensely satisfying. You need to find your act of accomplishment.

Obviously, it is our 'get tos' that are our greatest enjoyments. So another thing I've done for me is to strategically place a get to in the midst of the have tos. It's a kind of reward. Childish? Probably, but if it works - don't knock it! When you look at the 2 lists - which has the most? Probably the haves. Not the point. If you never take a break from the haves, you'll never find time for the gets - unless all you do is avoid the haves.

When it comes to haves and gets in spiritual matters, I've discovered that the gets far out number the haves. There aren't that many haves but those that are do involved a complete commitment and not a cavalier attitude toward. Have you ever taken the time and written down for yourself all that we are commanded to do and be? Personally, I believe that it all begins in an attitude of Love and is demonstrated in our acts of Love. Love is the foundation and reason for the haves as well as our response to them. Sorta blends haves and gets...

[[Crossways  https://www.crossway.org/articles/10-obligations-christians-have-to-scripture/  (by John McArthur): [based in Obey the Word]  ]]

      1. Receive, 2. Pray, 3. Feed, 4. Obey, 5.Honor, 6. Study, 7. Preach/Teach, 
                                  8. Compel, 9. Disciple, 10. Tremble

Whether or not you agree with this particular reference, you do need to know how you define in word as well as deed, your 'have tos' and your 'get tos'.When it is our 'have to' related to scripture, it's the definitions of those words that make all the difference. Always define words by The Word. And DO discover if your definitions are scriptural... you could have a 'have to' that really is a 'get to'.