Saturday, July 30, 2016

Our assumptions

  Gets us in a whole lot of trouble sometimes... yes? Yes. Our assumptions are really only best 'guesses' about how whoever will react to whatever. Many times we are spot on, but there are other times that we are totally surprised... even by ourselves and our reactions. The 'I certainly didn't expect that!' reaction. Why do we do react based on our assumptions especially if we don't seemed to be very good in doing this?

  The answer to that seemingly simple question is - because we have to order our world in some fashion and the reactions (predicting) of others is part of the ordering, whether or not they respond as predicted. Part of the problem arises when our we base our assumptions on dated information. People rarely remain static and we need to make provision for growth and change. Face it, we would demand this (growth, change) for ourselves so we need to be sensitive to this reality in and for others.

  Blithely and blindly assuming a status quo when there really is no supporting evidence will only move us into a yesterday state. Personally, that's not a place I wish to be, regardless of how pleasant and wonderful it was. Today holds so many opportunities to continue to learn and experiment and have adventures that I attempt to use the learnings from yesterday rather than recreate what happened then.

  We need assumptions ... as a starting point. It really isn't logical to recreate or reinvent, but to use what was to recognize and interact with what is now. The old saying that "when we assume we make an a** out of u and me" is true, but it doesn't say that we should ignore our assumptions. It's the presumption and acting on this that shouldn't occur. We should always begin at the last point in the situation or interactions but then to discover what it is and who it is that now is. Another new adventure to discover!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trumping - can't

  For every 'can't' utter by you (or anyone else to you about you), when the Lord hears this about you... what do you hear? If He says you can, then regardless of circumstances - you really can. The world's (including your own) is always trumped by His - You can! What do I mean by that? Don't settle for less than your Best You. You can be and do all that He's designed for you. It's then up to you to Always bring your A game. 

  Is it an issue of trust? Do you not trust the Lord to do what He said He would do? What's your experience in trusting Him? Do remember that sometimes you are in a season of preparation or waiting, but He never fails to answer us. Those answers form your basis of your willingness to try, to be a 'can' rather than a 'can't'. Rely on what God's saying - trust, take the steps that you know are from the Lord, in His time and order. The Lord never ask us to do what we are incapable of doing. And He always equip us to do that which He is asking us to do. Then you will see your can't's turned into can's.

  Why am I so certain? I could point to my life and see all His can's that have guided me... when I let Him.  Remember that He said that He had come so that we could have life, and life abundantly (John 10:10). He also tells us that apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5) but as we abide in Him we can do all that is designed for us - and we can be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

  Perhaps the question is: what are you trusting God for? What do you see God doing in your life. And if you say He's not then you're not hearing or seeing because you are so important that He knows the number of hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7). He loves us, He has done everything He could to restore us to Him (John 3:16-17) - and He left the decision of acting on this or not to us! Remember though, He doesn't leave us alone - He has provided another Helper to be with us (John 14:16-17). 

  Looking at our lives, we can be a 'can' and confidently be all we can be and do all we are intended to do. Bravado or demanding is not part of the definition of confident. Can't's don't need to trump us when we have the Lord's 'can' doing the trumping.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

I wished I'd said that...

  Sound familiar? Have you ever been in the position of knowing precisely what you'd say - but the time has passed, you've not said that stunning remark at the appropriate moment. If only... Well, the time has passed and you can't go running after whoever and make your comment so what do you do? No one can have a grab bag of comments that they can pull out at the time of a 'necessary'(?) retort. But, just maybe... this is not such a bad thing after all.

  Was your cutting comment or stunning remark something that you'd be sorry that you said later? Was it really appropriate? Would it have accomplished anything that you'd be proud of later or would cause the other person to rethink their initial comment? I remember a moment in the old movie, "You've Got Mail" in which the female lead did finally make the comment she'd always wanted to say in response. The result, she deeply hurt the other person and she was aware of this reaction. Sadly, the target wasn't deserving of the piercing. Now what?

  I've discovered that many times my barb would have caused hurt or sadness in the target but they didn't even know that they had (first) hurt me - it really wasn't deliberate. Actually, I'm not sure that 'deserving' has anything to do with anything. Behavior should represent the person and bad behavior, no matter if it feels like it's justified, should never be a response. It really isn't justified if it isn't who you want you to be.

  If your nature is not to say those things that later you think you'd like to have said... then consider yourself blessed. For one thing, you don't need to seek forgiveness from the Lord and the person if you never say 'it'. For another thing, to repeat me, if it isn't the essential you then the response is totally out of character. Do you want to be a person that acts and speaks totally out of character? If you do, then you can become that type. Not sure it's worth the time and energy to become one who always has a rejoinder. Might not really be as much 'fun' as you think.

  Never be a 'wish I'd said that' person. Remember the scriptural comment that we should let our yes be yes and our no, no (Matthew 5:37). Our essential 'us' should be our focus and let other's bad behavior, purposeful or not, receive the ignoring it deserves. Besides... do you really gain anything from saying a hurtful thing in a timely manner?

Thursday, July 21, 2016


  As I was perusing the entries in my upcoming next book I saw that with this book, the majority of the entries came from my blog writing... at least the initial idea/concept. I always 'tweaked' the post for the book but it was this realization that caught my attention. How often do we 'try out' something in a place that allows experimentation and safety? Actually both components are necessary. One should never attempt something without a view of eventual 'tweaking' and safety... or at least I think it is foolhardy not to do so.

  Perhaps 'try out' is the appropriate title for this post, but reflection is what caused the realization. So, instead of emphasizing 'try out', I'd like to look at the 'act' of reflecting. What is this for you? What might it accomplish if utilized more often? What is it??? According to Webster, reflection has an 'interesting' definition: 

     "something that shows the effect, existence, or character 
      of something else... something that causes people to 
      disapprove of a person or thing...

It wasn't until the 6th and 7th definition that more closely describes what I meant as the action:

     "a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a 
      result of meditation." 

Mirror was the context for the initial definitions, but it is the world of the mind I wanted to emphasize.

  Reflecting, reflection can cause a new way at looking at (fill in the blank) or a different way of action. But, mere thought isn't sufficient in my world of definitions, it has to be translated into behavior in order to validate the 'new'. Reflecting may begin the process but action has to occur to validate or refute. Without the action to know, reflecting is only an untested theory.

  Is this discussion just so much word game playing? No... I don't believe it is or I wouldn't have posted it. In my world there is no such 'thing' as an unrelated discovery of you. Anything that enhances your knowledge, appreciation, or understanding of who you are and how you go about expressing you is relevant and important. And this includes those 'things' that you determine have no value to you. 

  However, I do encourage you to have an experimental and discovery process in your arsenal of aspects and components of you. Obviously, I do recommend that reflecting become a part of who you are. The discoveries and adventures you will encounter will enhance everything you are. This can also reaffirm whatever you are engaged in doing and being. Reflecting allows you the luxury of stepping back for a moment to analyze and confirm. Definitely an activity that I recommend.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Your 'expect-er'

  A sense of wonder - does this describe you? Do you wake with excitement and wonder about what you will do in the day, what you might learn, who you might meet? Do you approach your day, your life with this mindset? If not... why? 
  A sense of wonder gives a freshness to the day. It heightens your intensity about what might be possible, what you might experience, what you may discover and learn. And all that can occur within the context of the world in which you live. No day can ever be precisely like the previous one. And your attitude makes all the difference.

  What a bore it would be to only expect today to replicate yesterday - whether or not what yesterday was and brought was 'good', or not so much. (Gasp... what if it was not good!) Reason? Because if you extend this thinking then a week or month from today would only be a continuous repetition and that would be boring. I always recommend an outlook that expects. Your 'expect-er' is your gauge about how you will even recognize and enjoy the different or unexpected. It's not an intensity that brings stress or concern, but an attitude about how you face your day... and by extension, your awareness.

  The best mate, in my world, to a sense of wonder is creativity. I'm completely convinced that we mis-define what creative is, means, and its importance in our lives. Unfortunately, we seem to regard creativity with a slightly jaundiced and distrustful eye. If 'it' is different or unusual or unexpected then the level of trust is low. Or, the opposite reaction occurs, a 'throw the baby out with the bathwater' - a distrust of the 'conventional' simply because its the status quo. Both attitudes are incorrect and misguided.

  Expecting, increasing your expect-er level can always be increased with use. If you give people, life the opportunity... sometimes they/it surprises us. But when we use our 'pre-determin-er' we are bound in the status quo because we don't see the creative, the unusual, the out-of-the-box. 


Friday, July 15, 2016


  Webster's definition is: "very strong and clear: not showing or allowing any doubt." No question. No doubt. The synonyms Webster uses to describe this word are equally strong: straightforward, unambiguous, unmistakable, clear; and means - unequivocalI think the point is made. God and His Word are unequivocal. 

  And... that's what standing on God's word is. Our strength should be confidence that whatever is needed will be manifested at the precise time and in a manner that is undeniable that it comes from His hand.

     "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the 
      Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are 
      three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the
      blood, and these three agree as one." (1 John 5:7-8)

Numbers 23:19 states:

     "God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor the son of man, that
      He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He
      spoken, and will He not make it good?"
1 King 8:56

     "...There has not failed one word of all His good promise, which

Isaiah 59:1 (also Numbers 11:23)

     "Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, That it cannot save;
      Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear."

I could cite other verses, but the point is made. If God said it... If He promises 'it', then it is and 'is'.  Because if He said it... He will do it! Period. End of sentence. However, when, where, and how it is manifested is not ours to determine. We don't tell God the particulars...

  Personally, I like that strength because it gives me a foundation I can trust, on which I can stand. When you look at your life, especially those times of trials, temptations, and tribulations you can see the work of the Lord in your life. When you are on the 'other side' of your trials, etal then you can look back and see what's happened and, perhaps, why. I've always liked the poem,"Footprints in the Sands" by Mary Stevenson because it sums up what is...

One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it. 
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

What a beautiful promise.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Live long and prosper

  Believe this for yourself? Are you 'worth' it? Spock wasn't the first one to use this phrase. Remember the words of Jesus in John: He begins in 10:7 by describing Himself as the Good Shepherd and telling us that He is the door and those who enter by Him will be saved. Next He contrast this to what the devil does and ends verse 10:

     "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it 
      more abundantly."

  The 'they' is us. He came that WE might have life more abundantly!This is a statement that tells us that we can live long and prosper. However, we do need a definition. Prosper? Abundance? Terrific words - yes? Not really a question. We all begin to smile when we experience them. But... what are they? Is this only financial or material? Do we recognize it when we 'have' it? And when we do ' have it', what do we Do with it? How do you define - prosper, abundance? 

  A different question is: is 'abundant' internal or external... or both? Perhaps it's in the eye of the person? I would suggest that it is even more than we imagine. But our focus shouldn't just be on those two words... isn't 'living' the point? The Lord shared an incredible, deep yet simple understanding with me in the early hours of the morning. Being one's best is part of the answer.. How we Be and Do in our day defines, describes - demonstrates our best you/me. And when we our best then we are experiencing abundance.

  But on our own or by our own hand we can live abundantly? I don't think so. John 15 gives us an excellent example of what we need to do in order to live the abundant life. "...abide in Me." (v. 4) "...without Me you can do nothing." (v. 5) Alone now that Jesus has gone to be with the Father? No. 

     "But when the 'Helper' comes, whom I shall send to you from the
      Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father." (v. 26)
      "However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide
      you into all truth." (16:13)

We were never meant to try to live long and prosper, to live a full and abundant life apart from our relationship with the Triune God. The way, the method to live a life full and fruitful is found in our life with the Lord. 

  These are only some of the questions, issues in living a long and prosperous life - abundantly. This begins the journey, the adventure in a discovery of who we are, how we go about being us, what's available because we have accepted Jesus as Lord. Joy, Peace, Love, Hope are some of the companions on this path which are more than enough to make me a conqueror and live the life I was given. Living long without the Lord is a state that I would never want or choose.

Saturday, July 9, 2016


  It's true! I never met a question I didn't like ... or ask. Questions are terrific and, in my opinion, more important than answers. Though, I will quickly add that the reason for the questions is to discover answers. My point being that without the question, you really don't have a context. Questions always focus, though they often lead us to further questions.

  However in the midst of our question(s) we need to look at how we express them. Do we ask, expecting an answer? Do we express the question in a manner that is: challenging, angry, demanding, wondering, musingly (akin to but different from wondering), 'what if', etc. And do we recognize the answer... especially if it isn't what we want to hear? Do we allow the answer to be the end of the process or do we continue to discover the height, breadth, depth, etc. of whatever issue we are pursuing? If not... why?

  I realize that I have discussed this issue in the past but it is important for us all to discover where questions fall in our learning priorities.  My belief is that one of the biggest failings in education is that they have failed to help students learn how to ask questions. They appear to have the agenda to quash creativity, especially thinking outside the box, in favor of everyone knowing THE answer (according to the accepted current determination by The Authorities... whoever they are... yes, that was sarcasm). Process is lost in the midst of answer-giving rather than answer-discovering through asking questions.

  From a different perspective and definitely more importantly, do you ask God questions? Do you seek His answers for your questions? Do you seek to learn and discover what's important to Him? Do you use your understandings from your questions to lead you into a deeper appreciation of Who He is and what He does? The pastor recently challenged the congregation - When you ask God... ask BIG! Don't settle for less that all that the Lord has for you. But it becomes difficult to walk in this until you begin your journey of asking, not demanding, His involvement with your answers. 

  Questions lead. Typically to other questions. But questions are the method to discover all the various answers and discover yours. Rarely is there only one answer. What do you want to know? What do you need to know? Who do you turn to for answers? The Lord is right there with you and invites you into the questions and answers that provide you with meaning and purpose for your life.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


  Got any Goliath(s) in your life? So tell me, what are you doing about/with/to them? Trying to ignore? Feeling defeated? Letting 'them' control? What? You do remember what happened to Goliath, don't you? Precisely. He got defeated. Now... what did it take to defeat him? And don't tell me that it was a rock from a slingshot because it was sooo much more. And don't tell me that the victor was a young man, actually a boy, because he too was sooo much more. Lastly, don't tell me that this has nothing to do with your life and issues because that too is sooo incorrect.

  Goliath(s) are NOT all the same. Some are bullies and run away when you don't succumb and actually challenge them. Some are truly as strong as they appear - but don't ever let the appearance of strength to deter you. Never ever just give in, give up and go away defeated. If you do then you are denying who you are and Whose you are. You are saying to those goliath(s) that they are mightier and stronger than God. Is that really what you want to say?

  I'm not suggesting that your goliath(s) aren't strong, I'm suggesting that God is considerably stronger and that He will prevail. For you that means that as you walk according to the path the Lord has you on that you will prevail. Scripture tells us in James 1:2-4, that when we fall into various trials that the testing will produce good results. In Hebrews 4:15 we are told that Jesus was tempted as we are but without sin.  And many times, this is the problem - we fall for the seduction and temptations leading us face to face with Goliath.

  The clincher, for me, that I can defeat my goliaths is 1Corinthians 10:13

     "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to
      man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted
      beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make
      the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." 

No temptation. Read that again... NO TEMPTATION beyond what we can bear. He will provide an escape. It means that we can go to Him and not be cast aside but given the necessary 'tools' so that our goliaths, like David's, are defeated!!! It's time to face the goliaths in our lives and overcome. We are able. We are equipped. We can defeat them.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Prayer... is for us!

  It took me some time to fully understand this and I'm still discovering. The Father doesn't need us to praise Him - we need us to praise Him, to worship Him for Who He is and what He does. Prayer is our method of coming to Him and consciously talking and fellowshipping with Him. If we aren't in relationship then how can we follow the 'directions' in Hebrews (11:6)?

     "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes
      to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those
      who diligently seek Him."

Duly note the qualifier - faith. We come in faith... believing. Why would we come otherwise? If we don't believe then He can't help. Faith is our foundation to act on what we believe.

     "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may
      obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

  From the beginning, when God created man, He wanted to be in relationship with us. Remember how He would walk with Adam in the cool of the day (Genesis)? Remember how His son, Jesus,  in speaking with His disciples, said that He called them 'friends' (John 15:15-16)?

     "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know
      what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all
      things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you."

Friends! This relationship is what initially incensed Lucifer and ended causing his downfall. And relationship is our gift that we receive when we accept Him.

  Prayer is one method that we have to relate with the Lord. Never forget that this is a two-way communication. As you are still before the Lord, He does make known His plans and purposes. You/We bring our needs, our wishes, our dreams and hopes and lay these before Him waiting on Him. Prayer is our 'tool' to also go beyond needs, wishes, dreams and hopes into a deeper level of knowing and understanding. 

  As we wait on the Lord, He makes manifest to us what is important. That is why I say that prayer is really for us. When we wait and listen, we are empowered and commissioned. Prayer has always been more than simply bringing our requests. It's how we come. It's what we come with - such as singing unto the Lord concerning what He has done in our lives. Certainly He knows but it's important that we tell Him that we know. 

  Prayer can occur at any time, in any place. Prayer is never a one and done. Prayer is talking with the Lord and letting Him know our plans and allowing Him to become part of them, refining us and them. It is my belief that prayer is one of the pillars on which we stand in good times and in bad. It is the firm foundation. It never is shifting sand. Prayer.... is for us.