Friday, September 30, 2022

Hiatus **

I think we all are familiar with this word. Webster defines it as:

   "an interruption in time or continuity: BREAK: especially: a period when
    something (such as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted"

That's what I think is happening for me, I'm beginning a new season. For the pat 14+ years I've been writing a blog. I started out posting daily... then every other day... and finally, every third day. Also, during that time 16 books have been published. I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back nor give myself permission to provide an excuse... it is what it is.

I think I'm entering a season of preparation and growing in understanding. At least that's what I think. No, I won't stop writing. Writing does define Who I am, at least partially - I, like you, am not one dimensional. And I do love to write, but for the first time I seem to be direction-less. Completing the last book in this third series, by now I would know the next series - I don't. Granted it could be argued that I write about the same spiritual issues. No argument. I believe we are never done discovering all that each issue is, that we continually grow in understanding and application. As a result, though the topic may be the same, the writing isn't. It's always a new way of understanding, a new perception, a greater application. 

'My' writing is designed in a question-based format. I provide my thinking as a counterpoint for the reader to discover, define, refine what they believe. The point in this is to help the reader to continue to discover and grow. Basically I'm a teacher who is also involved in learning and as iron sharpens iron, everyone grows. It's not a contest. Different understandings are not threats. I like to not think in terms of 'right' and 'wrong' when it comes to understanding. Can both be 'right'? Can both be 'wrong'? As long as we involve, seek to have the Holy Spirit involved... truth will be the result.

   "But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth
    [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He
    will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the
    Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]. John  16:13

Hiatus is just that. A time to refresh, to study, to grow... to think. At least this is what I think on this lovely fall day in September. Will the time be lengthened? Will it be shortened? No idea. But I want to follow where I think I'm being led. I totally trust the Lord that if I'm wrong or in the wrong timing, He will correct me. Correction is always a positive because the Lord doesn't condemn, criticize, blame, or shame - He always helps us to understand.

Ergo and Thus... don't expect any further writing-teaching until 2023, realizing that we move according to the Lord's plans.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

It's HOW we do our WHO

When it comes to our mistakes, errors in judgment,'s how we respond  that define us... in so many ways. 'Doing the right thing' is not always easy... it's not necessarily 'automatic'... but I think we always instinctually (or intuitively) know. The only question is - HOW we respond. Do we try to hide? ignore? shift attention? and there are a host of other like responses. Obviously the answer should be - apologize, where and to whom necessary, correct, and move on. And this can be incredibly difficult. But even the 'difficult' is no reason to avoid nor no 'excuse' for not doing what we need do.

   "So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His
    purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion,
    kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure
    whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; bearing
    graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a
    cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so
    should you forgive. Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in
    [unselfish] love, which is the perfect bond of unity [for everything is bound
    together in agreement when each one seeks the best for others]." 
   [Colossians 3:12-14]

Even if the only verses we remember, Colossians 3 gives us our What as well as our How of doing our How we do Who we are. It also gives us a way to 'judge' ourselves: how we respond, what we do to resolve, and ultimately how this is added to our understandings,,, not least of which is ourselves.

We see that it is our Who that puts on a heart of: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience which becomes our foundation on which we act. Never feel that you go into difficult places (and learn important lessons) without a strong foundation. You are never a wimp or a foot mat or even 'wrong'. Sometimes our 'right' isn't expressed in a way that demonstrates speaking the truth in love. Without this motivation our words and actions can be misunderstood as pompous or opinionated or threatening. How can our message be understood or even heard? And never let your expression be an 'excuse'.

The How of our Who gives the other person a tangible example and we do tend to believe what we see over what we hear. Do you follow the directions in these verses? Are they your expression in responding? This is especially true when it comes to accepting our errors and dealing with them. You can't catch back the words you say and it can be difficult to explain our behavior.  But we can always make it... worse by our How.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


We are always going through... Tests. But I think most of us need to redefine what the word means and does. I believe that the purpose for tests is to help us discover what we don’t know, what we still need to understand. God is not punishing us or displeased with us, He is testing us so that we find those areas we aren't prepared in/for yet and so that we will grow and become strong. God has a destiny for each of us but one of the ways we grow is through testings. 

Never forget that our adversaries, the devil, is always trying to defeat us. Unless we are in the word we become defenseless so one of the ways we are tested is in our knowledge and understanding of the Word. The devil is well versed in the Word and will attempt to use it against us. Therefore... one of the ways we can tell if what we are experiencing is a test is how does it make us feel? Do we feel threatened... or defensive... or criticized... or condemned,,, or shamed... or any other negative emotion then we know - it's from our enemy, not the Lord. Don't accept the lies. Do accept the testings so you can judge yourself.

I have written about test before but this is a deeper level of understanding about the purpose of the test. Never think that because you were going through a test the Lord doesn’t love you it’s because he does love you that he provides these tests so that we can determine what we need to know in order to reach our destiny. Also remember that if what you are going though is based in a temptation that this is never the Lord [James 1:13-15].

So how do we react to the test? Can we confidently act or do we hesitate. Hesitation is not the proper reaction because it calls into question our foundation and basically it implies a lack of confidence. When we are not confident in what we believe then how could be we possibly ever stand? The test proves our level of understanding and the source of our strength. And do not read this as my belief that tests are simple or a piece of cake. They're not. And some of them are more difficult the more we do 'study to become approved [2 Timothy 2:15]. 

   "Consider it nothing but joy, my [a]brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into
    various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience]
    produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let
    endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be
    perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing." 
    [James 1:2-4]

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Process... Process... Process,,,

And again I say PROCESS!!!!!!! The 'older' I get the more I realize/am fully convinced  that all learning is a continual building process. I'm not certain that there is any spiritual issue that is ever 'one and done'... we are always 'in process'. It doesn't mean that we wait to act on/ apply our learning until we know everything. Firstly, how, if it is always an ongoing process, can we ever learn it all? And secondly, application is a form of confirmation/'approving what we know' and taking the next step into further understanding.

Especially for the new believer, I sometimes think we may unintentionally mislead them because no one is an instantly mature Christian. It takes time and especially it takes a commitment to study, to grow. Simply because one is a Christian doesn't mean that you don't make mistakes, errors in judgment - all this is in a state of continual growing - it's a process. Personally, despite scrapped knees and elbows and an occasional wounded pride, I enjoy this. 

One of the first things we do at the beginning of our growth is to begin to renew our minds - which is also unending but when you look at it as an adventure, a journey... totally different mindset.  We renew through studying the Bible and reading, and reading, checking different translations/versions. The Bible is our manual for learning and growing. It really is imperative that we don't think that one reading is sufficient. I believe we never outgrowing 'line upon line, precept upon precept. For me, one of the delights is discovering something 'more' or 'new' in the scripture I have read countless times. It's not that it wasn't there in the beginning... it's that I hadn't grown sufficiently to see and grow in what is being taught. Just like school. We learn our A,B,C's before we know HOW to read. Same principle.

Besides prayer and study, starting the process of learning and being and doing... we have the blessing of other believers. Isaiah talks about iron sharpening iron. That the times we share what we've discovered and listen to what others have gleaned and discovered. Never see this time as insignificant or unimportant - I would argue that fellowship is crucial to our growing and growing is crucial to our becoming the Ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) necessary to touch this world, each of our worlds we live in. Ephesians (2:10) talks about us being His workman. Do take the time to read, many times, Ephesians 2 to see what the Lord's done FOR us and how He can use us.

The point in all this is that when we accept Jesus as our Lord, we enter into a never ending opportunity [process] to grow and become all that He sees in us. Remember, He's not done with us yet. We shouldn't either. 

Monday, August 29, 2022


There's an old saying - that a good defense is the best offense! Believe this? When you study this word, defense, as related to yourself... you'll see that you have more defensive protection than offensive. Then again, we need only one offensive weapon - the Word. But defensively... what's missing? I would argue that we not only have the Who of our defense, but the What.

We have the WHOLE armor of God. [Ephesians 6] which provides us the protection we may need against the wiles of the devil. However, never forget that he isn't creative so he uses the same tactics over and over. Shame is one. Recognized and undealt with Pride is another. Unworthiness. And the list goes on. At some point irritation (by us) should set in and we finally say - 'enough is enough! I am no longer going to buy into your crippling lies. You (devil) have NO hold on me. I am a child of the Living God. Depart you evil spirit!'

Our offense is really our defense! Consider each of the pieces of the armor - all defense but also an offense when you look at the Sword of the Spirit. It does double duty! When we follow the example that Jesus used in defeating the devil, and we can, then the devil has no offense. It does require us to be hiding the Word in our hearts and studying to show ourselves approved. But it also is a solid and effective defensive offense.

There are some scriptures that we need to have at the forefront of our arsenal.

   "What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be
    [successful] against us?" [Romans 8:31]
   "No weapon that is formed against you will succeed; And every tongue that
    rises against you in judgment you will condemn. This [peace, righteousness,
    security, and triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the
    Lord, And this is their vindication from Me,” says the Lord. [Isaiah 54:17]

   "The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our
    weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are
    destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that
    sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every
    thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, "
    [2 Corinthians 10:3-4]

All that is ours, who we become, what's available for us when we make Jesus our Lord. We never earn it nor can we purchase it. It's because of the unconditional love of the Father for His children.

   "The Spirit Himself testifies and confirms together with our spirit [assuring us]
    that we [believers] are children of God. And if [we are His] children, [then we
    are His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His
    spiritual blessing and inheritance], if indeed we share in His suffering so that
    we may also share in His glory." [Romans 8: 16-17]

You did catch the 'joint heirs', yes? We have everything we need to overcome, be victorious. Personally, I believe the path is prayer - we have a relationship with the Triune God that provides all we need. Why do you think the devil hates us so? This is part of the answer in my thinking. What a marvelous defense we have… never buy into satan's lies.


Friday, August 26, 2022

Fruit of the Spirit

   "But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love 
    [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to
    wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness
    gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law." 
    [Galatians 5:22-23]

Do we know the definitions of these words? Do we have the same definitions as other Christians? Do we express these? Do we see these fruits expressed? 

AND, did you see the 'requirement'? Fruit is the result of HIS presence within us. This is a kind of 'evidence' for us. Is your fruit ... that which will remain? And 'remain' can be a negative force as well as a positive one. I probably should have phrased it - in your partnership with the Lord, is there fruit that remains? I seriously doubt that the Lord would be upset with us if we asked Him to help us be more fruitful.

However, we do need to look at definitions - Spiritual definitions of the fruit. Are we all understanding this correctly, how the Lord looks on the behaviors that emanate and demonstrate our understanding. Quick definitions, because each of these words have mountains of books written on them. Look for YOUR personal examples - how you personalize your understanding. Most important question - are you continuing to learn about and share this?

I'm not going to add to the vast number of resources and give you my level of understanding and appreciation about each of the fruits that compose The Fruit. Personally, I'm still studying and growing and discovering how the fruit is displayed in my life. However, I do challenger you though to not just use the words but to do a deep dive to discover your understanding and grow in how you share fruit. And, to discover how the fruit works together such as peace and patience or love and faithfulness or the role of self-control. Yes, it will take a lifetime to grow in the fruit but our point is that we (through the Holy Spirit) continue to see how our behavior produces the fruit and the affect it has.

In my life I feel that I need to have the Fruit as part of my foundation and especially my mindset of how I live and react in my world and the other inhabitants that occupy my world. I may not impact The World, but I can be an active participant in mine and share all I know as a counterpoint for someone else. As a final 'challenge' why do you think scripture uses the single word, Fruit, to describe the 9 fruit?

Saturday, August 20, 2022


Just so you know and realize... the Lord NEVER shames us. Period. He doesn't 'use' share to chastise or correct us. He knows the impact of shame and would never places this as punishment. Which leaves.... the source of shame - the devil. He does use shame and try to cripple us. He hates us so shame is a logical weapon he whips us with - if we let him.

Shame is one of the more effective weapons our enemy uses against us. He knows that we try and avoid shame. Also, it seems that there is always an element of truth to what's 'accused' so denial is futile. But, other than being an emotion... what is shame and how does it exert such control over us? 

This may sound lame and/or a made up thinking but a few things I feel that I know about shame are:

   1. It NEVER comes from the Father. He would never use shame to correct or
       challenge or 'punish' us. What would that accomplish - and don't say to
       stop our behavior. Did that ever work?
   2. Scripture does speak to the issue of 'shame' - examples:

   Psalm 34:4-5
"I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed."

   Romans 10:11
"For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”

   Psalm 31:17
"O Lord, let me not be put to shame, for I call upon you; let the wicked be put to shame; let them go silently to Sheol."

These are only 3 verses out of many that discuss shame - you can easily see that the Father does not shame us... so guess where shame comes from. Micha 7:19 is one of my favorite verses on shame.

According to 

   "Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary ¹ gives this definition: Shame – A negative
    emotion caused by an awareness of wrongdoing, hurt ego, or guilt. In the
    Bible, the feeling of shame is normally caused by public exposure of one’s guilt
    (Genesis 2:25; 3:10). Shame may also be caused by a hurt reputation or
    embarrassment, whether or not this feeling is due to sin (Psalm 25:2-3;
    Proverbs 19:26; Romans 1:16)."  [David Alsobrook]

Actually, Mr. Alsobrook does an excellent study on shame and reinforced my belief that "... Shame always results in a loss of dignity ...  and results in emotional pain." So it is very effective in handicapping and crippling us. Yes we do/say the wrong things but we can become healed. Why live with something, though it may originate with us, that incapacitates yet has a healing response? We have a loving Father that wants us whole and healthy. Besides, have we forgotten so quickly that the genesis of pain is typically guilt and we have an answer for guilt - 1 John 1:9.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Are you?  What do you do with/about being blessed? Do you hoard it - holding it tightly to you so it doesn’t ‘get away’? Perhaps you put it in a little box, under lock and key, and put it somewhere ‘safe’? Do you act on your blessing? Do you spread the joy around? Do you share (bless) others ? Do you believe that your blessing is a gift for you to treasure? Exactly how do you react when you realize you have been blessed? Is the lack of realization the issue? says:

   "Quite possibly, the most frequently used word in the Christian’s vocabulary is
    blessed. “Have a blessed day,” (etc.) ...  It’s even common among unbelievers
    to describe themselves as “blessed.” Some people think of blessed as a
    spiritual term for “good fortune,” like when we receive something good, the
    desired outcome, or an exceptional comfort.  ...

    The Greek word often translated as “blessed” is makarios, which means
    “fortunate,” “happy,” “enlarged,” or “lengthy.” Makarios is used in the
    Septuagint (a translation of the Old Testament into the Greek language) and
    the New Testament to define the kind of happiness that comes from receiving
    favor from God. Consequently, the word can also be translated “favored.” In
    the New Testament, it usually carries the meaning of being “blessed by God.”
    Mary, the mother of Jesus, was “blessed among women” (Luke 1:42–45, 48),
    it was the Lord God who had blessed and favored her."

I can almost hear the comments - OK, but what does that mean for me!!!? Got Questions:

   "Perhaps the most well-known use of the word blessed in the Bible is found in
    the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3–12; Luke 6:20–23). Jesus used the term blessed
    in the framework of the Beatitudes to describe the inner quality of a faithful
    servant of God. This blessedness is a spiritual state of well-being and
    prosperity—a deep, joy-filled contentment that cannot be shaken by poverty,
    grief, famine, persecution, war, or any other trial or tragedy we face in life. In
    human terms, the situations depicted in the Beatitudes are far from blessings,
    but because God is present with us through these difficult times, we are
    actually blessed by Him in them. 

    The true servant of God is blessed, regardless of circumstances, because God
    has favored him or her with a fully satisfied soul (Psalm 63:1–5; John 4:14).
    The material things we crave can never bring genuine happiness or
    contentment. True fulfillment can only be found in a relationship with God
    through His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1–2)."

This should give a broader basis for understanding how, not if, you are blessed. And it gives the manifestations of blessed. One of our greatest foundations for understanding blessed is the Beatitudes. Read them again... in a variety of versions that will expand how you apply this word to your life. For a greater perspective, I have to share the Message version of Matthew 5:3-12:

   "You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there
    is more of God and his rule.

    You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then
    can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

    You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less.
    That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t
    be bought.

    You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and
    drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat. 

    You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full,’ you find
    ourselves cared for.

    You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put
    right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

    You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of
    compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place
    in God’s family.

    You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The
    persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.

    Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or
    throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that
    the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad
    when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do!
    And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My
    prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble."

Do you see all the ways you are ALWAYS blessed? Can you think of anything that has been left out of your blessings? Never doubt or question (especially in desert and times of stress) if you are blessed - you are! Just rest in the blessing you need.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Why do we buy the Lies?

I think I would argue that just enough of what the devil tries to entice us to believe IS truth. Just not the whole. A single word added or subtracted can make all the difference – remember how Eve responded. And you have to remember that the devil has honed his ability to lie over the millennia … and also his experience with how we’ve reacted to his suggestions. BUT, also remember that the last word that would define him is ‘creative’. He isn’t! He always returns to an approach that worked in the past. Which gives us the ability to recognize a similar thought or suggestion from our past. It should scream at us – LIE! We don’t always listen though.

Do we also buy lies when we remember who we WERE? Do we not trust that we have become a new creation [2 Corinthians 5:17-21]? Or maybe we just don’t think this new creation is strong enough to stand against the wiles of the devil? Look again at this scripture

    “Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in 
     Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit];
     the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away.
     Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new
     life].” [v 17]

1.‘ anyone’ does include you.
2. The power when you’ve made Jesus your Lord is, IS mightier than the devil
    [1 John 4:4]
3. OLD is passed away, your old – the mistakes, the sins, etc. is gone – you’ve
    confessed them and they only control them as YOU give them power over
4. NEW ‘have’ come – not coming, past tense. Yes, you have to put on the new
    man [Ephesians 4:17-24]
5. You don’t have to do this alone, you have a partner, because the Lord has said
    that He would never leave or forsake you! [Hebrews 13:5]

Consider those 5 points. When we stand ONLY on them – do you understand who you are? There are other points, other learnings that increase our understandings and confidence on Whose we are and Who we’re becoming.

We begin a grand adventure when we make Jesus our Lord and become saved. Salvation must come first but then …… such a world is open to us. We not only are new but we are loved and wanted and have a place. Each of us has a gift from the Lord so that we can become involved in our Father’s business. We can make a difference in our world.

Feeling guilty, shame, unworthy – all that comes with the lies. God NEVER corrects us in this way. He wants us to grow, to become, to live the abundant life He has always planned for us. When we act on the lies from the devil we really abet the devil’s desire to steal, kill, and destroy us [John 10:10, Luke 22:31, 1 Peter 5:8 tell us this]. What do we do? Certainly stop accepting and listening to the lies. We do act and not just stop listening. We use the same weapons Jesus did – the Word: IT IS WRITTEN.

When you compare this with accepting the lie from the devil – why? It has nothing to do with your unworthiness – and everything to do with Who you believe. Believe the Lord or you believe the lies – either/or.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Watch! Be Ready!

How often do we read these words in the Bible! It IS a warning but it is also a command! Jesus gave us the parable of the 6 wise and 6 foolish virgins. I think that part of the reason is because the focus of the 'watch' and 'be ready' is that our enemy wishes to derail and destroy us. He hates it when we change our allegiance and accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus, but he gets ballistic and absolutely livid when we begin to grow and become who we are designed and created to be. And he gets even more angered when we share Who has saved us, Who we witness about - the devil does not want us to act as the saved person Jesus has made us. And when you think about it... when EVER has satan given anything to anyone, especially free? Precisely. If anything, he wants us to bring all to him and serve him... and pay a steep price for this 'privilege'.

And our actions are to act... but sometimes there are times of waiting. If waiting, we probably should be doing 'something' like study, like prayer - it's not a time of inactivity - that's not rest... Yes, we have seasons of renewal when we are momentarily out of the fight. That doesn't mean satan is quiet - he will now shift his focus to make us feel guilty that we're not doing 'something'.

From a different perspective, if the title has a slight 'end times' flavor - not a mistake. Personally I do believe the time is short when I look at the world. It's getting uglier, violent and perverse. I do suspect, though, that God is looking at the people and never wants to be precipitous 

   "The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow
    about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient
    toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." 
    [2 Peter 3:9]

So what should we be doing. Hopefully what we already are doing: bringing hope to the hopeless, a Savior to the unsaved, studying to show ourselves approved, sharing the gifting the Holy Spirit has given us... and that's only the beginning. We need to be aware of what our enemy is doing and combat it with the weapons we've been given. Scripture tells us the signs and our preparation - idleness cannot be acceptable. This scratches the surface on what we should be about. It may be close but the trumpet hasn't sounded yet.

So until we hear the trumpet call... Watch! Be Ready! Occupy! And do your part in Matthew 28: 19-20 remembering that some plant, some water, and some harvest.

Monday, August 8, 2022


If nothing else defines and describes us it would be the word - instantaneous. It is an 'attribute' of us all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status or any other way we seem to like to describe ourselves as different from the person standing next to us. All, we ALL. are drawn to instantaneous. We want what we want, when we want (it), how we want (it), if we want (it), where we want (it). But we sometimes don't remember that instantaneous doesn't necessarily mean easier, quicker, better. Sometimes the instantaneous is odorless, flavorless, colorless, and not worth the cost/price. 

So if mediately, instantaneous isn't all that desirable... why do we want our lives to reflect this? What's the hurry? What is it we think we gain by tis approach? I think my answer is that we don't stop to think on these questions... we just race from one thing to the next. Obviously rushing is the mate to instantaneous - the way we express and operationalize instantaneous. And sometimes, in our rushing, we miss something or someone significant to the effective approach to success. Honestly... what IS gained by instantaneous? And don't simply use 'moving on' as the reason. Sometime 'moving on' gives us no memory about how we got to where we are.

I tend to always ask questions and one that I always ask toward or at the end of a 'project' is: what have we learned in the process? We should have learned something about process, ourselves, others, planning, etc. What have been the significant learnings so we can apply them in the future? More often than not I get blank expressions. I'm not certain that learning is ever applied or sought.

If everyone is pursuing the state of instantaneous... why? What's its purpose? Webster's synonyms for the word: "immediate, instant, split-second, straightaway" and "fast, hit-and-run, prompt, quick, rapid, speedy, swift". Some of those synonyms are positively stated but split-second and hit-and-run have a less than positive eventual result. So if both extremes are ineffective responses then obviously the middle ground gives a more favorable opportunity for success?

I would like to propose a different way about going about our day. I can appreciate that dalliance and hesitation may be considered the total opposite to success and only waste time. But in my world, learning, discovering, exploring, enjoying are valued. As you go about your day, here are some questions to ask:

   1. Who and on What am I trusting - what should be my approach today?
         Answer: Proverbs 3:5-6
   2. What is my role, my responsibility - what is required of me?
         Answer: Philippians 1:6>
   3. How do I handle difficulties, obstacles to accomplishment?
         Answer: James 1:2-4
   4. If I don't hurry, how can the goal be reached in a timely manner?
         Answer: Isaiah 41:10

These may not be your answers or even your questions - they are a guide. However, Your answers to these simple 4 questions may become your guide and response to instantaneous and the pressures this brings. What is the goal? Quick or Effective?

Friday, August 5, 2022

Never is a Forever Word

and means NEVER. Our God has said: "I will never forsake you! [Hebrews 13:5] But these words aren't said only once, they are stated by our God over 100 times in scripture! You'd think we'd get this reality by now... but no. However, if you believe this statement by the Father then you begin to realize that His words mean what they say - regardless of the place we are in, He is there with us! Wrap your head around that!

In the desert times, in the seasons of despair or of apparent abandonment - there is not a time when we are our of His hand. It recently dawned on me about the everywhere-ness of this statement. He won't leave us when we walk away, or are in sin, or accept a lie of the devil - there is no place that we are that He isn't with us.

The Creator of the Universe is with us when we're sad, He smiles when we have success, there isn't a 'state' that He is unfamiliar with. One of my favorite scriptures is Hebrews 4:14-15

   "Inasmuch then as we [believers] have a great High Priest who has [already
    ascended and] passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold
    fast our confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him
    as Savior]. For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and
    understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted
    [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet
    without [committing any] sin. "

Jesus Knows, He Understands. Even if it is we who get ourselves in these straits, He knows. Hiding when it is sin is stupid and illogical because He is with us when we do wrong. If it is something that blindsides us - He's still with us. AND MORE! Now read what Hw tells us in the next verse, 16:

   "Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the
    throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we
    may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in
    time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment]. "

See all that awaits us, is available for us to live in our world? BUT being the frail and fretful beings that we are, we can easily be rabbit trailed into wrong thinking. Which is reason enough to hide His word in our hearts so it can be balm in desperate times.

   "Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy [every evil, abusive, injurious
    speaking, or indignity against sacred things] will be forgiven people, but
    blasphemy against the [Holy] Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a
    word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the
    Holy Spirit [by attributing the miracles done by Me to Satan] will not be
    forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. [Matthew 12:31-32]

The 'Therefore' refers to verse 30 - " He who is not with Me [once and for all on My side] is against Me; and he who does not [unequivocally] gather with Me scatters." In another scripture He says:

   "You know that when you were pagans, you were led off after speechless idols;
    however you were led off [whether by impulse or habit]. Therefore I want you
    to know that no one speaking by the [power and influence of the] Spirit of God
    can say, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is [my] Lord,” except by
    [the power and influence of] the Holy Spirit." [1 Corinthians 12: 2-3]

We have statement after statement that tells us who He is and what He does for us. There is absolutely NOTHING that can separate us from Him (Romans 8:31-39) - NOTHING, EVER! If you say that I don't know you - what you've done and said or didn't. True. But I know me and KNOW that He has forgiven me far more that the 70 times 7 (Matthew 18:22). He has given me grace and mercy in place of my words and behaviors. And He gave me the greatest of gifts with 1 John 1:9 - my path to restoration, relationship, and righteousness.

Unless we walk away or reject Him. And this is never an 'accident' - we have our guide as to what would be the unpardonable sin and place us outside the care. It's not an act that is simply done in a moment of anger, it is purposeful. This should ease any mind that thinks they may have committed the unpardonable sin. But do realize our enemy, the devil, will try and use our doubt(?), fear(?), worry(?), etc. against us and tell us we are a lost cause... Never. 

Never means never. You are never too old, young, wise, stupid, inept, talented, sinful, weak, etc., etc., etc. He shows no partiality. He is available for all. Just be a 'whoever'.

   "For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him [whoever adheres to, trusts
    in, and relies on Him] will not be disappointed [in his expectations].” For there
    is no distinction between Jew and Gentile; for the same Lord is Lord over all [of
    us], and [He is] abounding in riches (blessings) for all who call on Him [in faith
    and prayer]. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord [in prayer] will be
    saved.” [Romans 10:11-13]

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Whither Thou goest...

There’s a whole word just outside Your front door. Do you know where your call will lead you? Just don’t close doors too quickly ,,, nor rush to take paths that aren’t yours to pursue. While we all are called to witness, it may be no further than the person sitting across from you. Will, Can you repeat Ruth’s words and tell the Lord you will follow Him? We’ve been given a destiny changing assignment. And yes, some of us are called to:

   "...And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses
    in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.”
    [Acts 1:8]

This verse was spoken by Jesus to His disciples before He returned to Heaven. The times are after Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again. He had spent 40 days with His disciples and continued teaching them. He also directed them to stay until they had been endued by power through the Holy Spirit. He indicated where they would go and what they would be doing. We all have the same call. Be baptized with power by the Holy Spirit and be about our assignment.

Wither Thou goest doesn't tell us what we will experience but it does give us a direction, the knowledge that we wouldn't be alone in our journey and that we would be equipped to be and do who the Lord would want from and for us. It requires our obedience, our trust, our confidence. What if you mis-hear? Then we come to Him:

   "No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is
    not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond
    human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and
    trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist],
   but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always]
   provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without
   yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]. [1 Corinthians 10:13]

Granted, it isn't always a temptation... nor a seduction... it may be mis-hearing, it may be 'unintentional' but it did happen. Don't look to blame, don't look to provide yourself with a 'but I meant' - seek help to resolve and move on. And tha help comes from the Lord. Then you can look at the 'mistake' and determine where improvement is needed. I think if we spent more time on resolution over blame, then we would be more effective.

Sometimes I think what the Lord is looking for/from us is our willingness to be who He wants doing what He would have us do. Follow Isaiah's example (6:8) and say - 'Here am I, send me.' We can always be assured of three things: one, we are never called to do something we can't and two, we will always be equipped, prepared for whatever is necessary to accomplish, and three, the Lord never gives 'make work' or teases us - the call is always meaningful, and  the goal whether or not we are able to see how we can do 'it' at the beginning will bring blessings to the worker as well as the receiver

Point being - it is always our choice to follow, to answer the call to go... whither the Lord goes. Ahhh, but if your answer is yes then you're in for the adventure of your life!

Saturday, July 30, 2022


Once you have been saved, you are in the fight of your life and it doesn't end until you are home with the Lord. Daunting? Sounds like it. Being a Christian, in my thinking, is not an easy thing - it's not supposed to be a bed of roses. Though there's a slight possibility that I could be mistaken, I believe that though our salvation has occurred - we will always be contending for it (Philippians 2:12) in the sense of becoming who we are destined and designed to be. 

Though satan has and continues to do everything he can to disrupt you becoming saved in the first place, that last thing he wants is for you to make a difference in your world so he attacks. Remember his description? John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8

   "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they
    may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it
    overflows]." [John]

   "Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times.
    That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely
    hungry], seeking someone to devour." [Peter]

I also appreciate the contrast John presents between satan and our Lord. From Jesus' own words, the contrast is stark: destruction versus abundance. And Peter provides the behavior we should and can display. Those verses are very descriptive of the nature and character and actual ability of our enemy - the key is 'like'. But please... remember he IS our enemy not just some comical cartoon.

Part of the devil's anger has to be based in the fact of what/how the Word speaks about us... and especially that we all have been given spiritual gifts. I don't think the vanity of the devil ever expected this. And thus we contend for who we are, what we are able to do, and how we are blessed. Just as the Lord knows our frame, so does the devil. And he uses our weak spots, our vulnerabilities against us. However, I think I have observed a pattern - satan always uses the same tactics and methods to distract or untrack us. He is not creative so as we grow we can disrupt his intentions (thought this is never an end to his machinations).

One of the wondrous realizations is when we not only know but act on the Word (our sword of the Spirit - Ephesians). When we are in trials, regardless of whether it came from our own bad decisions or satan, we have:

   "No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is
    not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond
    human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and
    trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist],
    but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always]
    provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without
    yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]." [Philippians 4:13]

Do remember that satan can't be blamed for all the trials we encounter. We sometimes are our own worst enemy. We are the ones who fall for the temptations or seductions. We are the ones who accept the lies. And HOW do we combat this? [verse 14]

   "Therefore, my beloved, run [keep far, far away] from [any sort of] idolatry
    [and that includes loving anything more than God, or participating in anything
    that leads to sin and enslaves the soul]."

Hard? Of course, whoever said that our battles, temptations, seductions were simple and easily overcome? That's why we have our armor and are strengthened to stand, to contend. Remember though that the Word never asks us to do anything we can't. And satan has already been defeated but he will try and take as many of us as possible with him to the Lake of Fire. 

Bottom line is that we have been given everything we need to not only succeed but to thrive, to grow, to live an abundant life. But we also will need to be wise and contend against those forces that continually lie to us about who we are, what we can do, and Whose our Lord.

   "I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who
    strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in
    Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him
    who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]  [Philippians 4;13]

Successfully contending...You did see the word confident 'peace'? Also included. Yes and Amen.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Why, Why, Ohhhh Why?

This is another of my why, oh why's. I probably can write an entire book on 'Why's?'.

   "For I do not understand my own actions [I am baffled and bewildered by
    them]. I do not practice what I want to do, but I am doing the very thing I
    hate [and yielding to my human nature, my worldliness—my sinful capacity].
    Now if I habitually do what I do not want to do, [that means] I agree with the
    Law, confessing that it is good (morally excellent)." [Romans 7:15]

The Message Bible states it perfectly [Romans 7: 14-22]

   "I can anticipate the response that is coming: “I know that all God’s commands
    are spiritual, but I’m not. Isn’t this also your experience?” Yes. I’m full of
    myself—after all, I’ve spent a long time in sin’s prison. What I don’t understand
    about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I
    absolutely despise. So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself 
    and then do it, it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.
    But I need something more! For if I know the law but still can’t keep it, and if
    the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously
    need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do
    it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then
    I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions.
    Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every
    It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good,
    sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty 
    obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and
    just when I least expect it, they take charge."

Paul's 'confusion' about his plight definitely mirrors our own. To be totally frank - I am relieved that Paul wrote this because there are times that though I have no answer for my own behavior, at least I know that I'm not the only one that faces this fight. And 'fight' is an appropriate description because that's what is happening. Our enemy has once again somehow gotten a foothold into our lives and is attempting to seduce or tempt us. Until we reach our true home in heaven, we will always be in some skirmish.

However, the question is... is there an answer to this plight? Even if we know the problem, what can we do???

   "I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no
    one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question?
    The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set   
    things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my
    heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally
    different." [Romans 7: 24-25 MSG]

Paul talks about the whole armor of God that is ours, thought WE have to put it on and then Paul gives his reasons for doing this:

   "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical
    opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world
    forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in
    the heavenly (supernatural) places. Therefore, put on the complete armor of
    God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in
    the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands],
    to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]. So stand
    firm and hold your ground,..."   [Ephesians 2:12-14]

Though this will sound fanciful, I believe our ground is us - who we're becoming which is not what the devil wants. Can we be successful against the devil? Of course... though he tries to tell us he is more powerful and sometimes we buy into his lies. But the Lord tells us:

   "For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men], we are not carrying on our
    [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh and using the weapons of man. The
    weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our
    weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are 
    destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that
    sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every
    thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, being ready to punish
    every act of disobedience, when your own obedience [as a church] is
    complete." [2 Corinthians 10: 3-6]

Notice that our weapons are not carnal. The devil would like us to believe that, though he is invincible... he's not. And when in any war does the opponent tell us what weapons we can use?! Point being... if we are feeling why oh why we will buy into the lie that the devil can defeat us. We moan about doing what we do rather than focusing on what we CAN. 

What are we looking at? Ourselves? Our why's? Our enemy? Our Lord? From the feelings, from the thinking, from the temptations, from everything that is attempting to separate us from our source? The Lord is always with us. Turn to Him and tell Him what's happening - He already knows but wants us to seek Him so He can work with and for us to gain our victory! But please… never let how your feel or your frustrations stand in the way of overcoming. While my particular method of resolving this conundrum/dilemma may not be yours, I think I can say without hesitation that our path will be the same, the only path - Jesus.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


In my world of words and definitions, accountability fits into the same category as 'covenant' - little understood, rarely used. And, who's it for? What's it mean? What's it 'for' and 'Why"? So since I believe it is incredibly important, I'm going to share my definitions and thoughts as a counterpoint to what you may believe and think... and to start a conversation.

Accountability is primarily taking personal responsibility not only for one's own actions and words, but also for the 'fallout'/ramifications from those words and actions. "I didn't mean..." is quite beside the point. The 'how' is that you have a team or at least one person who you trust and that knows what you are doing. Typically this means that this is done prior to taking action But this is also a two-way street. As much as you have to trust another person and let someone(s) in to your life, they have to give you space and time to do this. Their biggest responsibility is to listen to you, to ask questions, to pray to seek the Lord on your behalf but also to share what they think and believe about what you're going to do. [See why I connect accountability and covenant?

One way to view 'accountability' is as a safety net. If you're the principal person then you have a partner (the Lord) and a team, that prays for you, who have your best interests at heart. And if you are part of the team, you have likeminded and concerned people with a one-accord mindset about the person they are supporting. Both the person and the team grow over time. Obviously, a great deal more goes into the activities of the person and team. 

Scripture has verses that speak to our accountability to God.

   "...We are servants of Christ, not His masters. We are guides into God’s divine
    secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. The requirements for a
    good guide are reliability and accurate knowledge. ... The Master makes that
    judgment." [1 Corinthians 4:1-4, MSG]

In one translation it says, " is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy". Do appreciate that we are stewards of what we know - remember the parable about the talents. We ALL are accountable for what we know and how we steward that knowledge and understanding. Specifically, the 'audience' in these verses relates to teachers but I would argue that this relates to ALL of us about our accountability on what we do/say and Who is our judge. We are not a mistake, we are where we are for a purpose, we have been created for this time but it is always our decision what we do in our world. We are accountable. End of question.

The poet John Donne wrote that no man is an island. And no man is meant to be one. We are created to be a blessing to others. We are not to isolate ourselves but to recognize that we can't grow and continue to be effective if we never interact. And yet... it really isn't as simple as I am saying it. Acting accountable is crucial for promotion because it is a visible witness of who we are. We need to realize that much has been given to EVERY believer. We come just as we are but we don't stay there. And as we grow and mature and understand... we are accountable for our understanding and how we share. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022


There's an old saying that goes: "You never appreciate what you have until you don't have it." True. I think I would add... do we really know and understand what that 'it' is? How can one appreciate unless one knows and how can knowing occur until we understand? And when does understanding come... Circular argument. However, that doesn't mitigate against the validity of the original saying.

Can we 'appreciate'? Do we even know how to express 'appreciate'? What IS appreciation?
Webster says: 

   "to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of / to value or admire
    highly / to judge with heightened perception or understanding : be fully aware
    of / to recognize with gratitude"

Grasp, value, judge, fully aware, recognize: the nature, worth, quality, significance, admire, understanding, gratitude. All those words are in relation to the word - appreciation. I think that for me the most significant word is, gratitude. First you have to understand that in my world of definitions, appreciate, gratitude are action words - you demonstrate them. If it isn't expressed... how do we, others know we appreciate and value (fill in the blank). Do remember that your acknowledgement and expression is a visible witness.

While I won't tell you what your expression should be... I will tell you that we all need to express our gratitude and appreciation. No onw likes to have what they've done for you to pass unnoticed.  Specifically, look at how much the Lord has done for you... do others, does He see your expression?

   "We've all heard the word "gratitude." It is used to express thankfulness and
    praise. It refers to the quality of being thankful and a readiness to show
    appreciation for and to return kindness. Throughout life's trials and blessings,
    displaying a general attitude of gratitude distinguishes the Christian, but it also
    makes you a lovely person to be around!"

Actually that quote [] came from a secular site but do see the relevance. Many of the verses in the Bible use 'gratitude' 'thanks', and 'appreciate' interchangeably.

   "In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and
    continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ
    Jesus. " [1 Thessalonians 5:18]

   "Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, take pleasure in Him]; again I will say,
    rejoice! Let your gentle spirit [your graciousness, unselfishness, mercy,
    tolerance, and patience] be known to all people. The Lord is near. Do not be
    anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and
    situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your
    [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which
    reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that
    peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is
    for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied
    to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my
    circumstances. ...
    I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who 
    strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in
    Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him
    who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace." 
    [Philippians 4: 4-7,11, 13] 

I can list more scriptures but this gives us our understanding. It not only tells us what to do, how to do it and the results (blessings) that results. The delight that I found, when I do speak/act on words of gratitude/thanks/appreciation, is that it is I who am blessed because I see the growth in me as one of my results.

Monday, July 18, 2022


Have you ever longed for something so intently that it seemed to pour out of every pour in your body? The only problem was you couldn't identify what you were longing for... Has this every described how you feel/felt? I have. Please... never put down those feelings when you experience them. They will be heard and if nothing else, you can control the volume and scope of their expression.

Before I was saved, when I was a churched person though, I felt those longings, many times. Did not know what it was and am sure I wouldn't have known where to look. Very frustrating, but even more painful. You try to push on, to push down, to push through but are only marginally successful. What DO you do? In my case, I did try and discover if there was anything in my view (there wasn't) to resolve these feelings and I even tried a few to see if the feeling would subside - and no, it wasn't sex, booze, or drugs. Primarily it was activities, doing things with others because I somehow felt people were involved in this nameless and aimless quest. I was partially right and totally wrong.

It wasn't fame, or fortune, or even the esteem of others. It wasn't accolades or
accomplishments - all of that was 'nice' but not  the answer.  Personally, I kinda gave up and just endured the feelings and tried desperately to not let them have a voice or infect what I was doing. Marginally successful. Don't misunderstand, longing isn't a bad thing. but without a focus, an understanding - without knowing what it is you are seeking let alone where - there's little you can do. The point is that nothing works, nothing eases the sense of longing. However, once you are saved the light dawns... at least it did for me. 

It isn't a 'what' you seek, it's a Who. I had heard that we all are created with a little hole in us that can only be filled by God. I came to believe this through my own experience. The totally fascinating thing is the song, "Just as I am" is true. We can come with all our gifts, talents, and junk. You are asked to believe, to make Jesus your Lord. That's the entrance, the only entrance. We have only 2 commands: to Love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds and our neighbors as ourselves. [Acts 4:12, Matthew 22:37-40] 

Don't expect that accepting the Lord means a free ride. There will still be down days or mistakes/sins you commit that need repenting and a host of other problems, issues, etc. When/if you have feelings of longing that seem answer-less (actually you do have The answer); and if you knew the answer... wouldn't you pursue it until it expressed itself as your answer? Of course. So when you find yourself in these times remember the Lord is always with you. He said He'd never leave and He won't. He is faithful when we are not. [Hebrews 13:5] And He always wants the best for us. Why? Because He loves and cares for us unconditionally - without exception, hesitation, or question when we turn to Him and accept His gift of salvation and an unparalleled future.

Longing... the lack of satisfaction and all the other attendant emotions and thoughts are not unusual for those who haven't accepted Jesus as Lord. And the remedy is so very simple - no litmus test, no 'cleaning up your act', no hoops or hurdles to accomplish. It's really quite simple - accept the free gift of salvation. But then.... hold on, you are in for an amazing, endless journey of discovery about everything!