Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A different perspective on devotionals

Have you ever considered that you can be a devotional? Preposterous?!!! Reconsider. What you do, what you say in your day can be or become a devotional - depends on your mindset, how you develop your relationship with the Lord. What does a devotional do? It inspires, it teaches, it helps us to understand, it helps us to be our best self. How we express this, how we go about handling the day's challenges, threats, opportunities, disappointments, etc. speaks volumes and attests to our lives.

Webster states that the devotional was first used in 1659 and defines the word as: "a short worship service."! Pathetic. That has to be the lamest definition I've read in some time. But there is, as much as it really says nothing, an element of providing a context - worship. Often I've seen the word, devoted, used to define an attitude of reverence toward (someone... thing?) and is seen in the behavior of the one displaying devotion. Point being that it is observable - visible. But really - what does it mean? And is it even relevant? Something we really can (should?) do? Relevant - absolutely!

I would propose that devotionals are designed to help us think about spiritual matters and how they affect who we are and what we do. But they are meant to help us to describe and define HOW we go about being and doing... us. The words cause us to assess, reassess, define who, what, how, and why. They also demonstrate interrelationships among words and concepts. Devotional is truly visible in our words and behaviors. And give us a standard against which we can assess our own standards. It is never placid or passive - it always allows us to grow to go beyond.

Expanding the word? I should hope so. I would so want my life to demonstrate those spiritual components that I've discovered and have continued to let grow and teach me how to be a Christian. Too often we 'hide' our Christianity under a basket (whether or not by design) for fear of??? being rejected? being misunderstood? being a hypocrite? being intolerant? And I'm certain there are other adjectives that can be used. Not the point. We are in this world to provide light. (Matthew 5:15, Luke 11:33)). Romans 1:16 reminds us of Paul's comment that he wasn't ashamed of the gospel. When we don't live our Christianity... aren't we saying we are ashamed? This should never be. We are His Ambassadors in a hurting and dying world.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

THE Problem

... is Power, actually I should have written it as - POWER! Authority. Control. Over...? The 'over' answer is - everything and anything that touches our lives, our world. Not gonna happen though for the vast majority of people.

So how do we compensate for this lack of total and utter control? By attempting to exercise or enforce our agenda through any means possible: force, domination, intimidation, influence, and some of the lesser obvious means such as passive aggressive behavior or the appearance of greater intellect, etc. in those areas we think we have a toehold - this can be family, church, job, and even 'free time's pursuits. Or maybe we do the 'fleece' thing of Gideon. Or maybe we attempt to resort to barter - I'll do (fill in the blank) if God does (fill in the blank).

The problem may be power, but the question is why? Why the overwhelming need to have the power in/over your life? And I'm not recommending you surrender your power to another person. Personally, I found that the only time I had real, authentic power was when I submitted all I am, all I have, and all I hope for to the Lord. I realize it sounds counter intuitive - but the only way WE have power is when we willingly hand deliver ours - what we have, our dreams, hopes -, to the Lord. He is the one with the wisdom and unbiased/un-agendized understanding to have our best interests at heart even when it seems that He doesn't. Truly, as we follow Him we are in control, we do have power - in the context of our understanding and maturity - to accept His answers. Remember His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), His plans are best (Jeremiah 29:11) and He never leaves us (Hebrews 13:5). These are strong foundations.

I do believe that many people think that if they relinquish the 'power' that they will become helpless and enslaved - a pawn, with no opportunity for personal needs and wants to be answered. I never said it was easy to willingly give the Lord the control, I said it was the only way to actually be in control. Besides, there is always this little thing called, 'free will'. Relinquishing the power, in my world, is never a one and done. In every situation we have the option. To follow or to 'go it alone'. Sometimes we really do understand what's happening, other times we have to exercise our faith.

     "...the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them,
      but transgressors stumble in them." (Hosea 14:9)

Every time I've stumbled, and they are numerous, I've ended up with skinned knees and chin and have wasted an incredible amount of time. However, it has strengthened and encouraged me to stop, ask the Lord, listen and proceed as confidently as possible. If I am in error - then I trust the Lord to help me to find the correct answer. He always does. 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

HOW do you believe?

How. Not who or what... or even why - how. How is an action... not a word or thought or even philosophy, though all are the foundation - but how is an action. This is an extremely important question and should never be lightly dismissed or give an off the cuff attention. Granted there are many dynamics that occur when you find your how. One factor is what you already think and have experienced. As you can see, there really are a vast number of determinants in 'how'. The point is - do you know your how. To get pointed - if you are a Christian, do others know this from your words and behavior?

At times how we got to our how is because of others. The who/what is obviously the center focus but the person attempting to convince you to accept (fill in the blank) plus your level of trust and confidence in them determines whether you accept what they think/believe... or not. Regardless, your interpretation or adaptation is what is seen of what you believe by 'how' you express it. We are an expressive creation and are constantly displaying what we believe, who we believe, and all the other manifestation of our 'how'.

If you believe the Word. Do you act on it... personalize it and make it yours in action as well as words? Or is it more of a reference? If the Word is not alive in you then as 'good' as it may be, you've not allowed it to be relevant in your life. Perhaps I should have said 'active' - it needs to be. It is both a standard to judge what you do and say and a strong defense a path. Without this standard, what are you using as your foundation? What 'philosophy' do you base what you do and say... and why?

Your how is your witness. I've said this many times and in many ways, but we all witness to what we believe. It is totally impossible not to. You really are what defines you. And what defines you is what you believe. And what you believe is seen by others in your actions, in your how. So answer your own question about what your how is. Never act cavalierly nor unthinkingly... because that too states your who and how.  

Monday, May 22, 2017


I sometimes wonder if we underestimate the Lord - perhaps not consciously or even with any awareness. We look at (life, challenges, us, fill in the blank) and only see our lack or inability to affect our situation. Yes, sometimes it is an excuse because we don't want to do/be ... but sometimes it is a genuine belief that we can't. And we forget all about the Lord and His involvement.

"CAN'T" is never a word in the Lord's vocabulary, at least this is my experience and understanding. I certainly don't remember of any instance when He said He couldn't. If the Lord calls you to 'it' then you are able - by definition. But rarely on your own. He is always with us and He shows this so many times in so many ways. So why would you doubt that He would prepare you for whatever He calls you to? Why would He send out His army with no defenses. Looking at it in this way does change our perspective. And yes we all do underestimate... for whatever reason.

We may think or feel that we can't - for whatever reason - but are we ever asked to 'go it alone'? These are the times that we tend to underestimate ourselves, and our Lord. It doesn't matter how many times He has 'come through' we just aren't sure ... this time. Could the leading not be of the Lord but of ourselves? Maybe whatever we think we should be doing, isn't what He is telling us. Again - why? We have never been asked to walk by our thinking... or our feeling... or even our experience. We are asked to walk by faith. Why is our faith wavering?

We are fond of quoting... 'All things work to the good...' (Romans 8:28) and 'I am more than a conqueror...' (Romans 8:31-39) and 'I can do all things...' (Philippians 4:13). So if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed - do we believe what we say we do? Will we walk by faith? Will we become 'can do' people for Lord and be His ambassadors? I would hope that we would grow into confident people who put aside the underestimating of self, others, and the Lord and become His warriors bringing others into the family and assisting them to grow and join the army.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Expecting is one thing...Presuming is another

While it may be argued that expecting and presuming are related... they really aren't. Though admittedly, they may seem to be the same. According to Webster, expecting: "to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of...". Presuming: "having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude."

Many might argue that presuming isn't an expression of a superiority... but reconsider - isn't it? Look at some of the synonyms - authoritarian, imperious, bossy, dominant, condescending, patronizing, impertinent - aren't they typical of the behaviors you see in presumptive people? While the word that describes expecting - anticipate - is confident. To me, expecting is based in hope and presuming is based in haughty. Context is a critical determinant. Both expecting and presuming come from a personal belief that whatever it is we want, think we want, need, etc. comes from a realization that we can't accomplish (fill in the blank) by ourselves, apart from the Lord's hand. 

Presuming is a type of con job attempt... this time on the Lord. I think we've all done this consciously and subconsciously - intentionally... and not. Point being that this is not the foundation we should be establishing. Who do we think we're fooling? We're not. Any relationship that isn't built on honesty will crumble, because there will be no trust and without trust there can be no relationship. (Yes, my definitions.) Can one be 'innocently' presuming? Until knowledge and understanding are part of the equation then possibly a case could be made for 'innocent'. However, that is no excuse and when confronted by either or both of those parts, innocent can no longer be 'used'.

Expecting is also based in knowledge and understanding. We look at our previous experiences with the Lord and trust Him to continue to fulfill who He is. Let's face it - some times what we want isn't the best for us. When we trust the Lord to 'have our backs' then we rely on what He does - when and where. We can be 'anxious for nothing' (Philippians 4:6-7). What happens when what you've (hoped for) expected doesn't occur? Then you discover the depth of your trust in the Lord to lead you, and help you to grow. When you do trust then you can safely and securely move on that His decisions (Isaiah 55:8-9) are for your best. And no... this isn't always easy.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Such a waste of time... not to mention energy and emotion. However, that logic doesn't seem to affect our use of regrets. Evidence of our sorrow is seen in our actions. How we handle this - what we do... or don't do - is the evidence of who we are and how we deal with this. Question: can you still do 'something' about the 'situation'? If so stop wasting time and do it! If not... then learn from the lost opportunity and move on. 

Regret is in the same category as 'worry': an act we engage in that serves no useful purpose. Webster defines regret as: "sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair." Beyond one's control or power...  I'm not suggesting that we ignore the feelings, just that we don't let them control... at least for very long. Blindsided seems to evoke some of the same emotions - especially its unexpectedness. Everyone seems to have their own list of additions. Point being - these emotions are familiar, you can easily recognize them in what you do and say. But for how long do you allow them to rule you?

Do you remember Numbers 11:23 / Isaiah 59:1:

   "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his
    ear dull, that it cannot hear;"

So why don't we immediately realize that the quickest and most effective way out of regret is to turn to the Lord and seek His way? Partially, I think, is because we either don't feel we deserve His help or we feel we should get ourselves out of (fill in the blank) feeling by ourselves. Simply because I believe that turning to the Lord is the most effective, does not mean that I personally follow my own advice. But... I do try. 

I find regret to be a huge waste of time and get quite irritated with myself when I seem to be in that place. I also realize that forgiveness may or may not be a part of restoring into a more proactive lifestyle approach. But once I get out of a form of pity party and am about my now rather than yesterday's - it is the Lord who has led me by my hand back to my path and journey.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


  Do you extend restoration to those who hurt you but regret this and want to maintain the relationship. I must admit that this is another of my favorite words... because the potential result (restored) holds so much promise. However, how do you define restore? Do you believe this possible for yourself? in relationships? with the Lord? Does your restoration, or the lack, influence who you are and how you react to your day and interact with those who populate your day? Exactly what has been restored in your life? And what are you needing restored? Is restoration even the right word?

  I try not to think in 'tit for tat' or material things when it comes to restoration. Especially when you are attempting to restore a relationship, do you know why there is a need for restoration? The answer to this question will go a long way toward giving you answers to what you might need to do in order for the relationship to 're-start', even when you are the injured party. Never expect that what was will be precisely what is now and can be... yesterday is not the best foundation when a breech has occurred. You need, along with the other person, to see what you want to occur next.

   If you are the injured party then allow grace to the other person if they truly are sorry for what happened and want to restore the relationship. We too were lost. Read again - Romans 5:10, Colossians 1:21-23, and Ephesians 2:12. God reconciled us to Him and restored our relationship, can we do less to our brother, especially one who truly is sorry?

 If the issue is trust, then restoration is on an entirely different level. Loss of trust is difficult to restore, even in the best of situations. And no, I'm not suggesting you 'give up' but recognize that restoration may take longer. If you are the one who has been injured/hurt then remember that if you do restore the relationship that you both need to sit down and resolve the trust issue before moving on to restoration. 

  Restoration is always a choice, but it has to be mutual between those currently not in relationship. The bottom line typically is - will you let go of what happened and move on in relationship? It may take time when the issue is trust but you can't force the other person to 'prove' their worth. And you can't continually remind them of 'what they did' - whether by word or action on your part. Freely you have been given (and forgiven), freely give.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Great Things

I think most of us, if not all, would like to do Great Things (those words with quotes, underlined, highlighted, and bold). Of course we don't define either 'great' or 'things' and leave it as a kind of unknown and undefined goal and accomplishment. This act leaves us free to have this as a goal ... out there and perhaps not something we can or could do anything about(?). If that sounds callous, unsympathetic, and harsh... is it also true? 

I really don't believe any of us grow up believing that the highest they can attain is mediocre. Why set so low a standard? Most children start out with high expectations for their lives. No one says I'm going to grow up as a criminal and end up in prison. But sometimes 'something' happens between our joyful high expectations as children and the reality we find ourselves in later on in our lives. And if we are or become dissatisfied, unhappy, and verging on depression - this is to be expected when we enter 'life', yes? Whatever happened to those Great Things we were going to do?

There really isn't a time stamp on our goal achievements and being reminded (if only by ourselves) that "time is running out" or we are letting life "slip through our fingers", rarely is inspirational. You can't use age or lack of ability or lack of resources as your excuse. This may be real but it can never be an excuse, they are only factors to be considered. At any time we can reassess our Great Things and do them (at least on some level). Would we, why would we abandon them?

If this describes you then stop moaning. Yesterday is no more - look at today, what's at your hand and act. Be. Do. Plan for tomorrow. If you do have to reassess then don't give up your dream, put it in the context of who you are and what you can do. Great Things may need redefining but they don't necessarily mean you can't still have that driving force to become all that you can be - your best you. Great Things haven't left you... dare to believe you can do what you can and rejoice in this.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Times of uncertainty

They happen, don't they? And they don't always give a warning. Actually, I would argue that we're living in them right now. It seems that no one learns from history since we seem to be repeating it so often. What can you do since you're only one person and aren't in any place of influence?! You can be all that you can be and do all that you can do right where you are, right now. You can choose to do whatever is at your hand to do.

   "Rejoice in the Lord always;" (Philippians 4:4) This is one thing you can always do. Remember Whose you are, never forget what He's done for you. So, if you are going through hard times... then keep going. Why stop now?
   "The Lord is at hand, do not be anxious about anything," (verse 5-6) Anything. If you can tell me one specific, positive thing that comes from being anxious, then I'll consider it. Not.

So Rejoice and don't be Anxious. Those are specific attitudes we need to have in times of uncertainty. 

   "...but in everything (let me emphasize this word - everything) by prayer
    and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to
    God." (verse 6) One act - prayer, and two attitudes - supplication and thanksgiving. Especially, I would argue, we need to be thankful. No. Not for the situation but in the situation, knowing Who holds the answers. He always provides a way through (1Corinthians 10:13).

The result? 
   "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
    your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (7)

You do realize that it is God's peace that gives us our confidence and is a rock of stability in times of uncertainty? We need the peace to provide our voice of truth and the strength to stand. 

Our 'commission' from Paul - 

   "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is
    just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if
    there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about
    these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen
    in me - practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." (8-9)

As we do think about these things our faith is increased and as our faith is increased our confidence is built strong and firm. We can be the source of steadfastness for others. Never bow to times of uncertainty but become all you can be. God will be with us in the process.

   "...I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we can confidently say,
    The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Walking out our understanding

Consciously, deliberately or not we all are witnesses of what we believe, who we believe, and the supporting evidence on which we base our believing. We do this through our words but especially by our actions. How many times and in how many ways have I said this? Right. And it is true that our actions speak louder than our words... but they also speak to the level of trust and the depth of our convictions. 

Knowing and walking isn't always simpatico and not always in evidence. I firmly believe that we are responsible for what we know and that our actions should 'speak' our knowing... so why isn't there a congruence? Do we truly not understand what we know? Or is it we don't want to accept the responsibility for what we know? Or think we can't act, walk out our knowing and understanding? If we believe it... do we believe we can be/do it?

There can be many reasons there may not be a follow through of walking out our understanding (based in our knowing). But it seems that at some point we all face whether or not we will choose to walk. Ignorance or lack of knowledge no longer can be an excuse - it's a 'fish or cut bait' time. How will we act? This is always an individual determination/decision. And if you aren't confident, if you aren't willing to 'put your money where your mouth is' - what is the basis for the hindrance? It's nearly as important to know what we do as it is why we do what we do. They really are quite inseparable. Unless... we avoid, deny or simply act as a coward.

Coward doesn't excuse, but it does explain. There are those who will boldly say but won't act. There doesn't seem to be any 'connect' between words and actions. The answer is quite simple. These people are walking in doubt or fear but will seemingly say what is expected. But if they are your rear defense, you may find yourself in a world of hurt. Are they deliberate? Possibly. Makes no difference - they are not reliable. And to reconnect words and behaviors has to come from the person and their hearts and minds. 

No one said it would be easy. But the bottom line seems to be our integrity. Will we act with integrity... There's a scripture that says:

   "I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were
    either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither not nor
    cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15-16)

Personally, I can't think of anything worse. But most people who do not make a stand are wishy washy - you don't know what they will do next. When we walk out what we understand we aren't presenting this as cement because our learning keeps growing line upon line, precept upon precept. Growing earmaks the words and actions of those who chose to act on what they know and walk out their understanding.

Monday, May 1, 2017

THE Battleground

is (and for) the hearts and souls (the mind, the will, and the emotions) - this is the battleground. And it is far more than mere skirmishes - it is all out WAR. The war has eternal consequences - where each person will spend their lives: now and in the life to come. The battles are inevitable and can rarely be 'won' by ourselves - we need help! Being melodramatic - No! It is this serious. What's your part?! 

All of us are called, though we may not know the part we are playing with/for others when we act and speak (witness) about the Lord and who we are becoming and why. Some of us may spread the seed in someone's life... some may water the fledgling plant as it begins to grow... some may work at the time of harvesting. All are important. But you do need to accept your part. There is an old saying that we may be, in our words and actions, the only Bible that someone else reads. Are you responsible for getting someone saved? There's a wonderful scripture that says:

     "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only
      God who gives the growth." (1Corinthians 3:7)

I think Paul's point was to help us recognize that each one of us has a role, a gifting, an ability to use to bring souls into the kingdom (and to help them grow and mature - no one is instantaneously a mature Christian). It is our responsibility to do our part to give others the opportunity. Our best witness to them is our words and our actions. This is what they read, they see.

The battle is for souls and the battlefield is our feelings, our thinking, our willfulness. When we don't act on what we know/what we believe, then we give the devil a foothold for doubt. I sometimes believe that doubt is one of the biggest weapons in the devil's arsenal... along with guilt. If we believe God then we have to believe what He says - yes? And what does He say...

     "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
      and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1John 1:9)

End of discussion. Done. However, between ourselves and the devil - we keep bringing up that which has been put an end to. It truly is finished and we have to move on, when we don't then we tell the Lord we really don't believe we are forgiven or that He doesn't have the power or authority to cleanse us. Have you ever considered this interpretation? And... What you need to appreciate is that others are looking at what you do. If they see you repeating old sins or continuing to seek forgiveness for something that has been forgiven, then you give a mixed message. 

Others need to see us as 'becoming' - acting with integrity about who we are and what we are attempting to do and say. It's the mixed messages that give rise to misinterpretation and charges of hypocrisy. Simply, when you do need forgiveness - ask for it. But then move on as Paul did when he said he wronged no man (2Corinthians 7:2). Forgiveness is not license to repeat but it is available to the truly repentant. Moving on is our acceptance of forgiveness and this is a powerful witness.