Thursday, December 31, 2015

R 'n R

  Fun. Enjoyment. Relaxing. Do you allow yourself to do this? What's your down time like? Or do you have 'projects' you feel you need to address, so... you have no 'down time'? Presumptuous but... what would happen if you took that time to refresh and renew instead? Bionic are you? OK, maybe that was a bit much but if it resulted in you reassessing what you are doing to yourself, then it was worth it.

  Everyone needs down time, a time to catch one's breath and take a good look at what we are doing... and WHY. What may have been a critical 'thing'/act can evolve into a habit that we have lost the reason, purpose for why it is important. Routine has its value but when we do what we do because we have always done it and don't know why, other than tradition, then we need to stop and take an accounting. R 'n R can be the context to accomplish this. De-stressing occurs first and then you can begin to tackle the assessment.

  However, don't get caught in using R 'n R. It has its own value too. Yes it can be used as a context for determining whether something needs continuing, changing, or eliminating and this is good but if the only purpose R 'n R has is to be a vehicle for other activities, then some of its value is lost. Maybe I should ask - what do you think the purpose of R 'n R is? Purposelessness? No... my bias is that it should mainly be a time of: de-stressing, engaging in those activities that you enjoy but rarely can participate in, (fill in the blank). For you it may be active or it may be totally inactive. But the one thing that is put on the back burner is your job/work and all its responsibilities.

  Totally impossible? Totally unnecessary? I guess it all depends on one's perspective and what you allow you to be and do. You simply don't have the time, money, (fill in the blank) to take the time? Then you are not the final authority in your life... yes? But you really don't need to do this? Perhaps, but I doubt it. We all need time away from what we're doing in order to get a better understanding of what we're doing. The time that you allow yourself to do those things that are in the R 'n R category (self-defined), then the more opportunity you have to be creative and effective with those areas of your life that are more oriented toward goal accomplishment. Consider it.

Monday, December 28, 2015


  Yours? I appreciate that I've talked about this question in any number of ways, but... have you thought about what 'mark' you are leaving, what and how you will be remembered? You will ALWAYS leave a 'tell' whether or not it is planned or deliberately thought out by you. As long as you breathe in and out, your 'tell' or 'mark' is visible. The only important question is - what legacy do you leave and do you know what this is? What do you want others to remember about you? What has your life represented?

  This isn't an easy answer question. One of the problems is that we all don't always act or speak according to our own standards and thus present an image that we may not want or we give mixed messages. I don't think it's possible to constantly or consistently act as our best us regardless of our intentions. I do think that this standard can motive us though and I also believe that we can't simply quit at our first 'failure'. It's necessary to give ourself as well as others a grace to make mistakes and to learn and grow from this.

  Perhaps one question is are you the type that gives grace to others? That too is an element in our legacy. How/If we display or extend grace to others to be but to also err defines how we react to grace and mercy. Quite honestly, we all need the Lord's grace and mercy so I think we have no option but to act this way toward others. But how do you define your actions toward others? What is your legacy - gentle or judging?

  There are many components that make up our legacy in the world we live in and those who we have touched. However the critical question is what are your components and equally important - are you aware? Do you know what you value and what is critical in your world? Do you know How you want to be remembered? This is no idle question. If you don't realize who you are and how you effect and affect others, then... how do you know what legacy you are leaving?

Friday, December 25, 2015

Dear Father

  I use the word 'Father' because that's how I think of You. 'God' sounds so austere, so ominous, so grand, so... out there, and my relationship with You has been more of a Father-child. If that sounds too familiar or too disrespectful or not sufficiently awestruck - not my intent. But I don't know if I've ever felt You were too omni to characterize our relationship as cowering or unapproachable. Simply, You are, You've always been, and You'll always be and with that said... You also chose me.

  Not sure I'd be my choice but that doesn't dismiss the fact that in the midst of my non perfect, sinful self - You chose to choose me. I certainly don't dismiss nor consider this lightly - quite honestly, I was delighted. It was easy to see that it wasn't anything I did or would do, be or become that was the reason You chose me - You simply acted in love and then extended the invitation (as You do for everyone) and I had the intelligence (divine help) to accept Your invitation. To say that nothing's been the same since is an understatement.

  Knowing that You are love gave me a measure, a standard to judge my own words and actions. Talk about failing miserably - I did, and still do. But, my mindset has changed and now I intentionally attempt to speak and act from love. Not the gushy type nor the equivocal nor the I'll-do-something-for-you-and-you-do-something-for-me kind that I've seen and experience. I really try and act and speak love in truth -unconditionally. The mindset is in place even when I don't succeed.

  I've learned that Love isn't weak, it doesn't compromise. Yet it is gentle, kind, and understanding (even in the midst of nothing making sense). I've been able to see and understand some of what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13 and make it real in my life... at least to the extent that I do. It is a standard to judge what I do and how I go about doing it. And no, I don't always act in love, but I have a Father who will forgive (1 John 1:9, 2:1) when I come seeking forgiveness - and continues to act toward me lovingly. This also tells me that I can't hold anything against anyone either. To be in a position to accept love I have to walk in love.

  Because You, my Father-God, put such an emphasis on Love I need to grow in how I demonstrate it. Words are lovely but only if there is
action that accompanies the words. I think that this letter is simply my way of letting You know that I truly am trying to be Your hand of love in the world I inhabit. But that I'm also grateful that You will forgive me when I fail. I will stand again and try again. So on this day of your birth I wanted to tell You just how important You are to me. Just wanted to put my thoughts and feelings into words and pray that the words translate in to actions.

                                                                                      Your daughter

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


  Do you have any 'Always' or 'Nevers' in your life? What, for you, constitutes an always or a never? Do you even believe in absolutes? Personally... I do. But I am quite limiting in what constitutes an absolute. Plus, I don't like a large number of them. My reason is that I don't like a complicated life - complex, yes - just not complicated. And if you have a number of absolutes you are juggling, one may be in conflict with a different one and then you have a mess. Yes? That last statement also points to why it's important to describe and, as completely as possible (operationally) define the words. 

  What may appear as confrontational or contradictory to one of your absolutes may actually not be when you properly define and describe it. Don't forget that absolutes do provide us with our lines in the sand, our pillars on which we stand. Do absolutes ever change over time? Not in my world of definitions - their breadth and depth may increase, but change... no. Once an absolute, always an absolute. That's why, when/if a quality/philosophy/belief/(fill in the blank), moves into the rarefied category of 'Absolute', it has to be tested and confirmed first. It's not that you never refine an absolute, but don't rush to establish one unless it truly meets the standards (yours).

  I remember being engaged in a 'discussion' with some of my college chums on this very question. Finally, at one point, I asked if they believed there was never any absolute. They all responded with a resounding 'yes'. To whit I replied, then this is your absolute - that there are no absolutes! Silence. I, on the other hand, had been arguing that in the final analysis the only sure absolute was God. Many didn't want to acknowledge this. My arguments were numerous but ended with - what if I'm right and you're wrong? Again, silence. 

  And no, I'm not elevating myself, my argument, or that the 'possibility' could be the point. The truth that exists all around us is that God is. But this truth is one that each person needs to come to. While the evidence is verified even if all we do is look around us, the evidence ultimately has to be accepted by those who don't believe. Our 'job' is to prove the evidence through how we live our lives - what we say, how we act, and who we are. We are part of God's evidence to the world.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Relationship and matter-ing

  Do you believe you matter? In your heart, at the very core of your being... do you believe this about you? If so then you can't do less than your best every moment of the day. Stress-less and non-striving, but confidently your best you. I know I've written before about your importance, but do you believe the message is for you? Do you act on it? No, not at the expense of another's 'rights' or contrary to who and what you are - but do you express you?

  The point is that while you matter, you also have One who never leaves you to support you as you live your life. I would suggest that this is one relationship that always needs to be in existence. It isn't enough to be as good as you can, but you have to be in relationship. What this accomplishes is that it helps defines you, who you are, and Whose you are. Your words and actions demonstrate and affirm the truth of your relationship. 

  We all tend to like to think we are 'independent' and 'self-sufficient' and this rarely changes over time. As young people we tend to think we are invincible and we definitely act this way. Over the years this does diminish, to a degree but we still have this sense that we CAN, unless we really don't want to. And I do believe that there is a great deal we CAN do, but rarely without help. In one of Jesus' teachings to His disciples prior to His death and resurrection was to assure those with Him that they wouldn't have to do everything on their own. That just as He had been with them, He would ask the Father to send a helper. And we read in Acts that as they waited, they were imbued with power. (John 15, Acts 2)

  Realizing that these were people who had been with Jesus throughout His ministry, how much more do we need this assurance. (not a question) We are gifted, we have been made the righteous, unearned, (Ephesians 2, 2 Corinthians 5) We matter. So much so that Jesus made certain that we would be in relationship and understand that we matter... just not according to the world's standard. We are prepared when we become and act according to the standard given us (John 13:35), that we have the Holy Spirit with us, and are more than conquerors (Romans 8:31-39). 

  Nothing is missing or lacking in us being and doing. 


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Committed to...

  yourself? To an ideal? To another person? What!? Next question is, do you typically commit to a number of things/people/ideas? Or, are you more circumspect in your commitments? To the things/people/ideas you are committed to - how do you, or anyone else, know? Is it evident in both your words as well as your actions? If you were to ask someone you believe knows you, could they identify your commitments? Are they still relevant or has your actions in their pursuit waned?

  All those questions are important and identify both who you are as well as what you do. Without the identifying behavior there is no way to really know if the focus is still relevant and the depth of your commitment. Recognizing that 'life' does impact on one's choices and decisions about what, if and our commitment levels, do you see (and understand) how yours has changed over the years? More important - how does this make you feel? 

  Have you let go of a dream that was significant to you? Do you wish you had (could?) pursue it/them? And what do you currently have as a commitment that would interfere with your dream pursuit? Commitments, as you can see, have varying levels of importance and intensity. Stop for just a moment and see which ones you are currently pursuing that you do want to continue doing. And... which ones you can let go or diminish their importance.

  Life should never be an excuse for why you aren't pursuing your dreams. You need to see who you really are and who you can be. Then you can, honestly, determine which are relevant for you, that you need and want to commit to, and which no longer are what you want and need to do. You have to be brave to let go and hold onto. The only one that 'deserves' an apology is the Lord if He gave you a dream that you didn't follow. But if it really was His doing then it is still active and relevant (just not in the exact same form) and you can still become committed to you and who and what you are and do.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Me first!

  Is that your attitude? That if you don't act on your best interests... who will? Even if there IS some truth to this assertion,  the larger question is - how do you go about asserting 'your best interests'? And what do you do about the competing self-interests from others? Whoever wrote that no man is an island realized a truth that impacts on what we may want - that what we believe we want is rarely, if ever, in isolation to the world you live in.

  How can you act to attain your goals without ignoring others' goals? And more important how do you resolve conflicts? Perhaps the question should be - are the goals irreconcilable? Can you attain yours as well as the other person attaining theirs? We seem to act in a competitive manner before we ever assess whether there is conflict. Silly waste of time and effort. Whether or not there really is conflict, is it irreconcilable or mutually exclusive? Not compromise, necessarily, but can we work together so that both our goals can be attained?

  Not always does your goal come last, though there may be times of detour or putting (fill in the blank) on hold. Sometimes it's timing or that your goal is a 'step 2' and the first one needs attaining before yours can be. The 'trick' is to keep our emotions out of the equation. Never easy. We do seem to express our emotion of displeasure when (if) we feel our desires are being trampled upon. What's your expression? Anger? Irritation? A toe in the sand? Martyrdom? 'Self-sacrifice'?

  Me first doesn't always 'work', even for ourselves. If we can eliminate the bulk of the emotion related to the situation and take a good assessment, perhaps we can discover the best way to attain our 'rights', or how we can all fulfill our wants. Then again... there are times when we have to put our dream on hold until a more effective time emerges to attain the goal. My point is - 1. Never give up a dream, if it is one you truly believe in. and 2. Never assume that a 'later' is defined as 'never'. The easiest and hardest act is to give it to the Lord and let Him provide the comfort for the moment and the answer.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Love and Learn

  It struck me that one of the more critical components in loving is learning about the other person - who they are, how they go about being who they are, what they like, their dreams and hopes, what they want from the relationship with you... and the list of things to learn and discover is inexhaustible. Yes? If you aren't willing to engage on this level then why would you embark on a relationship? Sadly, yes, there are people who really only want an arm's length superficial relationship.

  So ask yourself - what kind of relationship do you want with the Lord? Do you pursue an intimate, growing in depth and breadth or do you keep Him at arm's length? If you say you love Him then I don't see any option but to learn about and from Him. Though this will sound old-fashioned and black/white, but I believe love is an 'is'. Either it is or it isn't. Perhaps love begins as an awakening but once it is seen and accepted, then it is an 'is'. You don't turn love on and off like as tap. You don't wake up and announce love no longer is... unless you are incredibly shallow and if so, was it love in the first place?

  Remember how it is defined in scripture. Read again chapter 13 in 1 Corinthians, especially verses 4-8a. Now look at yourself and how you demonstrate love. Is/Does it: suffers long, kind, not envy, not parade or puffed up, not rude, not seek its own, not provoked, thinks no evil, not rejoice in iniquity BUT rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things - Love never fails. Do you see how you portray these traits of love in your relationships? Do you see who you are as you are these traits? Do you understand what you are doing when you demonstrate love?

  Love is an ongoing learning. You learn about yourself, the other person, and the relationship. You remember that love never fails. You recall verse 2 that tells us that without love we are nothing. Remember what the Lord told His disciples (which includes us) that we would be known by our love. Love is tough, is strong. However, it isn't a mat to be trampled upon. Love is a standard - the mindset that forms our behavior. Love is always an action.

Monday, December 7, 2015


  What impresses you? What stays with you long after the person, event, or 'thing' has passed? And when you remember, what 'trigger' brought it to mind? I think this is a good operational definition of 'impressive' - remembering over time. But what's more important is the context and content of the memory, what impressed you? Why? Do your impressions reference a specific event or activity or the qualities of a person that 'impressed' you - perhaps how they related to a specific emotion? As a point of reference... do you see yourself as impressive? If so, in what respect - how would you identify this? If not - why not?

  My belief is that there are always certain aspects that capture our attention that perhaps leave the impression. Yes, these can be either positive or negative impressions. Aspects can also be defined in multiple of ways but this focus is on characteristics or traits that emerge. Once you've found your standard for a particular characteristic/trait then all other demonstrations will be judged by that standard or replace what you do. 

  Next comes the methodology you employ to emulate the 'positive' into how you go about doing what you do so that it is ingrained and habitual in you. Knowing your own method always is in comparison to what you observe - I think this is a 'given' and not always helpful. But it does give a context to 'self-judge' why you do what you do. Other times this will give you a new and different way to respond and thus give you another tool in your arsenal.

  Obviously I'm considering the word - impression - in a slightly different 'light'. Most people don't give much thought to what impresses them or why. Not certain why they aren't more intentional but those that tend toward a critical thinking method of reacting to their world will reap the benefits from this learning. We all don't begin with a critical thinking mindset - it is learned. It is a way of thinking about yourself, your relationships, your frame of reference that provides you with a never-ending supply of ways to observe and to interact in the world you live in. Actually... that's impressive!

Friday, December 4, 2015

It is well.

  Is it? Can you say that regardless of your situation... it is well with your soul? For me, this is a 'sometimes, yes' and 'sometimes, no' response. Not always strong... but I do know that when I'm not, if I want me to be 'well' there's a simple way to get there. And no, I don't always do this. Why? Why? Because eventually the only way to be well is to do that which I knew from the start. Turn to the Lord - remember His words:

     "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give
      you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
      and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke
      is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

  Simply knowing this truth does not necessarily result in acting on it - though why we don't I can't answer. Guilt? Possibly. Frustration? Maybe. Anger (that you did nothing to create the negative situation and you shouldn't have to do anything about it)? Sometimes, yes. We all feel we are old or big or strong or intelligent or (fill in the blank) enough to handle the situation on our own. We all act like pouty children at times because we are out to prove ourselves. Definite waste of time if we need help extricating ourselves. But, I think we all face this. 

  As I've 'matured' I think I waste less time on this posturing when I see I'm in a situation requiring assistance, I've sought the Lord's help. He always is there though He doesn't always answer my plight in the way I expected or when. I think that what we need to do is to discover what yoke is on us, who placed it, and if it is burdensome - how to lighten it.

  It is clear that the Lord's yoke is both easy and light. If what you are feeling or experiencing is not this, then the source is not the Lord. What is the 'nature' of the burden? What we need to realize as well is what is this yoke and burden. Is it spiritual or of this world?  One answer I read was:

     "The good news is that Jesus promises to all who come to Him that He 
      will give them rest from the heavy burden of trying to earn our way
      into heaven and rest from the oppressive yoke of self-righteousness
      and legalism." (

  We sometimes get ourselves out of being well by not addressing what we can and turning to the Lord with what we can't. He promised a way through (1 Corinthians 10:13). It really is not healthy nor necessary to not 'be well' when we have the remedy. We have been made conquerors but we need to turn to our source in order to stay... well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Getting to know you

  Do you remember the song from "The King and I" that Anna sings to the children? "Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you. Hoping that you like me too." Is this a focus, concern, interest for you? Have you taking the time to get to know... You! Silly? Not at all. We all assume we know ourselves, at least on some level, but just how deep does this knowledge go? Or are you avoiding you? If you met you would you want to get to know you? Do you know why and why not?

  I know I've asked this before in a variety of ways but I do think it's important. How can you possibly 'improve' you if you don't know you? Do you take the time to appreciate you? And yes, that is a different subject but a critical one. My bias is that you/anyone can't accept a compliment or a valuing of them by others until they first value themselves. Perhaps you won't even hear the compliment or words of valuing if you don't believe you are: worthy of them, apply to you, (fill in the blank).

  Certainly you have warts. Everyone does. We all compensate (over?) for what we feel are our failings and faults. But... that doesn't mean we should ignore those qualities that are positives. If we do then we aren't maximizing our strengths nor are we letting those qualities provide a foundation from which we can grow, mature, become our best selves. What do you like about you? What are your strengths that you can use as your foundation?

  Take the time to get to know you and I mean on a level of depth that you've not considered as yet. There are some wonderful qualities that identify who you are... besides, God don't make junk. You can look at you with clearer eyes when you dare to see all of you - to paraphrase, 'the good, the not so good, the bad, the not so bad' that defines and describes you. Then, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and don't try and make massive changes all at once. Look at your qualities that will help you redefine the warts and take one at a time. Getting to know you is really worth the time.