Friday, July 30, 2021

Why would God love... me?

Have you ever ask yourself - Why would God love me!? Why would He take the time, the effort to save me, provide for me in every area of my life... love me? And then look at all He continues to do... and if I were the only one, He would do it all, just for me! My heart and mind are in awe that He and His Son, Jesus, would develop a plan to bring us all (no one is eliminated, exempt) out of the fall and back into relationship. The reality is that He would, He did, He continues to do, and that He always will do. 

But how do I know He loves - me? Every word in His Word is filled with love, with all that He has planned... and how I can live and act from His love. Plus, there are three proofs of His love. First, from all He's already done - He always had a plan for restoration and also a place and role just for me. Next, from all that He continues to do to give me an abundant life. And lastly, that He has made the only way to Heaven. I won't have to endure the torments, I will be Home.

At some point we eventually realize that we never will be able to repay. We also understand, on some level, that we do not deserve God's love and care. Yet... through His Word He continues to tell us of His equipping, enabling - so that we can not just exist but live the abundant life. We do not need to live in fear or lack or fall for any other stumbling stone. However, I also believe He never wants us to stay the same. He wants us to grow so we can become all that He has planned for us. To me, the single and only gift I can give in return for all that He does is to become the best me I can be. And even in that I need Him in order to do this (John 15: 4-11)

I think that this is the time that the devil does his best to convince us that we aren't redeemable, we are so cursed that we would never be accepted. I may even have committed the unpardonable sin! And... he reminds us of what we've done! I know what I've done (or not done), what I've said (or not said), and how I've acted.  So how can I even hope that God could still love me? He can. He does. He gives us one of the best gifts... a way back into relationship when we do those things we shouldn't (1 John 1:8)

When we don't act on our 'get outta jail card' in 1 John we cripple ourselves. Part of the problem with this thinking is that we are buying into a lie. Let's face it, the devil never wants us to be saved and realize how much we have because we accepted the invitation provided through Jesus, If we do act on the invitation, he will still attempt to thwart us because he really doesn't want us fruitful and effective. 

If you ever wonder if God loves you. Open His Word and you WILL know. He tells us in so many ways and displays His love for us, each, individually. He writes our names in the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16), He provides a way to relationship through Jesus (John 14:6), He loved and loves us so much that Jesus gave His life and rose again so that we could experience eternal life (John 3:16) - and those verses only begin to demonstrate and tell us of His wonderous love for us. And miracle of miracles, all we have to do is to accept His invitation in order to partake and become part of His family.

It's always been all about us. And when we share who Jesus is and how He's impacted our lives with others, whether we sow the seed, water it, or harvest it - we are part of what the Lord wants for us because we are acting and sharing His love for everyone. At some point you will have to put aside your pride (because that's truly what stops us from accepting His love, even when we accept His invitation) and fall into His arms of love knowing He will always catch us. He loves YOU, unconditionally!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ignoring Sin

Bottom line: sin is sin. Makes no difference if we choose to acknowledge (fill in the blank) as sin, if the Word says it is - then it is. The Authority? God. How do we know? Because God made it known to us in His Word. We know. One very clear 'proof' is when we try to argue that it isn't sin. (PS - there's no such thing as a 'little white lie'.)

God never ignores sin... NEVER. How about us? Do we try and water down sin to the lame - missing the mark. Sin is terrible, we can't diminish it and the effects from sin. And it is far more than merely 'missing the mark'. I must admit I do wrestle with the possibility that there is unknowing sin. However, if we never were taught differently, it is the rare individual that would understand that what they are doing is sinning. So I have abandoned this thinking. Sin is precisely what it says it is - SIN.

And from the opposite end of the spectrum... you know, don't you, that satan never gives up. Ever. You will always have a target on your back. You did realize this, didn't you? He may go quiet for a bit but since he hates the Father so, he will never give up trying to tempt or seduce you into sin and then tell you that you've committed the unpardonable sin and have no place in the Book of Life. I've always believed that it isn't so much that the devil wants us, he just doesn't want the Father to have us. 

So how do you define 'sin' and what do you do when you discover that this is precisely what you did? Sin is far more than merely 'missing the mark' or making a mistake. Google says: "The doctrine of sin is central to Christianity, since its basic message is about redemption in Christ." True, no argument but this really isn't telling us much.

   "Augustine of Hippo: sin is "a word, deed, or desire in opposition to the 
    eternal law of God," or as scripture states, "sin is the transgression of 
    the law." 

Got Questions says:

   "Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 
    3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18).   ...
    We, Adam’s descendants, have inherited sin from him. Romans 5:12 
    tells us that through Adam sin entered the world, and so death was 
    passed on to all men because “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23)."

Helpful? Do you understand sin in terms of who you are, what you do, and how you go about being you? Let me pose a question: if a person who is very dear and important to you was involved in something that could cause harm to them or others, would you try and dissuade them from continuing on that path? Of course, this is how you need to respond when that 'something' is sin. 

   "My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you strays from the truth 
    and falls into error and [another] one turns him back [to God], let 
    the [latter] one know that the one who has turned a sinner from the 
    error of his way will save that one’s soul from death and cover a 
    multitude of sins [that is, obtain the pardon of the many sins committed 
    by the one who has been restored]." (James 5:19-20, AMP)

The next issue is how we receive this information from others. We do need to discover the 'truth' in this - is it true, are they mistaken or misunderstanding, have you prayed about this and also done what scripture says (test the spirits - 
1 John 4:1)? If you have and the answer is that it IS true - repent and act on 
1 John 1:9. If false - rebuke, because of the false witness by another. But never lash out in anger or defense. Act calmly on truth. But never ignore.  

If we are sinning, covering up or ignoring never works. Remember Numbers 32 which reminds people that if they did not do what the Lord said, their sin would find them out. In this case, the sinning was deliberate, no accident. True in all cases of sin - it will find us out (typically at the worst time) ... and rarely is it unintentional.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

BEING Forgiven ... accepted?

I am fond of quoting (and applying) 1 John 1:9, AMP. (But also remember Matthew 6:14-15)

   "If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is 
    faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive 
    our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrong-
    doing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]."  

But I'm not sure I appreciated the fuller significance of this scripture. Because Jesus did what He did, He provided a constant access to forgiveness, cleansing, restoration. If you say, 'of course' - congratulations, I wasn't that swift. 

There is another, equally important component - accepting you've been forgiven. Many of us are not as successful in this but we should be. In my head, in my more reasoned moments, I have this conversation: Me - 'I'm so sorry Father for having (fill in the blank AND having already confessed this sin), please forgive me.' The Father: 'What ARE you talking about? If we've discussed this before, don't you remember I cast it into the Sea of Forgetfulness?" (Micah 7:19) Why do we do this? The reasons are as individualistic as we are.

As I oft say... being a Christian is not for cowards (though if you are a coward, you can grow into a warrior). Daily, for some, we do those things we don't want to do and not do what we do want to do - what I call Paul's ' lament (Romans 7:15). We feel that we're in continual need of forgiveness ... and it is heartfelt. 

Is the reason for the unnecessary behavior on our part the realization of just what we've said/done and how it has affected someone else? Perhaps. Is it a sense that we aren't worthy? Probably. But I also believe it goes even deeper... a desire that nothing should separate us even though we quote:

   "For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] 
    that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things 
    present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, 
    nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us 
    from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 
    (Romans 8:38-39, AMP)

It's not that we don't believe this scripture, nor don't believe this is how the Lord looks on us... it's almost like 'it's too good to be true'. But it is true. The issue is our accepting the forgiveness and moving on. Letting that be a guide to changed behavior (my definition of true repentance), And if we do repeat? Then remember that we still can be cleansed and restored and we can again purpose not repeat.

   "For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and 
    understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been 
    tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect 
    as we are, yet without [committing any] sin." (Hebrews 4:15, AMP)

Just as with everything associated with eternal things, forgiveness, accepting being forgiven, change, etc. it is a process. It is never 'one and done'. We continue to grow in understanding of who we are, Whose we are, and who we are becoming.  

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Outta the mouths...

There are scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments referencing 'out of the mouths of babes and infants' ... 

   "And Jesus replied to them, “Yes; have you never read [in the Scripture], 
    ‘Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies You have prepared and
    provided praise for Yourself’?”  (Matthew 21:15, AMP)
This is the positive outcome (praise) that comes from our mouths. Do you take time every day to offer up a time of praise to the One who has given all for you?
   "Through Him, therefore, let us at all times offer up to God a sacrifice 
    of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and 
    confess and glorify His name." (Hebrews 13;15, AMP) 

From a different perspective, do you ever listen to yourself? Do you hear what you say? Is what you say what you want to say... and to the person/people you want to say it to? Is it true or only opinion" And how do you present this... as fact? Especially when you are referring to you, how is it you present you? What escapes your lips and is truth spoken in love? (And yes, I know I've written on the power of our words before... bears repeating.) If you knew for a fact that what you said would always come to pass... would you try and be more intentional?

The power of words, the power of hearing what is said is far more influential than we realize. However, there's also the opposite... have you ever been in a position of trying to catch the words out of your mouth and have them not heard? I have, more times than I'd like to remember. Many times this happens when my anger rules and I am 'dressing down' someone, but someone who doesn't deserve it. It's then that I remember the scriptures that talk about our words, our tongue.

   "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and
    indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words."
    (Proverbs 18:21, AMP)

   "The good man, from his [inner] good treasure, brings out good things; 
    and the evil man, from his [inner] evil treasure, brings out evil things. 
    But I tell you, on the day of judgment people will have to give an 
    accounting for every careless or useless word they speak. For by your 
    words [reflecting your spiritual condition] you will be justified and 
    acquitted of the guilt of sin; and by your words [rejecting Me] you 
    will be condemned and sentenced.” (Matthew 12: 35-37, AMP)

Many scriptures speak to the power and subsequent ramifications of the tongue. And then there is the scripture that says...

   "In the same sense, the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it 
    boasts of great things. See [by comparison] how great a forest is set 
    on fire by a small spark! And the tongue is [in a sense] a fire, the very 
    world of injustice and unrighteousness; the tongue is set among our 
    members as that which contaminates the entire body, and sets on fire 
    the course of our life [the cycle of man’s existence], and is itself set on 
    fire by [a]hell (Gehenna).          ...
    Out of the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. These things, 
    my brothers, should not be this way [for we have a moral obligation to 
    speak in a manner that reflects our fear of God and profound respect for 
    His precepts]." (James 3:5-6, 10 AMP)

Goodness! This is not the outta the mouths of babes and infants. And, equally important, it should not be in evidence in ours.

Then there are those occasions when what you said wasn't heard as what you meant. Those are the stickiest of situations. I've come to the conclusion that if I want my message to be understood then it's critical not to give mixed messages (that my previous behavior reinforces the words). And it is equally important to discover if the listener(s) have heard what I meant as well as what I said. Do I check to make certain what they understand? Are my choices of words those that aren't weighed down by multiple definitions? Sometimes the old, 'keep it simple stupid' is appropriate. One can always expand when the foundation is understood.

The point in all this is the we should never underestimate the power of our words and the ripple effect they can have. When we realize what Jesus said to the Pharisees who wanted Him to silence the people

   "Jesus replied, “I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry 
    out [in praise]!”  (Luke 19: 40, AMP)

Sunday, July 18, 2021


Do you know the definition? Do you know what it means? More important... do you know how it applies to you? Webster's definition says: "not possible to revoke". Well, that's not helpful, is it? Synonyms: irreplaceable, irrecoverable,  
irredeemable, irreversible... this I interpret to mean a done deal, can't and won't be undone. Thankfully, scripture gives a more thorough description to help us:

   "for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for He does not 
    withdraw what He has given, nor does He change His mind about 
    those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call]." 
    (Romans 11:29, AMP)

Does this help a bit more? Probably the caveat is our own definitions, experiences, understandings, descriptions of 'gifts' and 'calling'. But when we couple this verse in Romans and remember God's words in Malachi 3:6 this becomes powerful. Never forget that if God calls you to it... He always equips you for it. Even when you don't 'feel' it, as you take that step in obedience, you discover that whatever you felt was lacking is overflowing.

   "And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that, always having 
    all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good 
    deed;" (2 Corinthians 9:8, AMP)

Two areas are identified in Romans: gifts and calling. We read about gifts in a number of places: 1 Corinthians 12 talks about the spiritual gifts given to man and what they are and how they function. 

   "However, since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to 
    us, each of us is to use them properly: if prophecy, in proportion to one’s
    faith; if service, in the act of serving; or the one who teaches, in the act 
    of teaching; or the one who exhorts, in the work of exhortation; the one 
    who gives, with generosity; the one who is in leadership, with diligence; 
    the one who shows mercy, with cheerfulness." (Romans 12:6-8 AMP)

These verses in Romans aren't always accorded the same degree of importance as the verses in 1 Corinthians... and yet, these too are considered as gifts to the body. There are other places in scripture that indicate the role of gifts... but it is we who accept the mantle and walk in the gift for others.

I would argue that the importance and purpose of the gifts can be seen in Ephesians 4:11-13, AMP as these verses identify some of the offices. As you read them, just as with the gifts, not one is placed in superiority over another. Man, on the other hand, has. Bottom line is that everything is done so that we are enabled, equipped to provide our part in helping the body grow into the Lord's church (without spot or wrinkle).

   "And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, 
    some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the 
    work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all 
    attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, 
    to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the 
    fullness of Christ."

We're still working on this. This is why they are still irrevocable. We need the gifts and offices, realizing our individual calling so we can aid in attaining maturity.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Horrors! I was wrong!!!

Happen to you? Of course. It really is immaterial how you got to 'wrong'... you did! So did the world stop? No.? Was it catastrophic? How did it affect and/or change you? others? What did you DO about being 'wrong'? We can gain some comfort and perspective when we read Proverbs. There is a wealth of practical (common sense) knowledge there. 

   "He who conceals s transgressions will not prosper, But whoever confesses and
    turns aways from his sins will find compassion and mercy." (28:13)

Remember that this uncomfortable state occurs for all of us. The Problem is always admitting when we're wrong.... and then doing all the wrong things to save face? That IS a familiar approach for people when faced with their error. I will contend that this is the single most important factor and contributor to frustration, confusion, and division. We aren't infallible so the chances are fairly high that we all will be wrong - sometime, some place, with someone. The point is to NOT compound the problem but to resolve any issues, misunderstandings, errors, etc. that evolved from the error. 'Covering it up' rarely works and often puts the spotlight on us instead.

Hopefully not putting too mundane a spin on this ... remember the song in My Fair Lady when the mystified (dense) professor sings to his friend, "Why can't a woman be like a man"? The song ends with - why can't a woman be like me! Which really sums up the problem - unless it is you.... no one acts like you. Being surprised should never be our reaction. And this is true regardless of whether it's a man or a woman - it happens to us all. 

'Wrong' is rarely something we can ignore... nor can we distance ourselves from our involvement. (Most irritating...) So now that we have mud on our face, what do we do? Obviously rid ourselves of the mud and then, if we've learned and show maturity, we don't try to weasel out or point fingers... we seek those who are the most likely to know how to 'fix' the situation. We're still involved. We're still responsible... but we've realized that assistance is an asset.

Not every 'wrong' is a sin (though every sin is wrong), but we still can gain wisdom and direction from these scriptural answers Besides, who among us wouldn't seek help to resolve the situation? The answer is... the vast majority. Really self-defeating. Another Proverbs verse says:

   "Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall." (16:18)

I've learned, perhaps the hard way, that pride and haughty get us nowhere so why even head in that direction. We need to resolve our wrong and move on. Most wrongs require resolution and this always makes for a stronger foundation. If your situation is one of "horrors, I was wrong', then get a grip, admit your mistake, resolve, and move on. So much more effective this way...

Monday, July 12, 2021


I believe I've finally developed a definition that is simple, accurate, and easily understood concerning... Disobedient: anytime we act (including speak) contrary to what we KNOW the Lord wants us to do, say. I think that there really isn't unthinking disobedience. And yet, we may not be aware of the fallout and ramifications from our disobedience.... however, there are always ramifications.  I sometimes think we don't realize what we are doing when we respond with a 'no' to the Lord. Do we appreciate that He chose us for something special? Our view of the importance is really irrelevant. However, what is our action once we are aware?

Consider the example of Jonah. Jonah said 'no' to the Lord sending him to an enemy - consciously and deliberately and then tried to run away, and look what happened. In a whale. When he (kinda repented) said he would do what the Lord asked, he was incredibly effective. Don't get me wrong. He was also irritated that what he did resulted in the positive outcome - he was not pleased. This shows us a number of thigs about when we are disobedient: Did we know what we had been asked to do? What was/is our whale? Have we repented and finally done what was asked? The effect of this? How did we feel? And know that nowhere does it tell us that we have to like the result

One of the realities of when we say 'no' to God is that we ARE being disobedient. And this act compounds the situation in that we are then missing a blessing. We do need to realize too that the Lord never leaves a dire situation to chance - He always has a backup plan and then the person who responds to the Lord with a 'yes' receives the blessing. I have never believed that we are indispensable... that the fate of (fill in the blank) is entirely in our hands. While the Lord chooses to work through us, He will never put someone else at our mercy. I do believe that what happens is that we, who have been asked, lose a blessing.

The question remains... what do we do with our disobedience? Once we realize our sin, do we simply 'stiff upper lip' it? And this gets us....? Perhaps we acknowledge and seek restoration? Maybe we attempt to ignore and hope it goes away? Fortunately for me, I remember the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15). Quick summary: once the son realized that he had sinned and that his father's servants were better cared for then he was, he determined to come back to his father, repent, and ask to be a servant. And his reception? The father threw a feast for the errant son. 

Point? That we don't need to fear rejection but that we will be welcomed back into the family once we recognize our disobedience, repent of the behavior, and vow to not repeat that heart and mindset. It won't continually be held over our head. (Read the story in Corinthians of the sinning man and his repentance.) However, we did miss the blessing of obedience but we don't have to continue to compound it. 

I believe that the bottom line is who we become as a result of the things we do/say and how we repent and move on. Remember - in repenting if we hold onto what we did and shouldn't have done, we live in bondage. That's not the Lord's plan for any of us. We may be wounded but there is always a place for us. Disobedience does have its own results, but the examples in scripture of those who sinned and still were used, some mightily, by the Lord should serve as our hope. We aren't cut off, we are still part of the family.

   "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive 
    us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9, AMP)

Friday, July 9, 2021

What are you asking God for?

The Lord's ear is always open to hear and listen for our voice (1Peter 3:12). He wants us to share our hearts and our lives with Him. Do you take the time to talk with Him? What do you want from Him? And if you say - nothing... how can He share with you? He tells us in so many ways and in so many places in scripture to ASK! 

   "This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are
    entitled to] have before Him: that if we ask anything according to His will, [that
    is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us. And if we know [for a
    fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we
    [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to
    us] the requests which we have asked from Him." (1 John 5:14-16, AMP)

1. It is OUR confidence.
2. Ask according to HIS WILL
3. We ARE heard
4. The Lord LISTENS to us 
5 We KNOW we have the requests

The determiner, in my opinion, is #2: if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose and THEN #5:we have [granted to us] the requests which we have asked from Him. Not a maybe, do have. Is the issue in this the 'according to His will'? When we pray and ask, do we know that our requests would be according to His will? If so, end of discussion.

Could the problem be that we separate God into a different 'category' when it comes to our needs, requests?. If our problem or issue is spiritual then, of course we turn to the Lord. But what about all the other areas of our life??? Do we think those areas are inappropriate to ask about. They aren't. When Jesus came to bring us into an abundant life, He didn't say... 'but only those areas that are spiritual'. If so, then where do we turn when our need is in the other areas of our lives? The first thing I want us to think on/realize is the scripture from Matthew 6:33 (AMP):

   "But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and 
    His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and 
    character of God], and all these things will be given to you also."

It is His kingdom that should be our secondary focus, attention after seeking the primary focus - Lord. We are told to seek the giver, not the gift. If all we do is to turn to the Lord in His status as Jehovah Jireh, they we miss all the other manifestations. When the Lord talks about abundance, He is referring to all of the bits and bobs in our life. The point is us - who, what are we focusing on.

But also look at the end of the sentence... and all these things will be given to you also. It's in the areas of 'all these things' that we seem to be confused: do we ask? do we 'hope' for? do we simply attempt to find a resolution in another way? Are we insulting God by asking for those 'things'? Verse 32 says, "...all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them." Therefore, He is never surprised nor upset about the 'extras'. I think the point is our priorities... do we put seeking God first, or seeking His hand... or seeking the 'things'? 

And yes, we probably do all the above. We just need to be intentional when we pray. He tells us in various places that He wants us to live an abundant life, so why would He want us to not even ask? The issue truly is our priorities and how we go about asking and seeking.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Forgiving's Responsibility

If you are the injured party... do you have a choice whether you accept another's seeking your forgiveness? Do you have options when someone comes seeking forgiveness and/or restoration? Simply - No. Whether we like it or not, want to or not, IF someone comes seeking our forgiveness for something they did - we must provide it unhesitantly and unconditionally. And, is it possible to forgive but not restore? Is that how God responds to us? That He forgives but He will never forget... or have you forgotten Psalm 103:12? 

   "For if you forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful 
    sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not 
    forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that 
    it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father 
    will not forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15, AMP)

   "So if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and while there 
    you remember that your brother has something [such as a grievance 
    or legitimate complaint] against you, leave your offering there at the 
    altar and go. First make peace with your brother, and then come and 
    present your offering." (Matthew 5: 23-24, AMP)

Those 2 scriptures tell us just how important forgiving one another is to the Lord. He does not consider forgiving lightly. Why should we? I think part of the concern is that His people act in one accord. It's impossible for us not to grieve one another (intentionally and not) however, once we are aware and seek forgiveness, we need to forgive each other and come back into fellowship. How often? I believe Jesus’ response to Peter’s question was 70 times 7.

   "Then Peter came to Him and asked, “Lord, how many times will my 
    brother sin against me and I forgive him and let it go? Up to seven 
    times?” Jesus answered him, “I say to you, not up to seven times, 
    but seventy times seven." (Matthew 18:21-22, AMP)

Part of the reality is that forgiveness should always be accompanied by restoration... at least of relationship. And don't try and hide your 'never forget' because it is always expressed whether we intend to or not... however, I suspect a case could be made of a touch of deliberate on our part. That's not how the Lord treats us and it shouldn't be how we treat one another. I realize that the argument about not casting pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) could be attempted, but it really doesn't apply, does it.

While the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the verb "restore" as to bring back to or put back something to a former or original state, many times this is not the case or intent in scripture. I believe when we are talking about restoration and forgiveness, we are speaking of relationships, of second up to seventy plus chances. How can we dare withhold restoration and yet expect the Father to always restore our relationship with Him? Forgiving is required... forgiving includes restoration. It's the one offended that has to take that extra step because the extra step was taken for them.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Dos and Don'ts

Dos and Don'ts are not options when the source and authority is the Lord and His  Word.  We aren't even asked to 'like' the do/don't. They are ... are's. And if you noticed, they are also rather blatant - you really can't say you don't understand. They say what they say. Granted, you may not know all the whys and other understandings that occasioned the 'do' or 'don't', but the command is not in doubt. Our only choice is to obey and follow them. But... it is our choice. We will reap either way... it's just that not to obey puts us in an untenable position. 

There are no 'sides' or fences in these - you are either following or not. There is no hint in a 'do' or a 'don't' that it is negotiable. And ignoring doesn't work either. Why do we have so many problems following? We know better? Hardly. Whatever the Lord requires of us, look at all He's done for us... is it too much to ask that we follow, especially since He is trying to keep us safe? And again, it is an either/or and it is our decision. But I don't see how you can say you are a Christian if you aren't following the Christian principles. Jesus makes this plain:
   "If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in
    accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples. And you will know the
    truth [regarding salvation], and the truth will set you free [from the penalty of
    sin].” (John 8:31-32, AMP)

Let's be honest... the only time it truly gets dicey is when the issue is one that hits close to home. A friend or family member is at odds with a particular issue or you've been a fence sitter but are now in a position that you have to decide where you stand. Why does it seem so difficult? Hate conflict? Dislike any disputes? Not the point. The issue truly is one of whether or not we will Stand. Will we follow the precepts set by the Lord?

In my world of definitions, there is a difference between unintentionally and deliberate sinning. However, when the light of truth is revealed, then there is only the choice of repenting and being restored or consciously/purposely continuing in opposition. 

   "For if we go on willfully and deliberately sinning after receiving the knowledge
    of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice [to atone] for our sins [that is,
    no further offering to anticipate], but a kind of awful and terrifying expectation
    of [divine] judgment and the fury of a fire and burning wrath which will   
    consume the adversaries [those who put themselves in opposition to God]."
    (Hebrews 10: 26-27, AMP)

The Message Bible presents this same information far more dramatically and frighteningly - there's absolutely no room for 'misunderstanding':

   "If we give up and turn our backs on all we’ve learned, all we’ve been given, all
    the truth we now know, we repudiate Christ’s sacrifice and are left on our own
    to face the Judgment—and a mighty fierce judgment it will be! If the penalty
    for breaking the law of Moses is physical death, what do you think will happen
    if you turn on God’s Son, spit on the sacrifice that made you whole, and insult
    this most gracious Spirit? This is no light matter. God has warned us that He’ll
    hold us to account and make us pay. He was quite explicit: “Vengeance is mine,
    and I won’t overlook a thing” and “God will judge his people.” Nobody’s getting
    by with anything, believe me."

Whenever we take a stand contrary to the Lord's principles and standards, we are putting ourselves above Him. We are also telling Him, He's wrong! If, in the process of our actions, we mislead another person, then the penalty is even graver but both separate us from our source, from the one who purchased us, from Him who gave His life for us so that we could live an abundant life. This can't be tolerated. And what actually do we gain by trying to do the things that separate us from the one who gave everything to purchase our freedom? 

Dos and Don'ts are our guides, designed to help us. But they also are principles and standards that won't be changed. God tells us that He changes not (Malachi 3:6). So what is true today, was true over 2000 years ago and will still be true 2000 years from today.