Saturday, November 30, 2019

It sometimes isn't easy...

Standing on what's right according to the Lord's principles isn't always easy. It isn't always popular... but that doesn't make it wrong. Simplistic perhaps, but truth is truth and doesn't suddenly become 'relative' when truth doesn't mesh with popular thought (or our 'comfort level'). Whoever said that being a Christian is a walk in the park didn't realize just how many of those principles in high places are aimed at us. However, we are protected and armed, equipped to be in a battle (Ephesians 6:12). 

Standing includes more than just standing... we are told to study so that we handle the word of truth correctly... which, when we do, increases our confidence. Our role is to fulfill the requirements  first: 

     "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker 
    who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
    (2Timothy 2:15, ESV)

The problem is our attitude toward 'study'. For many, this is an obstacle to 'get on' with what is wanted, needed. However, unless we do what's required we may stub our toe... or worse. Studying is not an option, especially if we want to be of use.

Our focus shouldn't be on the difficulty or ease of being a Christian. (However... if it is ease, we should probably double check what we are doing and saying.) We should be focusing on what our message to those in our world says. Do we act as conquerors or the vanquished? Do we speak truth in love or bang other's over the head, or worse - try not to be so 'religious'? What are our words and actions, and do they boldly proclaim? 

You will never read in scripture that being a Christian is the easiest path - we are to take up our crosses daily! But... we are always equipped and enabled to be who we are in our world. We are not alone - we have One who sticks closer than a brother. We truly do have all we need. And no, that does not make our daily paths easier. But it confirms who we are becoming and whose we are. And when we are fruitful then we are blessed. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Whatcha see is whatcha get...?

True for you? Personally... I think I'm lazy because I don't want to try and remember if I give different persona's and words to person A when I am with person B. Do not like these kinds of games and don't want to waste my time, energy, and thought life remembering who I am with one person versa another. I remember being accused, years ago, that I wasn't 'transparent' (the current buzz word then). Not true. I just was who I was at that moment rather than being something 'expected'. But I wasn't consciously trying to be difficult.

What about you though? What do you do? If you look in a mirror do you see you? Probably more important though is if you can suspend 'reality' for a minute and try and see you as others would. Is the you they see the same across people? Is the you they see who you see? No value comments on whether or not you want to be viewed differently - that's question 2. First though is congruence and consistent. Are you... you? 

Do remember you can't change into something 'new' if you don't know who you are at this moment. And accept the fact that you are always changing and evolving... as are those around you. I think our problem, many times, is when we do change we don't always communicate this which can be confusing for others. 

Back to the initial question - are you consistent, are you ... you? Why would you want to be other than you? You say you don't like you? Or maybe there are parts of you that you need improving or want to keep private. Notta problem - is others breach those areas, simply say you don't want to discuss (fill in the blank). If they drop you for your honesty then you really didn't need the relationship in the first place.

Scripture does give us information on this issue:

   "“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, ... (Jeremiah 1:5)

Psalms 139:15-16 and Isaiah 49:1 also speak to this. Remember... God doesn't make junk, so you can never view yourself in that light. If you are know by God from before your beginning then you have a place, a home in Him, a purpose. You are able to grow, to become your best. And being who you aren't to please (fill in the blank) is not the way.

My question 2 is also important because when we do change we need to let those in our world know. Sometimes people are aware of a change but not understand. You always choose what and how much you share... but this is important to those populating your world. Why would you not want them to know that you have grown?

   "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will 
    bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)

See! A good work... completion. Let this be what motivates you to be confident in letting others (and yourself) see that... whatcha see is whatcha get.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Now that you are saved, are you 'doing' anything with your new state? Do you see evidences in your life of a changed life? Do you see evidences that you are growing in the things of the Lord?  Is it important to you? And please don't read this as accusatory - I'm speaking as much to me as to you. We need to be acutely aware that we do model what we believe. We need to know the message we are providing.

Paul speaking in Philippians 2:12, the ending exhortation:

   "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,"                                            
Do we really understand what 'working out your salvation' means? We aren't our (or anyone else's savior) so what are we suppose to be doing? Looking at the Amplified Bible will give us some important clues:

   "...continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring
    it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired 
    fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation 
    to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of 

The Message Bible states:

   "...redouble your efforts. Be energetic in your life of salvation, 
    reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God’s energy, 
    an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at 
    what will give him the most pleasure."

Does this give an better perspective? I've underlined what I consider to be the significant words: cultivate, pursue, self-evaluation, redouble, energetic, reverent, sensitive. Are these the words that describe and define what we do about our salvation? Do we continue to become what the Lord purchased for us? Are we 'working out' our salvation? Is it in evidence?

Salvation is not a 'condition' to simply put on the shelf. My understanding is that it is to be active in our lives which, I suggest, does give the evidences. Who we are, what we do... does demonstrate that we are not only born again but continuing to mature as Christians and to act in the world we live in. I have trouble imagining that we should simply be grateful that our name is written in the Book of Life, but that we should be engaged with our living. 

Actually... there will always be evidences. What is in evidence is our decision.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Can We (I) really change?

Do you wonder, question yourself about your ability to change? Not willingness, nor even knowing what will happen with a change, simply - ability. Do you feel so involved with your life that imagining a change is not acceptable... or maybe not feasible or even desirable? 

Perhaps we should begin with your attitude about change. Some people fear change. Some, meet it with distaste based on previous experience. Others simply dislike the disruption in their lives. However, there are those who quickly abandon what is and wholeheartedly accept change. And there are a host of other reactions. You? Most important though is do you know 'why' you react, respond to change the way you do?

For me, change is typically characterized by and involved with growth; and though sometimes the 'lessons' are difficult, I really wouldn't change... change. Though, if I am honest, there is always a part of me that wants to direct the change. I don't think I avoid or deny it or try and change the change. I may not always be overly delighted that change has invaded my life but if I don't look at what the change is telling me about my now then I may miss what I can become with the change.

Scripture also talks about change... and changeless:

   "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter 
    under heaven:" (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV)

This verse acknowledges the existence of change and also a word of comfort in that everything has a 'time'. And, by implication, that what was will not necessarily stay the same.

   "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer 
    and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made 
    known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all 
    understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ 
    Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

This verse tells us that we don't need to be anxious... which includes 'change'. It also tells us how not be anxious. 

On the other end of the continuum, changelessness is identified:

    "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." 
    (Hebrews 13:8 ESV)

   "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming 
    down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation 
    or shadow due to change." (James 1:17 ESV)

What a relief! There is something, Someone that we can rely on to not change, to always be as He says He is.

My point is that change is an 'is'. It occurs and there is nothing we can do to stop it. This is also true of us - we don't remain exactly how and who we were. Therefore, our focus should be on how we respond to changes. We should also rest in the assurance that what doesn't change is the Lord. He is Who and what He says He is so we can always rely on Him and His Word. This assurance is our strength to face any change that we encounter with the knowledge that whatever we need to do or be, is already prepared for us. Actually... we can enjoy change. 

To return to the initial question - our ability to change. Stop just a moment and look back. See all the changes that have already occurred in your life and that you were able to meet them and adopt and adapt them to who you are and who you are becoming. You can change. The added evidence is always available when you look at where you are right now and where you want to be. When you commit to personal growth (change) you will ...

Monday, November 18, 2019

Something's ... missing

Ever feel that way? Something's missing or just not... 'right'. You really don't know what it is or what you can do, but that sense of unease is very present. So, what do you do? Do you take the time to discover the 'source' of your discontent? Do you try and 'ride it out'? And do you remember that even though you may get some relief, the discontent returns?

I wrote about 'the hole' in all of us some months ago. This is a variation on that theme. Whether you identify your feelings as discontent, something's missing, a lack of completeness or (fill in the blank)... Until you do face the issue, it will always remain. Point is... the Lord is always wooing us, trying to help us realize that the 'missing' or lack or discontent is related to our state. This state is referred to as unsaved, not born again, not complete. For you, I pray it is never rejection of His outstretched hand.

Perhaps the issue is that you don't see your need? Do you? Or do you think that you are 'good enough' and there's really no need to be 'saved'? Perhaps you don't believe that God would condemn you to hell... if there actually is such a place. Perhaps you are the independent type and want to do ' it your way'. Again, this still speaks to your status as unsaved. What actually is stopping you from becoming part of the family of God? Is it pride? 

Is there ever, in the back of your mind, the wonder if I could be right? That all the people over the centuries who have believed and become Christians and believed in the future of eternal life could have it 'right'? Granted, many of those professing to be Christians didn't always act correctly, didn't always act according to the principles and standards... but that doesn't make them (both the people and the principles) 'wrong'. If others' behaviors are the basis of your lack of acceptance, then you don't understand the principles. It is true that even if you were the only person, Jesus would have done all He did... for You. 

What will take away your feelings of 'missing'? Accepting Jesus' gift of life. Why is your only path Jesus, why do you need salvation? Simple. Without it you are not saved and without Jesus you have no atonement or redemption. There is never anything you can do to 'save yourself'. And yes, this does mean that you have to view scripture as the manual, the basis for life. Even if you don't understand, it doesn't mean it isn't truth. 

Salvation is the first step. And nothing can happen apart from this beginning. The next steps are growing in understanding, becoming, and acting as the person that you can be. This will always take away the feelings of 'missing'. Then again... perhaps the problem, issue, concern is... changed...?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Principles & Standards

As a Christian we have principles and standards that are found in scripture. These are strong statement that the Lord gave... not ones that can be misunderstood or changed. Do you know, or only think you do, what they are? Can you substantiate what are the Christian's principles and standards with scripture? And then, do you know what they are operationally? Are they defined in terms of observable behavior? I sometime wonder if we really do or only think we do. And if we are confident in what they are and how they 'look', is there evidence in our lives?

Perhaps part of the reason I am emphasizing this is that I do believe Christians are often misunderstood in the minds of so many - Christian and not. Many times we are judged on the basis of how we express understanding and love and the mindset is typically 'turn the other cheek'. But the idea of expressing judging and standing is never, or rarely, accepted even though Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple.

One aspect that you should realize is that the scriptural principles and standards are there to help us make good decisions. Some examples:

   "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your 
    own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He 
    will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

   "The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone 
    who is hasty comes surely to poverty." (Proverbs 21:5)

   "Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance 
    of counselors there is victory." (Proverbs 11:14)

You should know that you are not spineless, a doormat, nor a robot, you have not given away your rights... or your responsibilities. Always remember that the hand extended in love, in caring is never a weak one. Someone (?) said or wrote: "Love is an act of courage." I think the reason is that love makes us totally vulnerable. 

There is a time and place for gentleness but this is never at the expense of ignoring truth. Yes we are to speak the truth in love, but we are never told to ignore or deny truth. Truth needs as strong a mindset as love. The principles and standards indicated in scripture so that we can 'stand' as indicated in Ephesians 6. Unless and until we are certain of what these are then we are like those on shifting sands. Principles and Standards are our foundation and confidence.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

And now a word about ... Righteousness

Did that sound disrespectful? It wasn't meant to be! Righteousness tends to be one of those 'major, big concepts' that many people choose to ignore rather than to understand. There was a wonderful exchange that occurred when Jesus willingly took on the sins of the whole world.

   "He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, 
    so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, 
    we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship 
    with Him by His gracious lovingkindness]." (2Corinthians 5:21, AMP)

Read that again. First though, do you understand what 'righteousness' is and means? If you don't then how can you ever understand and appreciate what God and Jesus did for us in making the exchange, transfer.

    Webster: acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt
    or sin - morally right or justifiable; conforming to a standard of what 
    is right and good; conformity to established sanctioned codes or 
    accepted notions of right and wrong; involvement of more difficult 
    or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity.  committed to 
    the highest ethical principles; moral excellence in character; 
    guiltlessness or blamelessness; to be righteous before God and the 
    world; moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or 
    dubious in conduct and character.   

Does this describe our condition? Is this who we are, how we act? Prior to this time and this act we weren't, righteous and we never could on our own. There was no way we could be in relationship with the Father apart from being righteous - we were completely stranded. 

    Scriptural definition (according to Google):Righteousness is defined as 
    "the quality of being morally correct and justifiable." It can also be 
    considered synonymous with "rightness" or being "upright". gives an excellent discussion on righteousness. To pare it down, it basically is telling us that God, the Father is righteous, as is His Son, Jesus. we betrayed our relationship with God so we lost our standing. However, He knew what was necessary to re-establish the relationship - the gift given by Jesus. All we need do is to acknowledge and recognize what Jesus did to provide that atonement.

I've talked about righteousness so many times, and this is to reaffirm the importance of righteousness and how it provides the foundation for all we can become. Our sense of confidence, of strength should increase as we know that the Lord has provided our way to fruitfulness and fulfillment. As we stand on this understanding and act on it we increase our expression of faith.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Have you ever considered that... You are a gift? I believe you are. Read again what Paul talks about in Ephesians 4:15-16. NASB

   "...but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into 

    Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being 
    fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the 
    proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body
    for the building up of itself in love."

That's you! That's your part... And if part, then you also are a recipient of others' gifts. As hard as it may be to get our heads around this, we all are gifts to each other. Before you dis yourself, also read 1 Corinthians 12 NASB 

   "But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common 

    good." (v. 7)
   "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews 

    or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of 
    one Spirit." (v. 13)
   "For the body is not one member, but many." (v.14)

And this only begins the conversation. You are a special gift, one to be honored as is the sister or brother in the Lord standing next to you.

So... is the question now one of - how to share your gift? There shouldn't be stress associated with determining your how and where. 

   "A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before the great. 
    (Proverbs 18:15, ESV)

Admittedly, waiting on the timing is a lesson in patience. Though sometimes it's a question of seeing ... what's at your hand? This can be the beginning of your sharing. However, it should never be a question of your value. You are a gift. You are special to the Gift Giver and never diminish who you are because... when you do, you diminish the One who created you and placed you right where you are. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Practicing Christian

What does that even mean? Do you have any understanding? OK... admittedly, this is undoubtedly an individual definition, but the concept - Practicing Christian - do you have your definition? Let me provide mine so you have a context.

   Being a Christian is meant to permeate all of who we are, everything 
   and everyone we touch in the course of our day. It is not, never, a
   separate 'part' of you that you bring out and dust off... 'when company
   comes'. Christianity isn't just for Sunday morning.

This is my definition... but most important, what's yours? How do you define and confirm who you are as a Christian? Do you even see it's importance?

Christianity is not meant to be only a philosophy, an intellectual 'exercise'. When you look at the life of Jesus, you begin to catch a glimpse of who He is and what He considers important. How He lived and what He did gives us examples and understandings of how we should live. His was a life lived with His 'boots on'. Plus I also believe that we all seek an example, a model to adapt in our lives to underscore how we should be. 

When we accept Jesus as our Lord, become saved, we have just signed up to be part of the army of God. He doesn't take this lightly and neither should we. He tells us what we need to do, equips and trains us to do this... but... this is OUR choice, a decision we choose. However, never forget the sobering admonition given in Revelations to the church at Laodica (3:16). Our lives are to be full, fruitful and meaningful. 

Honestly, I think that this forms the basis for my third book in this third series,  'The Search'. I believe we all need to define how we apply and become Practicing Christian, how this  looks in our lives. How we demonstrate, automatically, how we apply Christianity to life. And, as is true with most of the important issues of our lives, this is a process. As we take the necessary steps to activate our own definition of  being a Practicing Christian, then we grow and confirm who we are.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Which you...?

Do you have many you's? Not unusual... many people do. However, it will entail a bit of a juggling act and knowing which you to present to which 'group' when you are with the world. Quite honestly........ is it worth it? And what do you gain when you do this? Isn't it tiring?

I really don't think I've ever done this though I have watched others do it. I've always believed in the - what you see is what you get - approach to presenting myself. Not belligerent, arrogant, nor aggressive, simply being myself seemed to be the best approach and definitely the easiest. That way - if you choose not to associate with me, at least you know why. Plus, you don't have to wonder what I'm actually saying or meaning.

I would like to think that part of the reason I'm this way is an adherence and application of the scripture: 
   "Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this 
    comes from evil." (Matthew 5:37, ESV)

Additionally, you don't have to wonder what you said to person A that might vary with person B. However, if you do a 180 change in your beliefs. actions, thinking, etc. then I do believe you need to let those in your world know that you've made a change.

There's another scripture that I believe also speaks to this mindset. 

   "But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the 
    eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from 
    faith is sin." (Romans 14:23, ESV)

Before you point out the obvious, that I am not putting the scripture in context, granted. But look at the principle. Both these scriptures reveal a foundational point - that our words and actions shouldn't be a mixed message, and that faith should be the basis for our words and actions. If we don't have peace about (fill in the blank) then we should simply say we aren't ready to commit because we have not arrived at a decision.

You may choose to reject this approach to your interactions and reactions, your thoughts and beliefs, but if so... what is your basis for a 'which you' that is presented?