Friday, April 28, 2017

Heaven without... you, us

Heaven without... us, you. Not a thought to contemplate. The choice of your ultimate residence is yours. Yours alone. And you do need to decide - it is not avoidable! If heaven is your choice, do you know the requirements to make heaven your home? Do it on your own...? Not even remotely possible. You can only attain heaven through Jesus.

What do you need to believe about Jesus? You need to believe that He was and still is, that He was fully man fully God. According to Dr. Roger Congdon there are over 21 reasons Jesus came, among them:

1. He came to fulfill prophecy.
     “I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). 
     “Christ has become a servant . . . to confirm the promises given to the 
      fathers” (Romans 15:8).

2. He came to seek and save the lost.
     “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” 
      (Luke 19:10).
     “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost” (Matthew 18:11).

3. He came to give His life as a ransom.
     “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give 
      His life a ransom for many.”  (Matthew 20:28).

4. He came that men might have life more abundant.
     “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). 

5. He came to reveal the Father.
     “Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the
      Son wills to reveal Him”  (Matthew 11:27). 
     “Jesus said to him, ‘He who has seen Me has seen the Father’” (John 14:9).

6. He came to do the will of God.
     “Then He added, ‘Look, I have come to do Your will’” (Hebrews 10:9).

7. He came to preach.
     “But He said to them, ‘I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities 
      also, for I was sent for this purpose’” (Luke 4:43).

 8. He came to bear witness to the truth.
     “For this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is
      of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:37).

9. He came to save sinners.
     “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (I Timothy 1:15). 

10. He came to bear our sins.
     “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross” (I Peter 2:24). 
     “Christ . . . having been offered once to bear the sins of many” 
      (Hebrews 9:28).

11. He came to provide a pattern of holy living for Christians.
     “Since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow 
      in His steps” (I Peter 2:21). 
     “Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” (Matthew 11:29).

This scratches the surface. My point is that none of us gets a free ride, that each of us must face the question of where we will spend eternity... and with whom. We can ‘wait till the last moment’ but since we don’t know when that is, we play with fire in waiting. And waiting... why? We can have a rich and abundant life now as well as in the world to come. Why wait to begin our process of becoming all that we can be. Jesus said that apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5), so He sent the Holy Spirit to help us. 

At some point in our lives we must face the ultimate question – who is Jesus? Then we must decide if we will follow Him or not. This answer determines where we will live forever.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

That next step...

is what we need to know - what our next step should be. It isn't that we need to know the end from the beginning... just that next step. If we seem to be standing still... are we? Is there a perfectly good explanation for why we are? And, how long have we been rooted to the spot? 

It could be that we are in a time of 'renewal', taking inventory of where we've been, what resources we have, what we need, and when this in-between-time will end. If we are rushing, then this is typically a warning that we need to stop and double check what's happening. Rushing is very rarely the most effective and efficient mode of behavior. In scripture, did you ever read of Jesus rushing? You may have read that He was purposed in where He was going and what He was doing. But rushing - not. What is it we think we will accomplish by rushing? Most of the time this is the time when people and things get lost in the hurrying.

The next step does not have to be the entire picture, though we sometimes feel we need to know the end from wherever we are. Not necessarily so. Though I don't always succeed, I've learned that the most important thing I can do is to focus on the next step... only! This goes contrary to my nature of planning and determining possible options. I always seem to be involved with planning which I always believe gives me opportunities to 'color outside the lines' into the world of 'what ifs'. If I'm planning on the fly, then looking at other opportunities seem less. However, sometimes in the midst of our plans we seem to be asked to set them aside and ... follow.

Regardless, do you know your operating style? Can you live with only knowing the current step and the direction you are heading? It really speaks to our level of trust - partially in the Lord but basically in our own ability to distinguish where we are headed, that we are hearing correctly. You do realize that you don't live in cement... yes? You do realize that, perhaps inadvertently, you don't always discern correctly? You do realize that the Lord doesn't make mistakes and as you turn to Him, He will lead you according to what really is best for you? 

Trust. Huge word. But if you are doing what you believe you are suppose to do then when you are incorrect, you will be gently redirected. We are never left to languish - never. However... never ignore that small check in your spirit. It will lead you when you let it. Since we do see in a mirror dimly (1Corinthians 13:12), we can continue not always knowing but still taking that next step. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017


What an incredible word. Do you know what it means? How? If you answered that you just knew, that it's a pervasive feeling of... of ... well-being. And now you begin to list all of the adjectives that describe the feeling. Understandable. Peace is more easily described as a feeling. But it really is so much more. Peace is described by your definition. It may be the same as the next person... or not. The point is - know yours so that you can experience it and recognize it when you are in a peaceful state.

Webster defines the word as, "...a state of tranquility or quiet". That begins the definition but doesn't capture all of the essence. Webster goes on to describe this state as: "... freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions... harmony in personal relations... a state of concord." Freedom, harmony, concord...regardless, calm seems to be the predominant state. In our high paced, stressful lives, this is definitely to be prized.

For most of us, the period of time that can be characterized as peaceful is usually quite short which typically only enhances our desire for it. Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if you had a moment's peace? Silly question? I don't think so. Since peace is a prize, desired - when we are experiencing it - what do we do in it?

All that said... for me, peace is always an internal state of being that can occur regardless of what is occurring around me. Admittedly, when what's around me is not stress driven or chaotic, it's far easier and longer. Since I believe that peace is also a restorative, I attempt to find that place each day for at least a few moments. Peace is a high priority in my life so I tend to make certain I find that special place and time.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Who and what is relevant in your life? Perhaps a not so subtle yet pointed question is - where and how do you place the Lord in your priority list? Is the Lord relevant in, not just to, your life?

Definitions would be helpful so that we are all understanding what I'm meaning by relevant. You may word it differently or have other definitions, but to understand what I'm asking, you need to know what I'm meaning. 
Relevant: according to Webster - "having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand."
The legal definition is: "tending logically to prove or disprove a fact of consequence or to make the fact more or less probable and thereby aiding the trier of fact in making a decision" 
Synonyms: " applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, implies a traceable, significant, logical connection - implies so close a relationship that it cannot be dispensed with without serious alteration of the case - clear and decisive"

I especially like the 'implies so close a relationship that it cannot be dispensed with' statement. My definition also includes: time. Spending time daily with the Lord. Yes, in prayer but more - time spent communicating. Talking with Him about what's happening, what the question(s) of the day are, what He's sharing and teaching you - a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord. 

Do you have, or want, that kind of relationship? Because if you do, then it's available for you. One image that denotes this level of relationship is found in Genesis when scripture talks about God walking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the morning. This would be the type of relationship I would want and continue attempting to develop. However, I realize that not everyone would desire this... basically because there is an implied giving up something to attain this. Not certain what one loses because I view it as a fundamental foundation to living a fruitful, abundant, and fulfilling life. I'm not giving up anything, I'm gaining someone significant.

Regardless, the question is - relevant. If you are in relationship with the Lord, what's the level of relevance? Is it what you want? Do you want to grow in it or maintain a 'status quo'? Most important... how do you know what is relevant for you?

Sunday, April 16, 2017

What you bring...

I know I focus on the fact that there's very little of significance, worth that we can accomplish through our own efforts. The corollary to this is why would we want to go it alone when we have One who is able and delighted to help us? Yes? The primary purpose the Holy Spirit has is to help us - read again Jesus' words about the Holy Spirit and what He does (John 14:16). So why not turn to Him for help? 

We sometimes consider what we do bring and view it as so little or question its 'necessity'. I suppose that strictly speaking it isn't necessary except for reality that God's choice was to give His creation to man to oversee. He still does. In this process of becoming your best, never forget what it is you bring. You are the primary actor. God chose to work through us, with us; though He is more than able to accomplish (fill in the blank) on His own. Therefore, you are a critical part of the process. So what is it you bring? You bring - commitment, self-control, purposing and intentionality. Those are your foundations though there are other behaviors and mindsets you bring. 

Also, never forget that you are a work in progress. One doesn't wake up one day knowing all, unless you are in heaven. To a greater or lesser degree we all slip, sin, make bad decisions, etc. but we all have the choice to start again - seek forgiveness and grow. It is always our choice to continue or not. I believe we never really 'make it', we all continue until the ultimate call to come home. But, as I have said numerous times, I believe that this life is a training ground, a learning laboratory. This in no way diminishes the abundance, joy, learning, positive successes, etc. that occur as you live your life. Life is a gift we are given. What we do with it is our gift back to the Father.

Bottom line: what you bring is you. And that's what is needed and wanted. As you willingly come and use your commitment, self-control, purpose, and intentionally become all that you are and do and continue to grow to be and do, is what you bring. Your faith is your strong defense in times of stress. Your love is your strong defense in times of doubt and fear. You. That's what you bring - you - no small thing.

[Part of this post was also included in my monthly article in the church's newsletter.]

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Prepare to win

  You have to, you know. If you don't take the time to know what you are going to do when you win then you will face the same kind of dilemma as those who fail to plan (plan to fail by default). As silly as this may sound, you have to know what to 'do' with your win (whether it is the battle or the war) and what you do next. We all can get so involved in the 'battle' that when it is over we seem to act a bit stunned and a tad disoriented.

  Another component in preparing to win is your ability and alertness to address those issues that always arise unbidden to delay or defeat your win. Do you have contingency plans available if plan A doesn't provide the best path to success? Is your team (even if this is only you) focused on success but able to meet any challenging obstacles and not waste time in denying them? There are multiple aspects that have to be considered when you set forth to succeed in (fill in the blank).

  Expressing our 'how-we-handle-a-win' is also important because it will demonstrate to others what they need to do when they win, as well as 'how' to win. Simple example: were others involved in your win, the success? If so, do you accept all the acclaim or do you share it with those who contributed? Will you want their involvement in the future (on-going or new project)? If so, then 'the little people' should be acknowledged and meant to share in the success. Obvious? No, sharing is never obvious and sometimes not even thought about or expressed. 

  I do realize that there is always a bit of time to savor the win, but remember that you never have the luxury to rest on your laurels - this will fade. Is the 'win' a one and done? If so, what is the plan for the next project? If it is part of a larger plan then how long before you need to start the new process? Life is never stagnant. There's always new vistas to see, discover, and conquer (?). Do you have a 5 year plan or 10 year - do your projects tend toward the short-term or grow into long-term? Have you taken the time to know what you are going to do now that you have achieved success?

  I've used succeed and win interchangeably because this is how we tend to think. Success is always equated with win, as failure is to loss. However, a failure can be an impetus to continue to find 'the answer'. Too often we don't use success in the same fashion. Too often a win signals an end. It shouldn't. It should always be the foundation from which to begin a new...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Not home yet...

There is no way to be completely complete until you get home. And there's no way to get home until you accept Jesus as your Lord. You have to receive His love, Who He is, what He's done and is continuing to do which is given to you unreservedly and without hesitation. I have the feeling that the Lord wants us saved even more than we do. Why? Because then He can work with us to grow us up. He has such terrific plans for us which really is our decision to accept or not. But it all begins with our acceptance, our choice to make Him our own personal Lord.

Could be wrong, but I think there is a big hole in all of us that can only be filled by someone (not thing) that is bigger and more than us. We each have the choice to accept Jesus as Lord or to accept someone else (the devil). Things never fill the hole - no matter how much money or success or fame or whatever you strive after will ever fill the empty place. I also believe that ultimately it is an either/or choice - it is God or it is the devil. And if it isn't Jesus, it is the devil. Scripture tells us that no one can serve two masters... but I do believe we all do serve one. No one can live on the fence.

However, never assume that being born again is the end of the matter. It isn't. Now the real battle begins for who we are. The devil may not have stopped us from accepting Jesus as Lord, but he will do everything and anything in his limited power to make us ineffectual. His level of success is always based, in my opinion, on our relationship with the Lord. If we keep the Lord at a distance, don't grow, don't assume our part in the family then we are vastly limited in our own effectiveness. 

In many respects I think our life is a training lab for our full life when the Lord comes again. Proof? I really am not sure I have any other than why would the Lord spend so much time on our growth if it didn't have use for us now and in the future? Why spend so much time on who we are becoming if He didn't plan on our involvement later? Life is a precious gift and we are meant to live is fully but it isn't the end either. 

     "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know
      in part, then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."
      (I Corinthians 13:12)

When we go home...

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ever let you down?

Has the Lord EVER let you down? And, if you feel He has... do you know why? My bias is that He never lets us down, period. Proof? 
  1. He doesn't need to prove this, it is an is. When you look at your life, there are countless examples of Him (doing) in our lives. Besides, He is God and doesn't need proving. If this isn't how you think of Him then... exactly Who is He in your life? 
  2. Is it more of an issue that we didn't turn to Him first to discover if what we wanted, decided was according to His plan (Jeremiah 29:11) for us? Had He previously led you in a different direction thus allowing you to discover what His plan is?
  3. HOW has He let you down? What was it you wanted that you needed Him to do for you? Have you looked at the why's? If it was to 'change' someone else, then that seems to me to be counter to how He does things. He gives us the free will - do you think He will override someone elses because this is what you think?

I suspect that many of us may have ventured into the feelings of being let down but were afraid to voice them. Let me tell you a secret... He knows. He isn't afraid of your questions, even your anger. Surprised at your reaction? No. Remember He made you in the first place. So He's responsible for your words and actions? Hardly. WE have been given free will - even to our own detriment, though I believe He will do everything that He can to help us our of our self made predicaments. If you doubt this then look at: Genesis 1:26-28, Psalms 139:13-14, Hebrews 4:15, 2Thessalonians 3:3 are only a few of the many scriptures that show us just how much time and care God has for us.

Perhaps another way of viewing this kind of situation is... how did you get to thinking that the Lord let you down? What, specifically, did He not do that you wanted/needed? Have you looked at/analyzed what it was you felt you wanted? And yes, we sometimes do want 'something' for absolutely no reason that we can think of, once we take the time to really consider.  

Bottom line in my thinking is that we really do need to address our feelings of 'let down', even when there's no specific reason. To me, the most important consideration is our relationship with the Lord. We can't attempt to hide our thoughts and feelings because we need an open, honest, and unhampered relationship. Hiding our feelings, regardless if there is any logic to them, or attempting to deny them never works. Talk to the Lord, He's there. He's waiting on us to come to Him so He can work with us to accomplish our growth into becoming the best us we can be. 


Monday, April 3, 2017

Unspoken words

  Is this what you're waiting to hear? The 'thank you' or 'I'm sorry' that perhaps should be said but never is. Do you try and 'prod' them into saying the words (overtly or subtly) but still the words go unspoken?  Did you do, whatever you did that you would like to hear the unspoken words... freely? unsolicited? without the realization of your sacrifice

  Actually, do you know what need of yours is motivating your need/desire for the unspoken words? Now what? Will you cross the person(s) off your list of those you will extend your (fill in the blank)? Will you do the passive aggressive thing to let them know they are not in your good graces? There are other options to your choice of subsequent interactions... what are yours?

  Let me ask a different question - have you ever been on the receiving end of this situation - you didn't say the words? How did you know you erred? What did you do next? Ignore? Try to make amends? Apologize? Do 'something (?)' to let the person know they were appreciated? Again... many options available. My point is that we all want the unspoken words and we all forget to provide these words to others. Can we change? Do we want to?

  In terms of the unspoken words... have you done this to the Lord? Ahhhh... And how has He reacted? Did He disinherit you? Stop talking to you? 'Spank' you? No, He continued to love you, to help you be your best... without any expectation from you. Admittedly, I'm a proponent of acting - of demonstrating, but words are always important. And when it comes to those unspoken words of appreciation, of thanks - people need to hear them. Not false or merely flattering words - genuine. Especially people really do need to hear our words of apology... don't you? 

  Again... what do you do when it comes to the Lord. Yes, He was there when it happen. Yes, He knows all so He knows you are sorry or do appreciate - but isn't it also important for us to speak those words to Him?