Monday, January 29, 2018

The devil's greatest ally...

is You! Hard to accept? Doesn't seem possible? Sadly, it is true. I sometimes think that far too much 'credit' is given the devil, our enemy when it is we who create the problem. He, however, is more than willing to accept the credit for misleading us. But take another look - and yes, sometimes it is his wiles and temptations. Regardless, why do we abandon logic or ethics and do what we shouldn't?

And yes, the response to the last question is... (fill in the blank) - multiple reasons or attempted excuses. Sometimes we really don't know. Sometimes it's simply rebellion or defiance. But it is we who do the doing - rebelling/defying. There is no way the devil has the power or ability to MAKE us do anything. Read that again. He is powerless... remember the scripture that tells us he is LIKE, not that he is.

   "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls
    around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him,
    firm in your faith..." (1Peter 5:8-9)

Look at Peter's admonition again. Be sober-minded. Sober. Not sad, not intense, not humorless. So what is 'sober'? One of Webster's definitions is: "...marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor." Obviously, an alert person is less deceived by the obvious attempts but they aren't immune. 

To me this is a person who is purposeful and integrous, who attempts to apply a standard of behavior. Peter does give us some behaviors to employ against the devil's wiles - resist, faith. We can resist. We can overcome. And the bedrock is our faith. Our faith is a mighty defense - remember it is part, our shield, of the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) designed to protect us as well as help us defend.

We are far mightier than we know... in Him. And the devil would love for us to think we aren't saved, we are still under the devil's hand, that even if we are saved we don't know enough or aren't spiritual enough or whatever you think your weakness is to be the Lord's hands in our world. As I've said countless times, the devil doesn't want us saved but he definitely doesn't want us to believe who we've become when we choose Jesus as our Lord.

When we agree in any way that the devil is right then we become his ally against ourselves and our world. Why? Why believe a lie when we have so much evidence proving Who we have accepted? Do you honestly think that the devil is stronger than our Lord? Hardly. Jesus has conquered all and in Him we have access to be conquerors. Use the same defense Jesus used to thwart the devil who was tempting Him. "It is written..." Know what's been written and then you too can use His words to fight. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Fear - Faith

Looking at fear and faith... I can't think of any two forces that are such opposites. If one exists, then the other can't. If you don't want one to 'rule' your life then you have no alternative but to root out the other. In this case, the only antidote to fear is faith. This also leads us to an opportunity to make a stand For, not just Against. 

Assuming that faith is the preferred mindset, do you know what stops you from walking in faith? What binds you to negative 'what ifs'? Do you choose to only see the negative? That's as self-defeating as only seeing the positive. Both exist, you need to be aware of both so that you can effectively deal with the fear factor and enhance the faith.

   "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has
    to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected
    in love." (1John 4:18)

I suspect it can be argued that none of us live as one who is perfected in love. True. But, it can become a mindset that defines our actions. How? It goes on to say in v. 19 - "We love because He first loved us..." Look at the One who provides the model - how did He display love? 

I've always believed that if we are directed to do or think or be (fill in the blank) then we can. Our Father would never ask or require us to do something we can't. However, the proof is in OUR doing. Will we even attempt to walk in faith, to overcome fear? Will we become a model for others even knowing that we will fail at times. Perhaps one of the greatest learning will be what we do when we don't accomplish our goal... how we pick ourselves up and begin again.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Auto correct yet again! Yea? No, Ye. Spell check ... didn't! Sorry. Probably shouldn't have used KJV, better with ESV or Message or NKJV which would have said - you.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Seek yea first...

I have an old friend who has built his life on this scripture (Matthew 6:33). 

   "But seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
    things will be added to you." 

But... exactly what does this mean? What is 'first'? 'The kingdom of God' - what does this mean? His righteousness? And how do we seek??? (I know I've written about this scripture before but as I discover more about what this means, at least for me, I like to share my understandings and hopefully hear yours.0

Seek:  We've seen and read about seeking in other scriptures. The most famous one is also found in Matthew.

   "Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will
    be opened to you." (7:7)

Ask, Seek, Knock. The underlining theme is ... you will. If you seek then you will find. But it is us who do the doing. If we don't seek, how do we know what we find when we find 'it'? It (in this case, seeking but applicable to everything) has to be a value for you, something you are not only willing to do but will take the time and effort in order to discover. Do you want to seek - handing it to you on a platter rarely works.

Next, what is it you should be seeking? This scripture says - the kingdom of God and His righteousness. This is an amazing, lifelong, intentional act. You won't find 'it' immediately and when you enter the beginning understanding, you discover that you've only scratched the surface and that this will continue to grow as you give yourself to the adventure of discovery. Personally, the discovery regarding righteousness is something that I found amazing and humbling. 

Righteousness: as a beginning step, read 2Corinthians 5:17-21, especially:

   "...For our sake He made Him to be sin, who knew no sin, so that
    in Him we might become the righteousness of God." (v. 21)

We all know that we aren't righteous and we don't act this way. But we do have a 'get out of jail free card', it's called salvation. When we accept Jesus as Lord we are made a new creation (5:17) and are made righteous! What a glorious gift and standing.

Do we fail? Of course. But our God provided a way back into the standing of righteousness.

   "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins 
    and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1John 1:9)

This is never license. It is an understanding of what we did, the ramifications of our words/actions and a determination, a purposing to not repeat - to honor our status as righteous.

The result... 'all these things' shall be added. Do you even know how to define for yourself what 'all these things' are? Wrong focus. This discussion is only a first step on the path. There is so much to learn, to understand, to apply. The beginning is to seek.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dumbing down

Is this what you seek? Do you want to live a dumbing down life? Low to nonexistent stress and challenges? Is your life sooo full (to overflowing) that non-stress is a high value and you'd accept dumbing down over truth, over pushing your self developed boundaries, over...?

Yes, that did sound harsh. Somehow the mid January through mid March, which theoretically should be a prime time to analyze and develop plans, is a kind of yuk time. Yuk is a technical term denoting: listless, uninterested, slightly bored, unwilling to do very much in terms of (fill in the blank). Does this describe you and your situation? If not, what are you doing with this time? Do you know what you want?

Assuming that you aren't involved in a new adventure or aren't exploring new heights or depths of whatever you are involved in, what characterizes this time? Dumbing down may be a result more than a condition, but how much does it direct what you do? Since I tend to urge any reader to grow, to develop, to continue to become - then dumbing down is the antithesis of what your mindset and subsequent actions should display. Engaged, involved, proactive should be the obvious behaviors that are in evidence.

I also assume that there is a value in dumbing down... which is? Avoiding stress is definitely one value but it isn't stress that's the issue, it's how we handle and what we do about stress that is. Believe it or not, stress can be a positive... as long as you control 'it' rather than letting it control you. Stress can be a challenge to the status that is only conquered by facing it. Dumbing down requires nothing from us and leaves us in that state.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Walking in the light...

You are responsible! End of sentence. You are also responsible to apply what you know. BUT you are also only responsible in terms of what you know... you can only walk in the light you have. The caveat in this is that you will always, as in always be involved in learning. We never make it! We are in process, we are always growing - and that IS our responsibility. Simply saying you didn't know or understand is never an excuse. An explanation - yes. Not an excuse. 

   "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know
    in part, then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."
    (1Corinthians 13:12)

Yes, this verse is part of the great 'Love' chapter written by Paul. And yes, it is referring to the power of Love. It tells us (v.10) "...we know in part... but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away." Yes. Yes. Yes. to all the above. And no, we shouldn't never take scripture out of context. BUT it does explain our 'condition'. It does not, however, give us license or excuse to stop becoming, stop growing.

I remember Mom apologizing that she didn't know (spiritually) more and as a result didn't teach my brother and I 'better'. I hastened to assure her that she did not only teach but acted on all the light she had - it was more than only words. That she had provided a terrific foundation for both of us to build upon. True. She also provided an example of continuing to grow in the things of the Lord. 

Again, the points are: act on, not just speak what you know; continue to walk in all the understanding you have; continue to grow to discover who the Lord is in your life and your relationship with Him, and enjoy the journey. If you are so intent and stressed, you are going to miss the joy and fun of discovery. Share what you've discovered and never see a 'disagreement' as a threat. This may become a deeper understanding.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

It's taken awhile...

but, I am back! I haven't been that sick in years and have no desire to repeat the experience. But it has, once again, raised the issue about healing.

Do I believe that God removed His hand and/or allowed this sickness. Absolutely and irrevocably - NO! In my understanding, this would be totally contrary to who God is and what He does. I do appreciate that there are countless numbers of Christians (and those who are not) do believe that God 'puts' sickness on us to teach us (fill in the blank). One: do you think He would resort to such an approach to teaching? Two: when you are sick, do you honestly learn anything or are you like the vast number of us who only moan? Three: if you do attribute some learning from this experience... is it spiritual? There are other questions I could ask, but these three are foundational to our understanding about who God is, what He does, and how He goes about being and doing God. 

Our God is a creative not destructive God. He uses proactive and positive ways to teach and lead us. WHY would He use a negative, sickness, to catch our attention? If this argument doesn't sway your thinking then look to one of the names He used to describe Himself - Jehovah Rapha, our healer. Certainly we can choose to not follow His pattern for keeping ourselves healthy, but that's what we do, not what is done to us. Look at Exodus 15:22-26 as to how God explains Himself to His people. Further insight comes:

   "In the 16th chapter of Exodus we find a passage of scripture that gives
    us a great deal of insight into our Jehovah Rapha. This name of God is
    proclaimed to the children of Israel by God through Moses at Marah."

From a different perspective, I can't speak of your experience, but when I'm not feeling well I am not open to anything but feeling better. Hindsight? Perhaps. But again, I tend to look at the situation from a secular view - eg. what I might have done to place myself in a position to get sick. I believe that there has never been a situation in which I found myself and turned to the Lord that he didn't heal me. None. He may not use the same methods, which really isn't the point, healed me is.

As I've grown in the things of the Lord, I have learned to trust and rely on scripture. If He said it... He will do it (Isaiah 55:11). Why would I deny my experience? Too simplistic? Again, perhaps... but I don't think so. 2Timothy 1:12 speaks to being fully persuaded. That is the foundation to belief. Are you fully persuaded that God puts sickness on us to teach us. If so, then tell me what spiritual insight you've learned and applied. The larger question though is - in whom do you place your assurance of healing? If it isn't God then who do you turn to when you are sick? If He put the sickness 'on' you why would He remove it? 

Saturday, January 6, 2018


A little over a week ago I woke up... sick. One: I was surprise to wake sick since the Lord ALWAYS keeps me in health and Two: I wasn't certain what to do since I was being shook with coughing. Even in the best of times I don't like coughing but this was no fun. So I spent the next 3 days getting little to no sleep, coughing, and attempting to disengage myself from phlegm. Not particularly successful. 

Ergo, I did what any illness based person does... I went to see *MY* (not ER) doctor. You have to understand that I think I have a great doctor and our relationship transcends 10 years (what do you know that lasts this long?). Our medical relationship has been a yearly annual exam and a wave. (The Lord has blessed me with incredible health). This time, illness snuck under the radar.

All that to explain why you've not seen any posts from me in days. I've not abandoned writing or blogging.... I'm just using the time to stand in the sun again. I'll be back........ just not certain of the time-line.
