Thursday, January 7, 2021

Jesus said...

When we read these words in scripture do we see that all arguments fall? Do our ears 'perk up' realizing that the words that would be coming next were/are critically important for us and how we become us? Does our attention focus? Point being that there are over 73 verses that start with 'Jesus said..." but do we believe and act on His words? [] 

I'm not going to attempt to list all 73 verses, but I would like to highlight a couple of them and ask you - do you believe this for yourself? Do you act on your understanding of what He said? Do you allow your understanding to grow, to mature in order to appreciate all the nuances involved? 

Obviously, we should never just lightly or cavalierly consider 'Jesus said'. We need to ponder what's being said... at least that's my opinion.   

   "For there is [only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and 
    mankind, the Man Christ Jesus," (1 Timothy 2:5, AMP)

You did see the 'only one'... This puts a period, end to the 'philosophy' that says that there are many paths to God. There aren't. And there are other scriptures that reinforce this statement, such as Acts 4:12, Acts 16:30-31, 1 Timothy 2:5, 1 John 2:23, 1 john 5:11-12. But it is John 14:6 that really is the final argument:

   "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes 
    to the Father except through Me." (AMP)

No one... means no one. And this is our message, in love, because it is truth that we bring to the world. However, we even have help in making the right decision - Ephesians 2:8-9.

One of my favorite 'Jesus said' is in Matthew 4:10, AMP

   "Then Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written and forever 
    remains written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”

Part of the reason for this is that it also gives us our weapon - for it is written. That defense is all we need. As long as we take the time to read, study, and understand God's Word, we have a defense against evil and temptation. AND, it remains! In saying those words, we then have an action that we can also demonstrate - worship and serve Him only. That can be our check, our proof to ourselves that we are in fact part of the Father's family as our worship ascends and is pleasing.

The final 'Jesus said' that I am sharing is John 5:24, AMP

   "I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the person who hears 
    My word [the one who heeds My message], and believes and trusts 
    in Him who sent Me, has (possesses now) eternal life [that is, eternal 
    life actually begins—the believer is transformed], and does not come 
    into judgment and condemnation, but has passed [over] from death 
    into life."

Without doubt, this is a very strong pillar in my life. Hears, believes, trusts becomes the anchor that provides my stand. I believe that with these 4 scriptures we all can stand confidently and boldly... becoming and doing who we have been created to be.

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