I will always argue that we really do want to live a meaningful life - to make a difference. I don't think anyone thinks that they want to be invisible or have no positive affect on others. So, by definition (mine) risk is an automatic component in getting up each day. I try and look for the learnings, teachings, opportunities for me to grow as I start the day. And no, I didn't always. A function of age? I think it's more a function of frame of reference - our whats, who's, whens, ifs, where's, and how's that guide is in our day. We are the ones who determine how we will respond to this.
Specifically, by remembering the Great Commission and how we interact to discover our role, we have multiple opportunities. We can each of us accomplish our role in this by acting in the world in which we live, not hiding, not compromising. Most of us aren't called to make a huge difference in the World, but I believe we all can accomplish far more than we realize...in our portion, in our world.
There are those who are glass half full and those who are glass half empty - and yes, your view makes all the difference. I remember someone saying that even if you don't believe you are equipped/prepared, that you need 'more' (fill in the blank), that when you start and take that first step, you will look back and discover you had everything you needed or the Lord provided what you lacked... when you needed it. This frame of reference provides a sense of confidence that you need to take that first step.
As I said earlier, not many of us are called to a large platform... most of us are called to the world we live in. Sometimes that can be scarier than the unknown 'world', but we all are called to be part. Read 1 Corinthians 12 until it builds up in you the confidence to act knowing that even if you do/say the 'wrong' thing that the Lord will help you to become successful in that which you are called to do. Look for your gifting, your talent and you'll undoubtedly find your call. Then all you need do is to share it in the world you are living in. Really quite simple once you think about it.
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