Important? What is redemption and do you think about this very often? Actually... are you? Redeemed is more than freedom from what has been. I could be completely wrong, but... I also look at it as an invitation into what can be. defines redeem, redeemed, redemption as:
"adjective - Theology. (in Christianity)
having been saved or delivered from sin or its consequences:
Then shall all the redeemed saints appear in glory. [2 Thessalonians 1:10]
noun - Theology. (in Christianity)
Usually the redeemed .those who have been saved or delivered from sin or its consequences: We understand that all of us, even the redeemed, have a capacity for great evil.
the simple past tense and past participle of redeem. provides the following
Deliverance of humankind from its state of alienation from God has been accomplished through the death and resurrection of Christ ( Rom 4:25 ; 2 Cor 5:18-19 ).
Another way of understanding redeemed is provided by 'GotQuestions':
"Everyone is in need of redemption. Our natural condition was characterized by guilt: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Christ’s redemption has freed us from guilt, being “justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24).
Look at all the adjectives associated with the word redeemed. There are the pluses, when we are redeemed... and the minuses, when we aren't. Point being that when/if you have made Jesus your Lord, then redemption is one of the gifts Jesus brought when He came. We never could attain redemption on our own, we can't buy it nor earn it. Unredeemed is our status until we see we are lost and seek to be part of the found. It is always our decision. God never makes us choose to be saved.
"But now, this is what the Lord, your Creator says, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, 'Do not fear, for I have redeemed you [from captivity]; I have called you by name; you are Mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you.'" [Isaiah 43:1-2]
Romans 11:11-31 helps us to begin to understand what we receive when we are redeemed.
"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for He does not withdraw what He has given, nor does He change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call]. Just as you once were disobedient and failed to listen to God, but have now obtained mercy because of their disobedience, so they too have now become disobedient so that they too may one day receive mercy because of the mercy shown to you." [verses 29-31]
Kinda covers everything... doesn't it? What? It was spoken to God's people so it doesn't apply now, for us - especially if we are Gentiles. Have you forgotten that if you are a Gentile, you are grafted in (Romans 11:11-31). We become God's people... not in place of God's chosen people the Jews, along side them.
Let me also ask you... what are you doing with all the gifts (including redemption) that the Lord gives all of us? Do you merely acknowledge this but don't apply them? Why? Though redemption means everything to you (whether or not you completely understand this) - what difference does it make in how you live your life in your world? Is it an example for others?
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