"For we all stumble and sin in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what
he says [never saying the wrong thing], he is a perfect man [fully developed in
character, without serious flaws], able to bridle his whole body and rein in his
entire nature [taming his human faults and weaknesses]."[James 3:2. AMP]
Not really an accurate description of you? You are not alone! Do you struggle with not being perfect? If not, does this mean that you already know you are perfected? Not necessarily. I believe 'perfect' is one of those words that may be mentioned but is rarely, if ever, defined. Sometimes I think no one really wants to hear a definition. And being perfect or perfected is not the same as being a perfectionist... though it can be logically argued that the former is the foundation for the latter.
Matthew 5:48
"You, therefore, will be perfect [growing into spiritual maturity both in mind and
character, actively integrating godly values into your daily life], as your
heavenly Father is perfect."
'Shall be' perfect. A process. Growing... not yet completed in us but Finished by the cross, by the work of Jesus. Grace is the method It never says that we can purchase or earn perfection. Nor does it say this is a one and done. It is always a process we are engaged in.
Colossians 2: 8-10
"Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual
double-talk. They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never
amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of
human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings. But that’s not the
way of Christ. Everything of God gets expressed in Him, so you can see and
hear Him clearly. You don’t need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to
realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without Him.
When you co9me to Him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power
extends over everything." [MSG]
The AMP ends verse 10 this way:
"... And in Him you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature
through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic
and earthly power]."
I purposely use bold and italics on those 3 words because they explain it all. It is not we who are in this perfecting by ourselves, we are in partnership with the Lord to achieve perfection and have been made complete. Obviously we aren't there yet, but all the 'ingredients' are in us to become perfect.
There are over 95 verses that talk about perfection. I want to share just a couple.
Matthew 5:48.
"You, therefore, will be perfect [growing into spiritual maturity both in mind and
character, actively integrating godly values into your daily life], as your
heavenly Father is perfect."
We will be perfect. It is the quality, attribute that is important... it just isn't attained or apparent instantaneous. Growing is the operable word.
"Not that I have already obtained it [this goal of being Christlike] or have
already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of
that [perfection] for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me His own.
Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one
thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies
ahead," [Philippians 3: 12-13. AMP]
Paul was still in the process... so are we. As long as we forget what lies behind and reach for what's ahead we will be on the path to perfect (at least in my world of definitions).
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