Thursday, March 23, 2023

Poverty Mentality 3

A number of years ago I wrote a post on this subject and then some years later, updated it. Now, I'm revisiting this subject again because I think it applies to the here and now. Just HOW are we spending our lives? How do we 'budget' our time, our talents, our resources, whatever is in us that we can offer in our world? Do we 'save for a rainy day'? Most importantly, do we look at poverty from more than a financial mindset? Perhaps you have a poverty mentality but only in certain areas in certain times? It does tend to taint other areas however......

The big question though is 'why'? Why would you think that way about yourself and your Lord? Didn't He say He came to bring life, and life more abundantly [John 10:10]? Have you not accepted His provision? Are you trying to do everything by yourself... your way? And how's that working? Let's face it - we do considerably better and more effectively when we are in partnership with the Lord. Besides, read again what He teaches us:

  "Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that
   a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you
   can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me. I am the Vine, you are the
   branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and
   organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a
   thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on
   the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at
   home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and
   acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes,
   when you mature as my disciples." [John 15:4-8, MSG]

(And yes, I do quote these verses often from the Amplified or Message versions. I do so because they are applicable in so many contexts and we sometimes forget to apply what it is we actually do know.)

Back in 2011 when I first discussed poverty mentality I was attempting to 'dialogue' with the reader on how they felt, thought, acted on this mindset. I said:

   "Poverty means lack; scarcity or dearth ... Granted that poverty is typically
    referencing the lack of money this is a limiting perception.  ... 
    When you look at the definition of 'mentality' you discover that it is the mode
way of thought. So what is poverty mentality and what is its impact?
the two definitions - poverty mentality is your view, your thought
    about lack, 
related to you.   ...
    However, a poverty mentality may have absolutely nothing to do with reality -
    it's your perception of your reality. And from that perception comes your
    behavior - if you believe yourself in lack then you will act poor. For some people
    it's based in fear - not the fact of today but the fear of tomorrow when lack
define your situation. Again it may not have any relationship to reality...
    it's the 
'possibility', in this case.

    A poverty mentality impacts everything you do and say. It tells you that you
    lack, and you can't do anything to correct the situation - you were, you are,
you always will be in poverty. That sense of hopelessness is pervasive.
    Listen to 
the words of those who believe themselves poor and see if you don't
    sense the 
helplessness in the words they use. With some it's anger - that they
    have been 
dealt this hand - it isn't right, it isn't fair.

    Poverty mentality is crippling. The problem is that most people do not see an
    answer. Since the answer begins with your view of you and what you can do
    and be, the answer is that you need a different paradigm. The 'how' you
is the second step. The beginning is to realize what you are doing to
    you and be w
illing to change... not the simplest step but the most crucial. The
    rest of the j
ourney isn't easy but this first step is gargantuan for some. What
    do YOU need, 
to do to begin... "

Yes. perhaps there are areas that you can't change, that define your poverty mentality... BUT you always have the control, the decision about how you are going respond and react. Your attitude does make a great deal of difference and never forget that YOU are more than your circumstances... perhaps there are areas that you can do something about that will change your status. Giving up, giving in... what does that get you? You are always the Director of your life unless you give that control to someone else.

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