Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Accepting being forgiven....

[If there seems to be a theme emerging.... ummm, yes. And each builds on each other - we need to act on 'it' all.]
I know I've written on our issue of 'accepting' ... there's always more questions and more to learn.  I just wrote a post on 'Always Forgiven' and raised the following:

   "And after the giving and seeking forgiveness there's always the issue of 
    accepting the forgiveness. Why would we ever seek forgiveness if we weren't
    going to accept it? And do we feel we need to 'pay' for our forgiveness or act
    this way toward others.... but this is an entirely different discussion." Me  

How do you handle - accepting? Try to ignore the issue? You do realize that there is little effective 'moving on' if you don't accept? What if you repeat and need forgiveness again? Sometimes our earnest desires for change, improvement also take time. But does that mean you don't accept the Lord's (and others) forgiveness of you and your words/behavior? Didn't God say that He would forget our forgiven yesterdays?

   "He [God] has not dealt with us according to our sins [as we deserve], Nor
    rewarded us [with punishment] according to our wickedness. For as the
    heavens are high above the earth, So great is His lovingkindness toward those
    who fear and worship Him [with awe-filled respect and deepest reverence]. As
    far as the east is from the west, 
So far has He removed our transgressions 
    from us" [Psalms 103:10-12, AMP]

And if that doesn't put a period to being forgiven by the Father, there are over 66 other verses that confirm this. Though... maybe your issue is not that you don't know you're forgiven - you just don't know how to accept that forgiveness?

Why, do you think, we have such a difficult time accepting our forgiveness? Does it all still go back to 'worthiness'? Bottom line. We aren't worthy of ourselves, but we are in the process of becoming who we can be. We don't make ourselves worthy, sufficient - isn't God enough? He says in 2 Corinthians 3:5 that He is. Plus we always rest on our Savior who understands us and our failings and yet doesn't hold this against us. So why should we? Yes... strive toward the upward calling that Paul talks about [Philippians 3:14]. Keep your eyes on the prize [Colossians 3:2-10].  But realize that your growth, your understanding your fulfillment and fruitfulness comes when you lean... and accept and act on your forgiveness.

And, NO... this is not license to sin. What it should inspire in us is an attitude of gratitude. We could never, of ourselves, gain worthiness. However, it is one of the gifts Jesus brought to man. Gift. Not earned. Not purchased. A Gift. And there is only one way to accept and act on this gift - and it is salvation that begins our journey.

I sometimes think it takes more courage, more humility, more love to accept the offered forgiveness (because we know ourselves) than any other single act. And do tell the father of lies - that he has no right to accuse you for he has no place in you and "Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world." [1 John 4:4]. For some strange reason we tend to accept the accusation of a liar faster than the forgiveness of the God of the Universe. Why? Jesus came that we might have abundant life and part of that is accepting forgiveness..

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