How do you relate to the Person of God? Can you really wrap your head around the word/concept/reality of God? Do you have Him in a box? And do you put that box at the top of a high shelf? Do you bring Him out only in times pf crisis? Do you only bring requests? How do you see Him interacting with you? Perhaps you see Him as so majestic that He is untouchable; and thus unreachable? Is He not to be bothered? There are multiple definitions and descriptions but do any of them help you to relate to Him? Who is the God you know?
Actually, He begins to show Himself beginning in Genesis 1;1 - but He doesn't stop there. Throughout scripture He identifies Himself to His creation - Jehovah Jireh, our provider; Jehovah Rapha, our healer; Jehovah Tsidkenu, our righteousness only begins to indicate the 'how' the Lord God relates with us . But do we see? Do we read His Word and still don't have understanding? Do you want to know Him? I believe that Jesus understood our plight - He knew our limitations.
"This is the reason I speak to the crowds in parables: because while [having the
power of] seeing they do not see, and while [having the power of] hearing
they do not hear, nor do they understand and grasp [spiritual things]."
[Matthew 13:13]
I sense a disappointed frustration in Hebrews 5:9-13, which tells us of our problem. How can we possibly grow in understanding when we don't grasp the fundamentals? The only thing that limits us is...... us. Do we choose to do anything about this? Understanding comes from study and comprehension that is applied when we choose to act on who He says He is and does.
Since He is changeless is He who you discovered when you accepted Him as your Lord… and remains there? Have you taken the time to discover and know a changeless Creator? Has His Word led you into new understandings and appreciation? Do you see Him only as the Old Testament God who seems vengeful against His Creation and their rebellion and wayfaring-ness? Or is He only the New Testament God who has taken so much time and effort to be our help? We need to remember and realize that He is all that and more. It's not that He changes, it's that we begin to 'know' who He is.
Can you describe the God you know? Would anyone be able to recognize Him by your description? Does He ‘do’ anything? Or since He is Omni everything, He doesn’t need to do anything anymore, having done it all? Does the God you know: laugh, cry, sing, feel? And even if He is Omni everything - is He ever surprised? Perhaps the question is - Who is the God that He says He is? He does tell us in His Word. He isn't hiding or making this a guessing game. But it will require us to seek Him. Don't forget Matthew 7:7-8
"Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking
and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to
you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking
finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened." [AMP]
The Father doesn't tease. He tells us precisely what we need to do in order to discover Him. It is never a question of 'success' - it's a done deal, a promise. As we do our part then that which we are asking/seeking/knocking will be manifested. The absolute joy is that as we discover, we can share with other like minded seekers and listen to their discoveries. In this we all grow and become His witnesses, His Ambassadors to a hurting world as we share Who the God is that we know..
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