Monday, November 15, 2021


I've heard, as most of you have, the phrase (paraphrased) that it's your tests that give you a testimony. Believe this? A different spin on this was one I heard from Joyce Meyer: you don't know what you believe until it's tested! How true. I believe that our faith, our beliefs find their confirmation when they are tested. Tests, in my world of definitions, is a proving, refining process. 

Tests are never designed as punishment, meant to make us fail. Look at the source first. If it's a test, then it comes from the Father who wants us to be as prepared as possible in all areas of our lives. The devil never tests... he tempts. If, when you look at what's happening in your life and you discover it is a temptation then do realize that this comes from the devil. And... if it 'feels' familiar then you can be certain that it comes from the devil because the devil doesn't have a creative bone in his body - he always uses what he used before. Another clue as to the source of what you're experiencing.

OK, now that you've decided that what you are going through is a test - what do you do? Pass it of course! But look at what tests are designed for: to discover what it is we don't know, understand, or how to apply. When you study scripture you'll discover all the way God tested His chosen. I don't believe there is any person or leader that wasn't tested. 

Tests help us:  is a great resource to help us understand tests and trials.

   "In both the Old and New Testaments, the words translated “test” mean “to
    prove by trial.” Therefore, when God tests His children, His purpose is to prove
    that our faith is real. Not that God needs to prove it to Himself since He knows
    all things, but He is proving to us that our faith is real, that we are truly His
    children, and that no trial will overcome our faith.

    The testing or trials we undergo come in various ways. Becoming a Christian
    will often require us to move out of our comfort zones and into the unknown.
    Perseverance in testing results in spiritual maturity and completeness. This is
    why James wrote 1:2-4, AMP 
       " Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into
    various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience]
    produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let
    endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be
    perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing."

Though there are other verses that speak to being tested, this discussion from 'Got Questions' really covers the essential considerations. Tests, trials are for our benefit. They are not punishment, they are refining tools and times. While none of us is overjoyed during these times, they are so encouraging because we discover our strengths and weaknesses. All good. Go into these times with an open heart and mind so you can grow and become equipped, enabled, empowered. When you think about it... quite the result.

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