Seriously... who chooses, consciously, their life? Do you? Is Fate the 'chooser'? And you can add as many other 'determiners' as you like. Is it ever...Your choice? What’s important is the answer? Who makes your life decisions? I suspect most of us would like to believe that we have the final say... the final determination. But... do we? Do our decisions set us on a path that leads (to wherever it leads). Maybe you’re the fatalist type - everything is out of our hands so we can’t do anything, so why bother? If you’ve been a reader of mine then you know I would never ascribe to the Fatalist mindset.
However, I do believe that our choices and decisions play the strongest role in how we got to here from there. The reality is that for every decision we make, we ignore or eliminate a different choice and path. Some of the excluded ones have their merits but, for whatever reason, we chose the one we’re on. And that’s what’s important. However, if you don’t know why you are on the path you’re on, or how you got here, or all your other whys that identify and describe you then... STOP. Take a moment and listen to you.
I think I would argue that subconsciously - you really do know but for whatever reason you ignore or refute it - regardless, it needs to be an aware, intentional knowing. And why wouldn’t you? You can't change if you don't understand your current reality. Notice I said - understand - not just know. You do know how to 'take control' and become THE source of decision making? Don't you?
There is a site ( that indicates how we should go about making decisions. Actually, it's not rocket science - it's simple logic.
1. What Biblical Principles Should Inform My Decision?
2. Do I Have All The Facts?
3. Is The Pressure of Time Forcing Me to Make a Premature Decision?
4. What Possible Motives Are Driving My Decision?
5. How Should Past Experiences Inform My Decision?
6. What Is The Collective Counsel of My Community?
7. Have I Honestly Considered the Warning Signs?
8. Have I Considered the Possible Outcomes for My Course of Action?
9. Could This Decision Jeopardize My Integrity or Hinder My Witness for the
10. Is There a Better Option That Would Allow Me to Make a Greater Impact
for God’s Kingdom?
See. Logical. And, all these questions do have a scriptural basis to decide. Look to Proverbs as your first step in decision making - you should find most of your questions will be answered here.
As Christians, we do have a source for decision making, it's called The Bible. It truly has the answers we need... we just need to take the time to read and study and learn... and apply this wisdom. Choices are always ours to make - by default, by determination. But because of Jesus, we have the necessary foundation to confidently make ourselves the choice maker.
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