Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Whose witness?

Whose witness are you? For the Defense? Or for the Prosecution? Is your witness true and honest? Or do you only accuse, and not necessarily with any (personal witness) facts. Do you witness from your own experience or by hearsay? Because, that's what you do. You witness to what you believe, how you believe, what's important, as well as your level of trust in the person or philosophy for whom you are a witness. You really can't not witness.

One may not always discern your 'why' in your witnessing but you continue to confirm by your words and actions who and what you believe. Simply because you may not always been aware of this truth does not absolve you. And, if we are honest with ourselves, we really do know our who and what. Inevitably you will be found out because it is impossible to deny. And why would you not openly support on who and what you believe and attest to that publicly? 

A person who sits on the fence is never in a comfortable position. You really can't be both/and when it comes to your witness. If you profess one thing to one person because that's what they think, and then profess the opposite to the next person you talk with... no one, including yourself, can trust your witness because it depends on the last person with whom you are speaking. Besides, there are too many issues that require us to stand firm and we can't if we are attempting to please everyone.

Being a witness requires your understanding of who and what you are a witness for. It is always a serious matter and can't be entered into lightly or cavalierly. When you witness you are stating before everyone what is fact from your own personal experience. A question that seems to always be at the back of my mind is: can others tell from my behavior and words that I am a practicing Christian? And if they can't then what message am I sending/portraying? About whom am I witnessing? If I'm not portraying the standards and character of Christ, whose philosophy am I following? 

You may not be called as an Evangelist or a Missionary... but you ARE called as a witness. Does anyone know whose I am and who I'm becoming? Being a witness is important.

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