Wednesday, August 29, 2018


A hiccup, in my world of definitions, is something that occurs that is unexpected and, typically, unwelcome but is not a major disaster. It could have occurred 'out of the blue' but may or may not have resulted from something you did or failed to do. Yet... it still was an event that got you 'off' and put your attention where it shouldn't have been (or wasted time and energy). Blindsided is sometimes indicated as the basis for one's reaction to such 'events'. Regardless, 'it' is something that can't be avoided or evaded, you have to deal with it. So, do you go into your storehouse of effective strategies? You should since you may be able to adapt a previous success. Do you panic? And this gets you...?  

Sound familiar? Remember how you handled the last time this occurred? Did it subsequently go according to plan? Were you pleased with the results and how you behaved? It doesn’t matter what was the cause of the hiccup - did you take the time to learn from it? Silly question... did you first (or eventually) stop and seek the Lord? And if not, why not? If you are in relationship with Him are you not including Him in all the bits and bobs of your life?

I sometimes wonder if ‘the little things’ or our definition of insignificant and the not crisis parts of our lives we exclude from our relationship with ... a ‘He won’t be interested’ or ‘I don’t want to bother Him’. News flash! He does want to be involved with us - with all of us. Why wait till the hiccup grows into a major disaster to turn to Him? I know... stated like that it does seem silly, yet this is what we typically do. Remember that these hiccup times can help us learn in a less stressful situation. I know... ‘duh’.

The bottom line is that the Lord wants all of us and relationship is defined as all. The little, the funny, the revelations, the problems, the successes, the learnings - the all. Hiccup learning is the least painful way to accomplish this. How to start? I suspect it is different for each of us as we grow in relationship. For me, it was talking out what I was doing and experiencing with the Lord as I went through the day (I have no problem ‘talking to myself’). As I grew in my understanding of relationship, becoming, what the Lord said, etc. that I began to appreciate just how wonderful the gift He brought is in and to my life. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Scripture clearly teaches us at least two uncompromising principles: let your 'yes' or 'no' be unequivocal with no mixed message (Matthew 5:37); and do not add to or subtract from scripture (Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18-19). But, I wonder if sometimes we want the answer to (fill in the blank) to be ... not at this time. ??? Perhaps we don't want to hear, 'yes, now' because we feel inadequate, and 'later' works best with our agenda. Or, perhaps we don't want to hear, 'no', because we want what we want. Therefore, we elect to hear... maybe.

So how is 'maybe' defined? I think the basic definition is that maybe gives me (license) to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, how I want to do 'it', if this is what I want in the first place. Yes? Webster says: "...something that is not known for certain; perhaps." In other words - no foundation, no structure, no absolute, or... relativism. If there is no standard then everything is relative to the person at the time. Thus, it is the individual who defines and acts on.

Does this equivocation really accomplish anything? No... it doesn't. In the first instance we don't experience seeing God work through our inadequacies and we miss our blessing. In the second situation, do we really want to 'go it' by ourselves, with our agenda? Are we so much wiser, with foresight to see the end from the beginning? Hardly. Can we, will we live fully with the answer the Lord gives us to our wants, needs?, hopes, dreams...?

I think most of us experience both of these situations. While we would be the last to admit that we couldn't accomplish what's being asked, if it is from the Lord... then we DO have everything we need. We just need to walk in faith. And, yes, this is difficult but it is truly the only response. Disappointment, inadequacies, 'timing', turns into OUR response. Will it be 'yes' to His yes and 'no' to His no? It is always our choice, our decision. Maybe never works because there's not a full commitment to the answer. It is always... well, maybe.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

HOW you 'present'

Many times we hear (or say) ' don't shoot the messenger'. This preface typically precedes a sad/'bad' message. Which means that the listener/receiver is automatically on guard about the upcoming message. And to divorce the messenger from the message is incredibly difficult...but without being forewarned, the two do become one. Which means that relationship, at least for a time, will be effected. Whether or not the message is 'formidable', and whether or not you are the messenger or receiver - the message and how it is presented makes all the difference. Presentation always dictates understanding.

I suspect that that myriad of reactions is a major factor in our dislike of having to present these types of messages. But there are times when this is our only recourse. Now what!? The 'How' we present our message becomes the focus. There is one school of thought that says you should begin with a positive comment before presenting the real focus. I remember one employer who always did this. The problem is that none of the positives were ever really heard because everyone knew what would happen next - the shoe would drop. In adhering to this approach, compliments were rarely trusted. How can you trust either of the two messages? What's the motivation? Plus, I really dislike giving or receiving mixed messages. 

Scripture tells us to speak truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Never mince words or try to lessen the message - this only leads to misunderstandings. If the message is correction then my advice is to always ask the listener questions to make certain that they understand the message. Whenever you attempt to 'soften' the words, you do run the risk of confusion. And remember that your motivation should be for the best for the listener and not simply to distance yourself from the message and the source.

Harsh or problematic messages are always difficult and if you are tasked with conveying the message, then be honest with the message as well as the receiver. It should be truth and resolution that are the objects of the task. I tend to ask questions before I give the message to make certain that the message and the listener are the proper combination. Many times hurt feelings can be avoided when you, as the messenger, ask questions to discover the recipient's understanding. This can give you understandings about how you do present the message.

When you find yourself on the receiving end - questions are also appropriate. If an accusation - then if true, you need to accept and make amends. If not true, then you need to attempt to present 'your side'... and mere saving face is never a sufficient motivation. The same format applies to 'correction' issues. Sometimes the person presenting the information really doesn't have all the facts. Never just be stoic - if your hands are clean, you need to present your whys and hows. 

Regardless... the 'how' in presenting and receiving and moving on should become the mindset. 

Monday, August 20, 2018


Yes? No? The start of our 'Stand' (Ephesians 6) in the battle, because if we don't believe in  Absolutes, then we are on the wrong side. 

I remember, at university, that the group of people I tended to 'hang out' with were those who, though perhaps far from intellectuals, loved to 'discuss'. One time the discussion was on the subject of absolutes. My argument, putting aside content or context, that absolutes always existed... that if you didn't believe in absolutes then that was an absolute statement and the argument was null and void. That really was a fun discussion. But, the context is important. 

Yes there ARE absolutes. If we don't believe there are then what do we have to stand on and make decisions? What's our foundation? Relativism does not work! If people can believe anything then there is no cohesion, there is nothing that is a foundation or will connect us. For the Christian, this is untenable. There are absolutes! God. Jesus. The Holy Spirit. The Word. Those are absolutes. And they form the foundation, in this case a 4 pillared one.

If you eliminate, for the sake of discussion, that there are no absolutes then where does that leave us. Anarchy? The best definition of anarchy is 'absence'. Absence is what exists when there is no foundation... primarily because I can choose what I want to believe regardless of relevance or reality - and so can you. If we both have only our own little one person world, then we truly are bereft. Anomie ("social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values", according to Webster) replaces and the result (Webster) is: "personal unrest, alienation, and uncertainty that comes from a lack of purpose or ideals."
This latter state is sometimes reminiscent of what is occurring with our youth.

But the point is... you can't eliminate absolutes. They are. Our issue is what we will accept and adopt as our absolute. We have two choices, and only two choices. We either accept the gift of life that comes from salvation, of accepting Jesus as Lord or we accept the lack of hope and assurance that occurs when we reject Jesus. In rejecting Him we accept the hopelessness that comes from following the devil. We will choose one or the other. There is no fence sitting. But even if you initially choose the the devil even by default, you always have hope when you turn to God. He will never turn you aside when you accept the gift of Jesus into your life. You can choose life - not death. Hope - not helplessness. Joy, Peace, Purpose, Meaning... once you accept Jesus.

   "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under
    heaven given among men by which we must be saved." 
    (Acts 4:12 ESV referring to Jesus)

End of discussion, end of question - this is the absolute. 

Friday, August 17, 2018


Admittedly, I don’t talk much about the negatives and this is a subject that I haven't addressed. I tend to attempt to encourage the reader to realize whose they are and what's available to we believers in the Lord Jesus. However, this is a slight oversight. To deny or ignore the existence of evil is to walk around blind. Besides... how can we recognize good if we don't recognize evil?

Next the question is - what do we do about evil when we do recognize it? Run? Leave others to their own conclusions and devices? Sounds a tad cowardly to me. More specifically: there is personal evil aimed against you. It is called the devil and he will do anything and everything to destroy you.

   "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about
    like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." (1Peter 5:8, NKJV)

Duly look at the word 'like'. It doesn't say that the devil IS a roaring lion, only that he walks like one. And his purpose - to frighten us into believing he has more power and authority than he has. He is seeking whom he may deceive, deflect from truth, and debilitate into incorrect understanding of who they are and whose they are. 

Ephesians 4:27 warns us to not give place to the devil. When we are rebellious against the standards of God, when anyone tries to restate what the Lord says in 'more acceptable words' so as to cause the words of the Lord to be weakened or mis-stated, when we deliberately do those things we know as wrong... then we do give the devil place in our lives.

Go it alone? Hardly. Unprepared? Never. When we start from the realization that our warfare is NOT carnal that we begin to realize just how important being prepared and watchful we need to be. Basically, we aren't using the power that's been given us when we made Jesus our Lord. You really can't fight the devil with carnal thoughts and weapons.  2 Corinthians 10:4-6

   "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
    pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high
    thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every
    thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready
    to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled." 

Read 1Peter 1:13-18, 5:5. And especially read Ephesians 6:10-20 where Paul talks about the armor available to us to fight evil. We are an army - equipped and enabled to be victorious.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

One more time...

I realize that this smacks of, "if at first you don't succeed... try, try again". True. But the question is - is this how you react, is this your mindset? Or do you think, 'this wasn't the best choice... now what?' Or do you throw your hands up and walk away? Was it really a bad choice? Is it not your best path to success? Defeated? Someone else's 'fault'? Bottom line - now what?

For me, another saying proceeds this situation - "anything that's worth doing, is worth doing well". Did I really do my best? Had I thought out the best path and prepared? Did I do my best? Those answers lead me to my - 'now what'. Was (fill in the blank) something I needed to do alone, or did I also need to invite others into 'it'? There are a number of analysis questions. Do you take the time for them at some point or just keep on keeping on?

We all need to realize that sometimes the right response is to put an end to whatever was the plan. If so, then HOW we do this becomes the focus. Not every path is our best decision in this situation. We sometimes find ourselves with determining: 1- do/can we repeat previous successes, 2- reinvent the wheel, or........ All of these thoughts and decisions can occur in the twinkling of an eye. And sometimes this does need to be accomplished that fast. Other times, we may have the leisure to make the best decision. Will a 'good' decision be the best?

One more time does work... at times. We really need to give our best and do our best. But we need wisdom as well. Wisdom to say - yes, continue or no, not working. Actually, when you think about it a moment - yes or no really are our options... why look for more? Our 'yes' will require other questions and answers as well as our 'no'. Neither are simple. Remember... you don't need to decide alone, the responsibility is yours and the 'yes' or 'no' always come with ramifications.

So... one more time? 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

I get in my way....

very irritating. Do you ever find yourself in that predicament? As I've said multiple times... sometimes we are our own worse enemy. 

Many times we do the devil's work on us and he just sits back and watches us downplay who we are and what we are able to do. Why do we do this! I sometimes think it's because we really haven't let go of who we were. We allow the devil to keep reminding us of who we were and what we did. Silly, really. We were, not are. We did, not do. And even when we slip, we always have a way to restoration (1John 1:9). Actually, what we should do is to boldly admit we were wrong (sinned) but we have a way back. (1John 1:9-2:3 NKJV)

   "If we confess our sins, He (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us
    our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ... My little 
    children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And
    if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
    righteous. And He (Jesus) Himself is the propitiation for our sins,
    and not for ours only but also for the whole world. Now by this we
    know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments."   

This covers absolutely everything. We confess. He cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness. We have an Advocate. He is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. We know... if we keep His commandments. 

A simple formula - everyone can follow: what we do, what He does, and how to know. We don't have to wonder if we are forgiven. And we don't need to accept the lies that we will never be good enough. Where in scripture does it say that we have to be good enough first before we can become part of the Family of God? It doesn't. But it does show us in word and action what happens to and for us once we turn and accept His free gift of salvation.

I know that some people do believe that once they 'get their act together' then they can seek salvation. Personally, I didn't find this worked. Rather it was when I turned to Him with all my baggage that He took it from me so that I could start anew (1Corinthians 5:17-21). While I didn't want the baggage, I didn't know how to get rid of it. 

Over time, He has taught me that He took the best bits of who I was and my gifting and in His hands He made me more than I was and is helping me to continue to grow. Another way of saying this is... 'He isn't done with me yet...'. As l continue to learn and appreciate, He is helping me become the best me I can be. That's the only gift I know I can give to Him for all He did, does, and continues to do for me. It is well with my soul... even though, at times, I really do get in my way and then have to stop, look around, and seek. He hasn't gone anywhere. I just had a moment of letting the cares of the world blind me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Whose witness?

Whose witness are you? For the Defense? Or for the Prosecution? Is your witness true and honest? Or do you only accuse, and not necessarily with any (personal witness) facts. Do you witness from your own experience or by hearsay? Because, that's what you do. You witness to what you believe, how you believe, what's important, as well as your level of trust in the person or philosophy for whom you are a witness. You really can't not witness.

One may not always discern your 'why' in your witnessing but you continue to confirm by your words and actions who and what you believe. Simply because you may not always been aware of this truth does not absolve you. And, if we are honest with ourselves, we really do know our who and what. Inevitably you will be found out because it is impossible to deny. And why would you not openly support on who and what you believe and attest to that publicly? 

A person who sits on the fence is never in a comfortable position. You really can't be both/and when it comes to your witness. If you profess one thing to one person because that's what they think, and then profess the opposite to the next person you talk with... no one, including yourself, can trust your witness because it depends on the last person with whom you are speaking. Besides, there are too many issues that require us to stand firm and we can't if we are attempting to please everyone.

Being a witness requires your understanding of who and what you are a witness for. It is always a serious matter and can't be entered into lightly or cavalierly. When you witness you are stating before everyone what is fact from your own personal experience. A question that seems to always be at the back of my mind is: can others tell from my behavior and words that I am a practicing Christian? And if they can't then what message am I sending/portraying? About whom am I witnessing? If I'm not portraying the standards and character of Christ, whose philosophy am I following? 

You may not be called as an Evangelist or a Missionary... but you ARE called as a witness. Does anyone know whose I am and who I'm becoming? Being a witness is important.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

We are all called!

Each of us - all of us are called. No one is left out, no one is exempt regardless of your sins. If you are truly repentant for what you've done, who you have become, you can always turn and accept the call of salvation - right where you are. And once you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, you can rid yourself of your baggage and become that new creation (2Corinthians 5:17-21).

I always see this as our first call, and if first is the adjective, then second always comes next. While we are called, 'just as I am' the Lord has no intention of leaving us there. I believe our second call is found in 1Corinthians 12. We all have a purpose, a place. Example:

   "For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members
    of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. (v. 12)
    But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body
    just as He pleased. " (v. 14)

We ALL may not always agree, or have the same specific call, but we truly are all one in and because of Jesus. How we function in the body varies (v. 19-21) but together - we do have everything. Never envy another's gifting but focus on sharing your gift. 

   "Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually." (v.27)

So what's next? I would suggest that we begin to become who we are intended to be. The 'how'? 

   "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not
    need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2Timothy 2:15)

And how do we 'be diligent' - study. We study the word of God to discover who we are, what we are called to be, and how to express this. I really enjoy how The Message Bible phrases this (2 Timothy 2:beginning in verse 14):

   "Repeat these basic essentials over and over to God's people. Warn
    them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the
    faith. It just wears everyone out. Concentrate on doing your best
    for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the trust plain
    and simple. Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk. Words are not
    mere words, you know. If they're not backed by a godly life, they
    accumulate as poison in the soul."

We have model after model of what we can be as well as what we should never become. It's never a guessing game... truth is presented without subterfuge. You never have to wonder 'is this me or is this God'. Will we make mistakes? Of course. But there is never a need to compound them. Learn from them. Grow. Study. Become. Remember... you are a work in progress so you'll never be finished with understanding. And what a marvelous adventure this discovering will be!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Just as you are...

That's how all of us are called... just as we are. And no one is excluded, regardless of how despicable our sins. The bottom line really is that Jesus came for you, for me, for all of us. All He asked is that our faith be placed in Him to cleanse us, save us, and be with us. We have to believe that He was, He did all that He said, He was and is all that He said, He died for us and our sins to reconcile us with the Father God, and that He rose again and sits on the right hand of the Father. Is that really impossible? If so, why? Is your human understanding getting in the way?

Take a look for just a moment at faith... what is it exactly? Webster:

   "...belief and trust in and loyalty to God; firm belief in something for
    which there is no proof; complete trust; something that is believed
    especially with strong conviction;"

And that only scratches the surface of what it means to walk in faith. Scripture says:

   "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
    things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony..."  

This verse is found in Hebrews 11:1. This begins the faith path, in my estimation. However, it is verse 6 that puts a period.

   "But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God), for he who
    comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder
    of those who diligently seek Him." (v. 6)

Then again... why would one call upon God if they don't believe and yet we have account after account of people who do precisely this, especially in trying and dangerous situations. I heard it said that there is a hole in all of us that can only be filled by the Lord. Faith really is as natural to us as breathing in and out... the point always is - what is our faith based in.

I started this discussion that we all are called, it is always our decision as to whether we will answer the call. For those who do, yes - it is 'just as you are' but don't expect the Lord to leave you in that condition. He died so that we might have life in this world, and life abundantly (John 10:10). But don't read 'abundantly' as material wealth, though that can be part.

What the Lord is interested in is our souls and what we do about them. How do we live our lives? How do we interact with others? What is our character? Again, these only scratch the surface. What the Lord is interested in is that we grow in understanding about the eternal issues. We all are here for a reason, we all have a call on our lives, we all matter, we all make a difference. Read 1 Corinthians 12 - this is direction for us all. We are part of an army that is seeking to save the lost, to help them become disciples of the Lord, and to impact their world.

Can you begin to grasp and appreciate that while you begin 'just as you are' you are a work in progress and will continue to grow and apply your learning in your life, in your world. All of this is no little thing... we have been made more than conquerors (Romans 8:31-39) and absolutely nothing can separate us from the Lord and His love for us. Ever.