There is a misleading phrase being accepted by many. Sadly, it is their delusion. It is NOT truth. The phrase is that there are many paths to God. No! Is this another attempt to water down Christianity? Who has perpetrated this lie? Has the church, in an attempt to be 'inclusive' and acceptable, reinforced this thinking?
I have no idea how the Christian message suddenly seemed to be stilled in our effort to be certain we weren't 'discriminating' against another's religion. Again. A mis-perception. There is a world of difference between discriminating and diluting truth. Sharing our witness is what we are encouraged to do. Making disciples is the assignment of what we are to do. Those acts are not discriminatory. I am not talking about the issues in the world of hunger, health, job opportunities, housing options, educational choices, etc. 'Correct behavior' should automatically stem from our behavior. BUT... we cannot dilute our message!!!
Simply - there is only 1 way, 1 path to God and that is through His Son, our savior - Jesus.
Acts 4:12 - "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other
name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
(speaking of Jesus, by Peter)
John 10:10 - "...I have come that they (us) may have life, and that
they may have it more abundantly." (Jesus speaking)
John 14:6 - "Jesus said to him (Thomas), 'I am the way, the truth,
and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
Those 3 scriptures sum up the entire message. Who He is, Why He came, and the reality of salvation alone in Jesus.
This is not an intolerance of what others believe, but it isn't a watering down of what Christ did either. I've discovered that engaging others (those who will) in conversation and sharing what I believe and why and asking what they believe and why, begins the communication. I've also discovered that intolerance or discrimination in non-belief areas of the world we live in is never an entry to understanding. When we don't live out the principles that Jesus taught we aren't being true to Who He is and What He did and continues to do. Compromising simply tells the other person that the strength of our convictions doesn't exist.
Many paths can occur as long as the end result is Jesus. Apart from acknowledging and accepting Him as Lord, the other person has no hope - even if they don't realize. But we have the answer, we have the hope. We don't have to hit them over the head, but we can be confident in Who we believe. Besides, since the Lord is as interested in the other person understanding, He will help us to present Him.
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