Tuesday, August 8, 2017


We all find them... or they find us. Is there only a certain amount of preparation we can do to avoid them? Do we take the opportunity to learn from our previous mistakes or just keep repeating them? If we know we will get burned if we stick our fingers into the flame, are we thinking (hoping?) that this time we won't get burned (or that it won't hurt as much)? Stupid, stupid, stupid - we do know better! Why do we repeat these self-defeating behaviors?

The real issue for us, though, is when we are in the midst of the fall or when we hit the bottom of the hole - what do we do next? Look around somewhat stunned or surprised? Do we scramble to stand? Perhaps, we just sit there knowing it is our fault for being there? Numb? Extraction does logically tend to be our initial focus.  However, I'd like to offer a different perspective.

Extraction, as attractive as it is, rarely looks at the underlying causes that precipitated the descent into where we find ourself. We need to focus on why we got to this point. Pride? Avoiding (fill in the blank, such as responsibility)? Stress? Uncertainty? Inattentiveness? Cavalier thinking and behavior? Lack of commitment, care, etc. The reasons are endless. The point is - what caused yours?! Until and unless you face your cause... you will repeat it. It is inevitable.

Granted, looking at the reasons for the fall/burnt fingers is never pleasant, the understanding and knowledge we gain from taking the time to analyze and discover our motives will pay big dividends in the future... when we choose to follow our learning. It's true that sometimes the issue really isn't in the knowing, it's in the choosing to not repeat, to do what needs doing instead. I seriously doubt we're stupid - I think we simply prefer the path of least resistance even when we know we will pay the price eventually. 

Remember Romans 8, beginning in verse 28 - we ARE more than conquerors, we ARE able, all things DO work to the good... when we choose to act responsibly. If it was beyond our ability, we never would be asked to BE. But we can avoid the pitfalls... when we choose to turn to the Lord for help in these times before we choose the wrong path. Hebrews (4:16) tells us to come BOLDLY to the throne to ask for help in time of need. Pitfall prevention is a time of need because we rarely are surprised. 

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