Do you have any idea what this means to you and your life? Is it merely an oft used phrase with little or no meaning? Or... does it define your goals, what you want to attain and accomplish? Is it specific? Or is it vague? Next - are we talking your LIFE or certain aspects like family, salary, leisure, etc.? Without specific and identifiable goals, how will you ever know you've accomplished what you intended and attained? Do you know when 'livin' the life' is present?
Another way of asking this is... can you be livin' the life in one area but still be working on the goals in others? or not experiencing any change in another aspect of your life? See! Definitions are important because they differ with each one of us. Some areas are of greater importance than others, some require significant expenditure of time and effort, some will never be attained - does this mean they need replacing?
Do you want to be in a position that you are 'livin' the life'? Are you willing to pay the cost of that attainment, be it later in life, right now where you are? Or are you in a 'wait and see' or 'I'll attend to (fill in the blank) later' position and not engage in fulfilling the requirements in order to be in your livin' the life (ltl) place? I sometimes wonder if this is merely a dream that's given little attention until 'something' happens that informs you loud and clear that you are not in your ltl place.
What will it take for you to find and live in that place? Do you look at only the financial conditions? If you do then you are terribly short sided because this is only one facet and there are some incredibly important people and other factors that enhance our ltl place. How does the Lord and His hand on your life factor into your considerations. If He isn't the most important consideration then you really do have your priorities wrong.
Without the Lord, you will be in a very empty place. His Presence makes all the difference. You will discover that your 'place' can be anywhere you happen to be as long as He is with you.
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