is (and for) the hearts and souls (the mind, the will, and the emotions) - this is the battleground. And it is far more than mere skirmishes - it is all out WAR. The war has eternal consequences - where each person will spend their lives: now and in the life to come. The battles are inevitable and can rarely be 'won' by ourselves - we need help! Being melodramatic - No! It is this serious. What's your part?!
All of us are called, though we may not know the part we are playing with/for others when we act and speak (witness) about the Lord and who we are becoming and why. Some of us may spread the seed in someone's life... some may water the fledgling plant as it begins to grow... some may work at the time of harvesting. All are important. But you do need to accept your part. There is an old saying that we may be, in our words and actions, the only Bible that someone else reads. Are you responsible for getting someone saved? There's a wonderful scripture that says:
"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only
God who gives the growth." (1Corinthians 3:7)
I think Paul's point was to help us recognize that each one of us has a role, a gifting, an ability to use to bring souls into the kingdom (and to help them grow and mature - no one is instantaneously a mature Christian). It is our responsibility to do our part to give others the opportunity. Our best witness to them is our words and our actions. This is what they read, they see.
The battle is for souls and the battlefield is our feelings, our thinking, our willfulness. When we don't act on what we know/what we believe, then we give the devil a foothold for doubt. I sometimes believe that doubt is one of the biggest weapons in the devil's arsenal... along with guilt. If we believe God then we have to believe what He says - yes? And what does He say...
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1John 1:9)
End of discussion. Done. However, between ourselves and the devil - we keep bringing up that which has been put an end to. It truly is finished and we have to move on, when we don't then we tell the Lord we really don't believe we are forgiven or that He doesn't have the power or authority to cleanse us. Have you ever considered this interpretation? And... What you need to appreciate is that others are looking at what you do. If they see you repeating old sins or continuing to seek forgiveness for something that has been forgiven, then you give a mixed message.
Others need to see us as 'becoming' - acting with integrity about who we are and what we are attempting to do and say. It's the mixed messages that give rise to misinterpretation and charges of hypocrisy. Simply, when you do need forgiveness - ask for it. But then move on as Paul did when he said he wronged no man (2Corinthians 7:2). Forgiveness is not license to repeat but it is available to the truly repentant. Moving on is our acceptance of forgiveness and this is a powerful witness.
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