The answer should be - ministry. Of course that needs defining. But when you look at you, is your outstretched hand open to give, open to receive, closed but empty, closed guarding what you have? How do you define 'ministry' for yourself in your life? Or is that you relegate this only to the 'professional'?
Ministry: One of the fascinating discoveries I made was when I saw that this word is used both in a 'religious' as well as a governmental context/office definition. The simplest definition I've read/heard is that 'minister' means servant. The acts, behaviors is as a servant to (fill in the blank). However, this word should be specifically operationalized. It can never be simply words. And how this is actualized in/for one person may not be for the next. Never forget the scripture in 1Corinthians (12:12-27) which tells us that God places each of us in the body which means that each of us has our own specific and special call. Another related issue is that those who are being 'ministered to' need to know how the person acting as the minister defines the position. Lastly, 'minister' is not merely those who have the Lord's call on their lives in the professional ministry. We all are called as ministers in the world we inhabit.
You do appreciate that you are in ministry now? Yes? You are. "But... I'm just (fill in the blank)!" First - you are never a 'just' - never, never diminish who you are as you - the Lord gave His life for you. That is no small thing. When you say you are just a 'just' you tell Him that He wasted His time. Ever think about you being a 'just' in this fashion? Probably not. You may not be called to what I have designated as the professional ministry (pastor, missionary), but you are called to the world in which you live. And that is never a little thing. You are the Lord's representative, His Ambassador, and what you say and do reflects how you honor this call.
Repeating: You are the Lord's Ambassador to the world you live in. That is a terrific opportunity, challenge, responsibility. (Do remember that you aren't in this alone. You always have the guidance, support, from the Holy Spirit on which to lean - and that is no small thing!) And second - though it may not be the 'professional' ministry, I've never read that 'minister' is designated to only those who have a specific call as a pastor, missionary, etc. Those are specific offices. We ALL are called as ministers.
Evidence? i Peter 3: 15 says: "... always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that is in you..." If we weren't told to prepare so that we can witness/share... what are we preparing for? Simple example: if you are talking with someone and it is known that you consider yourself a Christian - do you demonstrate this? How? (and never forget that you are sharing your personal journey and experiences) This is important! If this isn't ministry in action, what is your definition?
John 4:35 and Luke 10:2 puts this in context when they talk about the fields being white for harvest... but the workers are few. To me that says that it isn't only the professional minister that is called to this work - it would be far beyond only their work - we too are called in our worlds. Another question might be - if you aren't spreading the word, what are you doing?
So we come back to the initial question... how have you defined YOUR life of ministry? Never underestimate or diminish who you are. What is at your hand, who populates your world - this is your mission field, your ministry. And it all matters.
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