Thursday, February 2, 2017

Bound in ignorance

  Does this describe you? Do you have eyes that don't see and ears that don't hear? Scripture tells us that we perish from a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), is this you? Do you want to move into understanding? Because in so many ways, this is your decision. But a caution - you are responsible for what you know and your understanding must be applied. Soooo... whose 'fault'? Is there fault?

  Bottom line - there is always a price to be paid, whether you choose ignorance or choose living your life as an Overcomer. The latter is not for the faint of heart and spirit. When you go along to get along, you compromise. And in overcoming, this is never an option, standard, or condition. But before you can even begin your journey to overcoming, certain bottom-line rights and obligations have to be understood and accepted. Does this sound like discouragement before you've even begun? No. But this is always an 'eyes wide open' decision. Actually, in many ways it's a declaration.

  What I mean by bottom-line rights and obligations are: 1. You must be a born again, Bible believing Christian. 2. You should be fellowshipping with other people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and try to walk their talk. 3. You need to be growing, studying to become your best you. 4. Listen to what is being taught and always 'judge' it against what scripture says. If you are uncertain, then pray as well as seek others understanding. There are other standards, but these 4 are the beginning steps. Outside of them, you are probably going to continue in the state you're in without the input and support from other Christians as you continue on your path.

  Bound in ignorance is when you stand still or stop. And yes, sometimes the learning can be difficult - that's never the point. Always, always the point is that every time you slip or fall, that you stand again and redouble your commitment to being your best you - regardless of whether or not this is accepted.  If you find yourself in a desert, alone and without the 'iron sharpening iron' interaction and involvement of others, then you need to heavily rely on prayer, scripture, and the work of the Holy Spirit. 

  Whatever is thrown at you, whatever test you have, whatever trial attempts to defeat you - never forget Whose you are. I believe that as the serpent attempted to defeat Jesus in desert - he will use the same tactics with us. We can defeat him with the Word. Additionally, He has told us that He will always help us find a way through what seems impossible (1 Corinthians 10:13), especially if it is a temptation because He never tempts us. I've heard it said that the more trials we face, the more evidence we have that we are on our right path. Bound in ignorance, however, is not a trial, temptation - it is a state we choose - to be uninvolved with the work of ministry in the world we live in.

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