Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Be not weary...

  This scripture has application in our lives far beyond the, undefined, context of "in well doing..." (Galatians 6:9) And yes I know we are not to add or subtract from the Word, but this is applying lessons learned and for me, one lesson I've learned is to not limit how to apply the lessons from the Word in our lives. For example: the definition of Parables - Webster: "a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson; especially one of the stories told by Jesus Christ and recorded in the Bible." (my rationale for application) Granted this teaching by Paul is not a parable, but it is a valuable lesson. I think it needs to be applied.

    In our world of immediate gratification or at least the desire for immediate, we can lose patience and become quite weary (or grumbley). Though few may acknowledge it, we believe our prayers need to be answered immediately, what we feel we need should have immediate answers, etc. tends to be our approach. Not good and definitely not smart. Sometimes 'things' are dependent on other things that need to occur first. Still, we want what we want, when we want it, where we want it, and how we want it.

  Have you ever considered that God has more for you than what you are praying about? That when your perception of what needs to happen isn't happening, are you missing what is occurring? This wasn't the easiest lesson for me to learn... but I am getting better. Scripture demonstrates that there were a variety of ways the Lord healed. The method isn't the issue, it is that the Lord healed. When we restrict the Lord to only one way of responding, we may be missing what He is doing. Yes?

  I do know that there are some issues that we seem to be praying about f-o-r-e-v-e-r without any noticeable 'change'. Ours isn't always the responsibility to bring about the change, sometimes our responsibility is to be diligent in prayer. Again a lesson - many times it isn't that the Lord doesn't want to answer our request (remember the Angel's comment to Daniel), when it involves others - their rights have to be honored as well. 

  Especially, one would think, that praying for salvation for someone would be a 'slam dunk' - it rarely is. That person has their wants involved and they may be sitting with misconceptions or misunderstandings. Our role may be in coming against those deluding forces so that the light of understanding can occur. Sometimes it is someone else who will do the harvesting. But never discount your role... keep on keeping on till the desire of your heart is accomplished. At least that's my definition of 'the effective, fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much' (James 5:16). It is well with my soul so... Be not weary.

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