Thursday, May 5, 2016

In word...

  only? Does this describe you? That you are (fill in the blank) in word only, that your actions belie who you say you are, really are, and what you truly believe. This is not said accusatory, it's asked as a question... and for some of us - a wake up call. This also begs the question of - why? Why would you be a person that is no more than a shell, an undefinable mist, or a mask? Why would you not act according to what you say?

  If, what you are saying, is not what you believe why give a false impression. Or are you the type that 'is' whatever the people around you advocate? This is a good operational definition of spineless. Why would you ever assume that definition of who you are and what you do? You are far more than spineless and witless. Unless you truly believe what is being said - why would you ever want to give that impression? Maybe I'm sounding a bit harsh but I really try and abide by a Shakespeare character's comment - "...this above all, to thine own self be true." This may be slightly paraphrased but the point is made. I must admit that I do enjoy the irony that it is spoken by a bit of a fool. And no, that isn't an oxymoron.

  Being true to your beliefs and willing to act on them do go hand-in-hand. It makes little difference if you adhere to (fill in the blank) and then don't stand by your belief. If you are silent when your belief is attacked... what are you? A Hypocrite? Silence typically is construed to mean agreement. Or, do you 'use' the 'explanation' that you don't want to be the cause of dissension or conflict? This is never a good reason. Plus, if you do voice your opinion you don't need to be aggressive about your point but present it as your belief and give your rationale - you may provide a reason for others to rethink their position.

  There is absolutely no justification for being the type of person who speaks only and never acts on what they say they believe. How do you really know what it is you do believe? How would someone observing you know what you think and do if you don't act on your beliefs?  Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question... do you care that you are congruent? That what you say is what you are and do? Your decision... but it is always a character question.

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