Do you remember the land of make believe? It was a place where you could be anyone you wanted and do all sorts of daring do. I suspect that there is a whole generation that has no idea what 'daring do' is. This was a place where you could be a damsel in distress waiting for your knight (typically riding a broom to rescue) or a spy... maybe a cowboy or cowgirl, maybe you were a great scientist. The point is that this was a place and time when nothing was beyond who you were and did.
And now? Is there anyplace for make believe in your life? Probably not. One 'grows up' and typically envies those who never do. You became 'An Adult' (yes, the capital letters are important). As An Adult, you put away childish things. The casualty in all this is our imagination. We are to put away 'ish' but no one said to ignore 'the child within us' or the child like parts. This mindset is critical for everyone, regardless of age and regardless of what you do. 'Make believe' is a time and place of imagination of inspiration and originality. And in your mind... you can always go there and make discoveries that impact your here and now.
Do you remember those times? The times of sheer fun, of make believe play? Carefree. And now... are you bogged down with all that's on your plate? Did you put those things there? Do you want or need them? Remember... it's never too late. Take a look at what consumes your time, your thought life. If you are pleased with these then retain them. Never throw the baby out with the bathwater. BUT if you discover things on your plate that you really don't want or need - then find a way to improve on your condition: remove them, complete them, whatever is the proper disposal.
Personally I was very fortunate to rediscover make believe. I do hope the same for you. It will give you moments of joy and a kind of abandon that is never out of step but always an enticement to what just might be. And if you dare to revisit the land of make believe and stub your toe or scrape your knee or worse - look foolish? So? You will mend - yes? And looking foolish by whose standard? You can always say you were on an adventure... to make believe land.
...make believe can be real?
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