Are you a fighter? A warrior? What will you fight for? Fight against? What needs defending? What are you willing to do to defend (fill in the blank)? And in the fight - what and who are you engaged in battle - probably one of the three initial critical questions? Maybe I should ask if you realize you are in a fight? And if you are in a fight, are you in it to win? Not everyone engages in battles that they will put all that they are on the line. Then again... losing a battle doesn't mean losing the war! But our attitude is all important. If we don't enter the battle with the mindset of winning then why bother? And if you don't bother, trust me - you will lose the war.
If you are in a fight, what weapons do you use? And equally important - who is your enemy? One pastor expressed it as we are fighting for the truth. Interestingly enough - that is also a weapon we can use. Truth can't be defeated and always has the strength to stand. I heard someone say that there are many truths? Not... when the subject is the same. If there are many truths then there is no truth and truth IS a force. Our responsibility is to know the truth. And while truth is definitely a weapon, its use is NOT to batter down people. We use it to defeat the enemy not to injure people.
Enemy? Ah yes, we all have enemies but they are not all of the human variety. Scripture tells us what we fight against as well as tell us what our weapons are. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tell us,"... the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds..." Ephesians 6:10-17 expands this teaching by identifying our enemy - devil, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places - and in verses 14-17 indicates our weapons - the whole armor of God. We are more than equipped.
What are all these battles about and for? The hearts and minds of people. That's why the battle is so important and the winning/losing so critical. Lives are at stake. When you think you are 'fighting' another person... check to see what fortresses and strongholds seem to exist and which ones appear and don't eliminate yourself from this analysis. I realize I use the word, 'critical', a great deal but it is incredibly important to know Who you are fighting, Why you are fighting, What are your weapons, and the specific target of this skirmish or battle.
... are you a warrior?
Welcome to: “…but, what do you think, what do you believe?” If this is your first visit then I ask that you read the first post before proceeding further because it sets out the purpose for the blog and what/why I’m writing. It’s my belief that nothing is ever in cement. That we all, overtly or subtly, are continuously involved in a ‘becoming’ process - this exciting adventure called… LIFE.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Eyes that See
Do you have eyes that see? Not just in the natural sense, more important is seeing from a spiritual sense. Scripture talks a great deal in both the Old and New Testaments about having eyes that see. Granted... it is impossible to see everything but do you cultivate a mindset of having eyes that see? Eyes that See are not rose colored glasses seeing, the concept is considerably broader than the rose colored. Eyes that See don't simply see what they want to see, they see what is, what can be, what should be, the implications from taking a particular action, etc. This is a much broader seeing.
What does this mean, why do we need Eyes that See? A vast array of reasons: so that we see (emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.) what's in front of us; so that we can know what to do with and about the understanding of what's in front of us; so that we can avoid stumbling and falling. And those qualities only scratch the surface of our reasons to see. I suspect the obvious question would be... why would we not want to see? And yet I'm not naive enough to realize that some people choose to not see. I just can't fathom why. Not acknowledging means that you can't be involved with understanding or resolution but it can't stop what is from being.
Another problem when we don't have Eyes that See is that we get myopic. This is especially true when we only see from our own perspective, we look inward to our own needs and wants. But we can become myopic if when we look out, we only see problems. Neither gives us a 'bigger picture' view and we do need this to not just cope with but to overcome, to be involved and not merely a recipient of what is determined. I have never believed that ignoring what is will 'make it go away'. Nor have I seen that denying reality changes anything.
Granted that having Eyes that See requires our responsibility and that some of what is seen isn't very pretty or isn't easy or comfortable for us. But Eyes that See also gives us the great pleasure of seeing things that are incredibly important: a smile on a child's face, a sunset, the gently moving leaves on a tree responding to the wind, etc. And before you say that anyone can see those things. True. But do they? Do they allow this to touch their lives and brighten and enhance it? Eyes that See do see what is and also what can be and let it lead us to become all we can be, doing all we can do.
... will you dare to See?
What does this mean, why do we need Eyes that See? A vast array of reasons: so that we see (emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.) what's in front of us; so that we can know what to do with and about the understanding of what's in front of us; so that we can avoid stumbling and falling. And those qualities only scratch the surface of our reasons to see. I suspect the obvious question would be... why would we not want to see? And yet I'm not naive enough to realize that some people choose to not see. I just can't fathom why. Not acknowledging means that you can't be involved with understanding or resolution but it can't stop what is from being.
Another problem when we don't have Eyes that See is that we get myopic. This is especially true when we only see from our own perspective, we look inward to our own needs and wants. But we can become myopic if when we look out, we only see problems. Neither gives us a 'bigger picture' view and we do need this to not just cope with but to overcome, to be involved and not merely a recipient of what is determined. I have never believed that ignoring what is will 'make it go away'. Nor have I seen that denying reality changes anything.
Granted that having Eyes that See requires our responsibility and that some of what is seen isn't very pretty or isn't easy or comfortable for us. But Eyes that See also gives us the great pleasure of seeing things that are incredibly important: a smile on a child's face, a sunset, the gently moving leaves on a tree responding to the wind, etc. And before you say that anyone can see those things. True. But do they? Do they allow this to touch their lives and brighten and enhance it? Eyes that See do see what is and also what can be and let it lead us to become all we can be, doing all we can do.
... will you dare to See?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
... on the edge?
By design? Or do you not even know how you got to this place? Were you walking along, minding your own business and suddenly there is a drop off in front of you? Do you believe you are living 'on the edge'? And how do you feel about this? I think I've gotten ahead of myself... first, how do you define 'on the edge'? This point is critical because how you define is special to you. What may be on the edge for you may be perfectly safe to me or vice versa. Second are feelings. How you feel about where you are is the second critical point because often it is your feelings that dictate how you react to where you find yourself... and what you do next.
Do you not really understand how you got to this place? Or did you see it coming? In the world of 'now what', do you have a plan? And perhaps most critical is... how much time do you have to remove yourself from the edge? If the situation is somewhat 'dangerous' then how you got there is definitely to be considered at some point or you may repeat. How to change directions is preeminent in the thinking at this point. However, don't lose the opportunity to learn from this situation.
When you are on your journeys, 'on the edge' times can occur and, sometimes due to no fault of your own - not the point though. However what you do with this situation is very personal. What do you do first: look around to see if others are watching how you handle this? Peak over the edge? (This would be important if you think going over the edge is your only option.) Discover if there is a way around this precipice? Precipices are very much like obstacles in your path - you can't avoid them when you are facing them... you have to deal with them.
... on the edge issues and how we respond is another character issue. Actually, how we respond to both the good and difficult are all character issues. Our attitude is fundamental to resolution and second is what we focus on because we need to be able to see what we need to do and we can't if we have the wrong mindset. What we want to do is to remove ourselves as quickly as possible from harm but we can't do this at the expense of putting someone else in harm's way. Resolution is always available but it will depend on how we approach it. Never easy... but whoever said being alive was easy?
... but, what do you think?
Do you not really understand how you got to this place? Or did you see it coming? In the world of 'now what', do you have a plan? And perhaps most critical is... how much time do you have to remove yourself from the edge? If the situation is somewhat 'dangerous' then how you got there is definitely to be considered at some point or you may repeat. How to change directions is preeminent in the thinking at this point. However, don't lose the opportunity to learn from this situation.
When you are on your journeys, 'on the edge' times can occur and, sometimes due to no fault of your own - not the point though. However what you do with this situation is very personal. What do you do first: look around to see if others are watching how you handle this? Peak over the edge? (This would be important if you think going over the edge is your only option.) Discover if there is a way around this precipice? Precipices are very much like obstacles in your path - you can't avoid them when you are facing them... you have to deal with them.
... on the edge issues and how we respond is another character issue. Actually, how we respond to both the good and difficult are all character issues. Our attitude is fundamental to resolution and second is what we focus on because we need to be able to see what we need to do and we can't if we have the wrong mindset. What we want to do is to remove ourselves as quickly as possible from harm but we can't do this at the expense of putting someone else in harm's way. Resolution is always available but it will depend on how we approach it. Never easy... but whoever said being alive was easy?
... but, what do you think?
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Another way...?
Is there always another way? The old saying says that there is. But in the dark of night at the 11:59th hour... is there, really? If we happen to be the person that needs 'another way', then we would want this to be true. Doesn't answer the question though. Scripture (1Corinthians 10:13) tells us that in the worst of places, He (Jesus) always makes a way (regardless of how we got ourselves into 'it'). And for the Christian, we hold fast to that promise. It is a lifeline. My personal caveat on this is that we need to go to the Lord and ask for help to find another way and then we have to be willing to follow His way even in times and with 'directions' that seem counter intuitive.
If you can see ahead and know you will need another way, what do you do about and with this information? A 11:59th hour understanding typically forces us to choose the quickest way out of whatever we are in. The more reasoned early alert provides us with a bit more leeway to see not only where we are, but where we seem to be going, and what we need to do. 'Another way' need is always an opportunity to reassess and either change or continue.
I've discovered that another problem arises if all we do is focus on 'we' trying to make a way. Sometimes the problem is relying on only ourselves to make that new way. Even at the last minute we should look at what else may be available to us in terms of other resources to help us quickly decide what we need to do now. Too often our personal goals to say nothing about the other people who are involved get tossed to the sideline in a rush to extricate and possibly save ... ourselves? Sadly, often the first casualty is ... reason. Hopefully the second isn't our ethics.
But... what happens when the time is 11:59:59? What is our response when rushed and we don't feel we have sufficient data to make our best response? Since the definition of 'another way' is typically - need. We need a change from what we are doing, and we need it now! Whatever provoked the need for another way typically gets lost in the rush to change. And while I do appreciate the emergency basis for correction, as soon as possible there is a need to also look at the ramification that occur when we make our adjustment as well as all the other attendant questions and issues. If we fail to analyze then we fall prey to... repetition.
... what to do?
If you can see ahead and know you will need another way, what do you do about and with this information? A 11:59th hour understanding typically forces us to choose the quickest way out of whatever we are in. The more reasoned early alert provides us with a bit more leeway to see not only where we are, but where we seem to be going, and what we need to do. 'Another way' need is always an opportunity to reassess and either change or continue.
I've discovered that another problem arises if all we do is focus on 'we' trying to make a way. Sometimes the problem is relying on only ourselves to make that new way. Even at the last minute we should look at what else may be available to us in terms of other resources to help us quickly decide what we need to do now. Too often our personal goals to say nothing about the other people who are involved get tossed to the sideline in a rush to extricate and possibly save ... ourselves? Sadly, often the first casualty is ... reason. Hopefully the second isn't our ethics.
But... what happens when the time is 11:59:59? What is our response when rushed and we don't feel we have sufficient data to make our best response? Since the definition of 'another way' is typically - need. We need a change from what we are doing, and we need it now! Whatever provoked the need for another way typically gets lost in the rush to change. And while I do appreciate the emergency basis for correction, as soon as possible there is a need to also look at the ramification that occur when we make our adjustment as well as all the other attendant questions and issues. If we fail to analyze then we fall prey to... repetition.
... what to do?
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I've discovered that the older I get the more I accept and operate on the basis that I really don't have all the answers. (Yes, I know... surprise, surprise.) That contrary to my best intentions, I may be 'wrong'. Perhaps not for me, but I could be for you. I do have standards by which I, hopefully, base (and judge) my actions and words, but my standards may not be yours. While we can discuss the differences and refine one another and agree to disagree, the point really is - are you living according to the standards you set for yourself. Do you? Are you?
It isn't always easy and you don't always operate on your own standards... no matter how much you want to. And when we discover this, do we typically search for a reason - actually an excuse for not adhering to our own philosophical foundation? Absolutely! There are small slips and there are the more significant ones. A new question is... are you revising your own beliefs? Do your 'slips' reflect an emerging change in a standard?
Though I titled this in the singular, it is a plural word. Depending on the topic/subject you may be surprised that you can't simply put a 'tag' of conservative, liberal, altruistic, self-serving, etc. as your overall standard. It does depend. Granted there is an overriding tag that you can use as a kind of primary approach/philosophy but even so... it does depend. Each component in our library of standards is displayed as an individual 'volume'. Our responsibility is to respond according to our standard when that 'issue' arises.
In the final analysis the important point is: do you know what your Standards are? Do you have, based on your experience, as full an understanding as possible about who you are and what you believe and how you respond? Do you know those beliefs that you would never compromise? Some areas of our lives are still in the formative stage. Bottom line: do you see yourself as a person of integrity? Your integrity is critical to your standards. But never forget that your standards are yours and you can't impose them on others.
... but what do you think?
It isn't always easy and you don't always operate on your own standards... no matter how much you want to. And when we discover this, do we typically search for a reason - actually an excuse for not adhering to our own philosophical foundation? Absolutely! There are small slips and there are the more significant ones. A new question is... are you revising your own beliefs? Do your 'slips' reflect an emerging change in a standard?
Though I titled this in the singular, it is a plural word. Depending on the topic/subject you may be surprised that you can't simply put a 'tag' of conservative, liberal, altruistic, self-serving, etc. as your overall standard. It does depend. Granted there is an overriding tag that you can use as a kind of primary approach/philosophy but even so... it does depend. Each component in our library of standards is displayed as an individual 'volume'. Our responsibility is to respond according to our standard when that 'issue' arises.
In the final analysis the important point is: do you know what your Standards are? Do you have, based on your experience, as full an understanding as possible about who you are and what you believe and how you respond? Do you know those beliefs that you would never compromise? Some areas of our lives are still in the formative stage. Bottom line: do you see yourself as a person of integrity? Your integrity is critical to your standards. But never forget that your standards are yours and you can't impose them on others.
... but what do you think?
Friday, July 19, 2013
Are you the inquisitive type? The wonder-er type? I am sooo that! To illustrate what I mean is to remind you of what undisciplined children typically do in a store. They pick things up, shake them, feel them, look to see what they're 'made of'. Perhaps not the most ideal example, but it does immediately give you a visualization of the word in action. On your journey in life, are you the type that looks around you, maybe even veer off the path a bit or do you walk straight ahead looking neither to the left or right?
I believe that 'inquisitive' is a mindset and probably a lifestyle. It's the basic foundation for the discoveries we make in life and the 'methodology' inventors use to develop new 'things'. My bias is that this is a mindset that attempts to further not just our knowledge but our understanding - of people, places, things, ideas, possibilities, etc. - but also recognizes the problems and potential repercussions of continuing and discovering the results of the exploration.
'Inquisitive' reaches into every aspect of our lives: our thinking, our beliefs, our actions. It helps define our goals, our hopes and dreams, our relationships, our choices and decisions. And... I think it is an either/or word. Either you are inquisitive, you dare to plumb the depths of (fill in the blank), to accept what you discover and see how it is part of who you are and what you do. Or... you aren't. And yes, I suppose I do make a value judgment on which one should be chosen. However, inquisitive is typically a word that is used specifically, rarely does it encompass all of life's questions and issues.
I never said that the inquisitive lifestyle was easy, though I can't imagine not living this way. I never said it was easy or stress-less discovering something new or different, though you can also re... rediscover something you may have forgotten and can now reincorporate into your life. It can be life changing and just as easily it can be an, 'ah yes'. But I do believe that the inquisitive lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. It is a roller coaster of emotions and a high and low of intellectual pursuit... it is never, ever dull.
I believe that 'inquisitive' is a mindset and probably a lifestyle. It's the basic foundation for the discoveries we make in life and the 'methodology' inventors use to develop new 'things'. My bias is that this is a mindset that attempts to further not just our knowledge but our understanding - of people, places, things, ideas, possibilities, etc. - but also recognizes the problems and potential repercussions of continuing and discovering the results of the exploration.
'Inquisitive' reaches into every aspect of our lives: our thinking, our beliefs, our actions. It helps define our goals, our hopes and dreams, our relationships, our choices and decisions. And... I think it is an either/or word. Either you are inquisitive, you dare to plumb the depths of (fill in the blank), to accept what you discover and see how it is part of who you are and what you do. Or... you aren't. And yes, I suppose I do make a value judgment on which one should be chosen. However, inquisitive is typically a word that is used specifically, rarely does it encompass all of life's questions and issues.
I never said that the inquisitive lifestyle was easy, though I can't imagine not living this way. I never said it was easy or stress-less discovering something new or different, though you can also re... rediscover something you may have forgotten and can now reincorporate into your life. It can be life changing and just as easily it can be an, 'ah yes'. But I do believe that the inquisitive lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. It is a roller coaster of emotions and a high and low of intellectual pursuit... it is never, ever dull.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Side trips
Side trips are definitely NOT detours. You have no option with detours except to follow them if you want to continue on to your destination. You may be totally unfamiliar with how the detour will merge with the particular road you are on, or when, nor do you know how much time it will take. Most of the time, one views detours with disgust... and perhaps a bit of concern since you don't know how long a detour will impact on your schedule. Most people moan the entire time they are on the detour rather than enjoying a new perspective.
Side trips, on the other hand, are planned excursions from the norm. Unmistakably though, they are part of our life's journey because we incorporate them into our lives; they are a planned event. A side trip can be a vacation or it can simply be a new way of getting to where we're going. But it is also a known, you know how you will get from point A to point B. I've always enjoyed side trips simply because it would be a new 'adventure' since I had never been this way or on this road.
Why do we take side trips? What do these 'excursions' provide for us? Sometimes there are absolutely no reasons for the side trip and we don't even try and hide it - these are often called 'vacations'. At other times we just want a break from the norm and a side trip will provide this 'escape', a kind of clearing the cobwebs time. My questions really relate to what you do with your side trips: planned or spontaneous? Do they fulfill their 'function'?
I would recommend that you never lightly dismiss a side trip, regardless of purpose. These trips can provide you with untold opportunities to make discoveries. If it is a vacation, then it's a great time to rest, relax, and reassess. If it is a 'different' way of getting to where you're going then enjoy the new vistas that greet your eyes. Side trips are wonderful opportunities for us regardless of their reason to be. The question isn't so much where are you going, but how. are you going?
Side trips, on the other hand, are planned excursions from the norm. Unmistakably though, they are part of our life's journey because we incorporate them into our lives; they are a planned event. A side trip can be a vacation or it can simply be a new way of getting to where we're going. But it is also a known, you know how you will get from point A to point B. I've always enjoyed side trips simply because it would be a new 'adventure' since I had never been this way or on this road.
Why do we take side trips? What do these 'excursions' provide for us? Sometimes there are absolutely no reasons for the side trip and we don't even try and hide it - these are often called 'vacations'. At other times we just want a break from the norm and a side trip will provide this 'escape', a kind of clearing the cobwebs time. My questions really relate to what you do with your side trips: planned or spontaneous? Do they fulfill their 'function'?
I would recommend that you never lightly dismiss a side trip, regardless of purpose. These trips can provide you with untold opportunities to make discoveries. If it is a vacation, then it's a great time to rest, relax, and reassess. If it is a 'different' way of getting to where you're going then enjoy the new vistas that greet your eyes. Side trips are wonderful opportunities for us regardless of their reason to be. The question isn't so much where are you going, but how. are you going?
Monday, July 15, 2013
Right Now, Right Here
Have you ever wondered why you are here? Why, at this particular moment in the history of the world, are YOU here... now!? If you are a Christian you know that God doesn't make mistakes, so the timing is perfect and you do belong in this here and now - right where you are. And never forget that God doesn't make junk - You are not a mistake.
Where you are though is at issue - how did you get here? I suspect all of us have asked this question at various times in our lives. You are where you are basically because of the decisions you've made along your life's timeline. Some were truly super and some, not so much. Many times, as you look back, I suspect you are amazed at how you, the time, the issue was redeemed from a situation that looked either hopeless or catastrophic.
A critical mindset is to not view where you are as a mistake. It may be, but you got yourself here. You need a paradigm shift and consider where you are in terms of: do you want or need to stay? How can whatever is happening where you are become a positive? What options do you have about your 'where'?
Actually I don't have your answer. I have mind but I can only offer you questions, some of which you've undoubtedly asked yourself, to assist you in your discovery of your answers. Regardless of how you got to where you are at this moment in time, you are. The whys and wherefores do need to be reviewed and assessed, but the focus needs to be on - now. What's at your hand (to do)? Who's in your world (to love and share)?
One of the delightful parts of discovering your answers is that you will. But, it will take diligence on your part, a willingness to face your warts and your positive qualities - you have to look at both and then decide how to 'accent the positive, eliminate the negative'... how to maximize your positive qualities and reduce your warts.
Your 'right here, right now' is a time to embrace. And if it seems that everything's wrong - what do you want to do with your here and now to make it become all it can be so you can be all that you're meant to be? You can change your where... but do you first need to change your thinking?
right here? right now?
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Better NOT to know???
I'm a great one to insist that we really DO need to know (fill in the blank). But... is it possible to have too much access to the sources of knowing? Notice the word is 'access' and not a rejection of knowing. With today's instant availability suddenly we're faced with two problems: 1- the veracity of the information provided and 2- what is it we really need to know. The answer to those two issues underscores what we do with the information. If we are going to cite the information then there has to be a level of confidence in the source.
Determining if we can trust the source of the information is critical. And unfortunately, we aren't always able to access this because past performance is never proof of current actions. Additionally, our source may have a source who is in error (duly note that I did not say - misleading or unduly biased, etc. - that is an entirely different discussion) and our source may only be repeating. More and more we seem to be returning to the old adage that if you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears - take it as a possible but not a definite (grain of salt is another way of saying it).
I suspect that there are levels and degrees to our knowing that is on some kind of sliding scale dependent on the particular issue. Example: if it comes to our health, do we need to have a greater understanding of nutrition or simply have a reliable source of information to make our food decisions? Obviously the answer is based on how important this issue actually is. For some it would be a critical and high ranking priority, for others... not so much because their health has not been affected. Yet a different issue might demonstrate a vice versa scenario.
On the whole, I'm in the it's better TO know group. Part of this is based on the fact that I have a very vivid imagination which can create possible scenarios that are far worse than the reality. Part is also based in an unquenchable thirst... to know. For others, they take a more laissez faire position and let the chips fall where they may, attempting to stay untouched. I suspect this latter position is one that attempts to encompass everything and everyone at all times. Personally I would never fit in this group.
... to know or not to know?
Determining if we can trust the source of the information is critical. And unfortunately, we aren't always able to access this because past performance is never proof of current actions. Additionally, our source may have a source who is in error (duly note that I did not say - misleading or unduly biased, etc. - that is an entirely different discussion) and our source may only be repeating. More and more we seem to be returning to the old adage that if you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears - take it as a possible but not a definite (grain of salt is another way of saying it).
I suspect that there are levels and degrees to our knowing that is on some kind of sliding scale dependent on the particular issue. Example: if it comes to our health, do we need to have a greater understanding of nutrition or simply have a reliable source of information to make our food decisions? Obviously the answer is based on how important this issue actually is. For some it would be a critical and high ranking priority, for others... not so much because their health has not been affected. Yet a different issue might demonstrate a vice versa scenario.
On the whole, I'm in the it's better TO know group. Part of this is based on the fact that I have a very vivid imagination which can create possible scenarios that are far worse than the reality. Part is also based in an unquenchable thirst... to know. For others, they take a more laissez faire position and let the chips fall where they may, attempting to stay untouched. I suspect this latter position is one that attempts to encompass everything and everyone at all times. Personally I would never fit in this group.
... to know or not to know?
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Happy Medium
I wonder... is there such a thing as a 'happy medium'. If so, then just where is that enchanted place located? I think I may have strayed into it on a couple of occasions in a couple of areas, but not sure I stayed there long. Was it a place I really enjoyed? Again, not sure since my forays into 'happy medium' were brief. I'm beginning to think though that it is a temporary state of being - a place to catch your breath and do a quick check of where you are and where you want to go next.
I don't believe that 'happy medium' refers to a lifestyle, especially one of mediocrity but more of a kind of a momentary oasis, an equilibrium moment. Then again, I also believe that happy medium is individually defined. Perhaps the point is knowing that such a place does exist and you can visit it when there is a need to be there, is all that you really needed. If happy medium were a lifestyle it would have to be incredibly predictable and... lifeless. Not a place I'd want to spend much time. But remember, that's my definition. Yours may be different.
Why would you want or need a happy medium? What's it value? Those two questions are important for you to know. In my world of definitions, tasteless, odorless, bland seem to define what 'medium' is. Medium is always smack dab in the middle. I do admit that it may also be a place of no conflict, no stress, no challenges... but where is the growth? the spice? the flavor? Actually, is there really life in happy medium? As is obvious, not a place I would recommend to stay. Yet... there are advantages to this place and should never be lightly dismissed.
I do think we all need moments, and that's the key - moments, when we seem to be in a happy medium place. These are the times that do give us the ability to consider all our who, what, where, when, and how's without the stress of reacting quickly. We need quiet times and places and we need to know what we should do next. Since the 'happy medium' place will allow for this, we shouldn't waste the time when we discover... we are in a happy medium time.
... happy medium?
I don't believe that 'happy medium' refers to a lifestyle, especially one of mediocrity but more of a kind of a momentary oasis, an equilibrium moment. Then again, I also believe that happy medium is individually defined. Perhaps the point is knowing that such a place does exist and you can visit it when there is a need to be there, is all that you really needed. If happy medium were a lifestyle it would have to be incredibly predictable and... lifeless. Not a place I'd want to spend much time. But remember, that's my definition. Yours may be different.
Why would you want or need a happy medium? What's it value? Those two questions are important for you to know. In my world of definitions, tasteless, odorless, bland seem to define what 'medium' is. Medium is always smack dab in the middle. I do admit that it may also be a place of no conflict, no stress, no challenges... but where is the growth? the spice? the flavor? Actually, is there really life in happy medium? As is obvious, not a place I would recommend to stay. Yet... there are advantages to this place and should never be lightly dismissed.
I do think we all need moments, and that's the key - moments, when we seem to be in a happy medium place. These are the times that do give us the ability to consider all our who, what, where, when, and how's without the stress of reacting quickly. We need quiet times and places and we need to know what we should do next. Since the 'happy medium' place will allow for this, we shouldn't waste the time when we discover... we are in a happy medium time.
... happy medium?
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Why not?
Have you completely explored the value of those two words... why - not? Taken together they move the impossible, the improbable into the realm of... maybe... just maybe. Those two words say... 'I never thought of doing that!' These are the entrepreneurial-spirit words that have developed a whole host of valuable products such as computers, and cell phones, airplanes and rockets... etc. These two words have also given us personal 'license' to explore in regions and areas we may have wondered about but never really knew existed. The implications surrounding these words are adventure and discovery, to name just two.
Obviously I'm not talking about the non-thinking or 'dangerous' areas of life. Foolhardy does not belong in the 'why not' definition. However, a 'why not' is also an action, it is not just in the mind. It moves somewhat quickly from the thought to the action phase. This is the place that tests wondering. It can refute what you thought, enhance it, expand it into other paths and places and fulfills its mission of being a 'why not'. One thing that always seems to happen though is regardless of whether or not you follow it, where you are now is never quite the same as before a 'why not' emerged.
As you may surmise... I am a great proponent of why not's - personal and 'theoretical'. Why not's are great teachers. The caveat in this is that why not's are risk words. Whenever you decide to pursue a why not you do risk ... failure, loss of resources, disapproval from others, etc. But there are reward possibilities that also exist. In following a why not you may be charting new territories and the explorer in us can find this to be very exhilarating and gratifying.
Deciding to follow a why not is one that you take with eyes wide open. There is no 'oops' in following. Primarily your behavior is based in: your level of risk taking, your previous experience in following why not's, and your level of confidence in this particular one. Who knows... you may have just started a whole new (fill in the blank). Then again... you could also fall flat on your face. Regardless, when you follow a why not, you will have changed yourself as well.
follow why not?
Obviously I'm not talking about the non-thinking or 'dangerous' areas of life. Foolhardy does not belong in the 'why not' definition. However, a 'why not' is also an action, it is not just in the mind. It moves somewhat quickly from the thought to the action phase. This is the place that tests wondering. It can refute what you thought, enhance it, expand it into other paths and places and fulfills its mission of being a 'why not'. One thing that always seems to happen though is regardless of whether or not you follow it, where you are now is never quite the same as before a 'why not' emerged.
As you may surmise... I am a great proponent of why not's - personal and 'theoretical'. Why not's are great teachers. The caveat in this is that why not's are risk words. Whenever you decide to pursue a why not you do risk ... failure, loss of resources, disapproval from others, etc. But there are reward possibilities that also exist. In following a why not you may be charting new territories and the explorer in us can find this to be very exhilarating and gratifying.
Deciding to follow a why not is one that you take with eyes wide open. There is no 'oops' in following. Primarily your behavior is based in: your level of risk taking, your previous experience in following why not's, and your level of confidence in this particular one. Who knows... you may have just started a whole new (fill in the blank). Then again... you could also fall flat on your face. Regardless, when you follow a why not, you will have changed yourself as well.
follow why not?
Sunday, July 7, 2013
This is a very important component in who we are. I believe that, apart from a saving belief in Jesus, that nothing should be in cement. Even those truths and beliefs we hold near and dear have to be in a state of refinement. And by definition, refinement means... rethink. What happens in these rethink times often is an 'evolution' on what we initially thought. It also means that we have sufficient confidence in the truths and beliefs we have that a fresh look will only enhance them. And, any challenge to those truths and beliefs will only establish them more firmly through the process.
In my life's travels, I've done this often. But when I find a tenant that no longer is as viable as one of my basic criterion I also discover that it has been foundational and now leads me further. Refinement never means tossing out. Truth IS truth but if it is then it can withstand any challenge and all threats. Basically, I think I've discovered that truth is also like an iceberg - initially we may only see the top of it. You don't put truth in a box on a shelf, if it is real then in punctuates and flavors all aspects of our lives, daily.
Rethink is never terrifying. But it also demands being faced, no excuses. And it demands that you devote all your energy to this task. Resolution is the end result in this 'exercise' and is one of the distinct benefits. I sometimes discover that my initial thinking was slightly skewed and needed to be corrected. Sometimes the discovery is that though it seemed to be true that I didn't have all of the information to make my 'reasoned' decision. At other times I find that I was on the right path but needed to go further. There are all sorts of components in 'rethink' but it also always takes you further into understanding.
Truth and belief are strong. They can take the microscope of thought. One should never avoid rethinking because of a concern that truth, underscoring your belief, is unable to stand under the scrutiny. One never is misled in seeking truth. All of our paths to discover may not be the same - they don't need to be. But once we begin sharing our discoveries, we do come closer to understanding. That's why rethinking is an enhancement instead of a threat. Rethinking also applies to the 'how' of our behavior, how we translate our understanding into what we do.
... rethink?
In my life's travels, I've done this often. But when I find a tenant that no longer is as viable as one of my basic criterion I also discover that it has been foundational and now leads me further. Refinement never means tossing out. Truth IS truth but if it is then it can withstand any challenge and all threats. Basically, I think I've discovered that truth is also like an iceberg - initially we may only see the top of it. You don't put truth in a box on a shelf, if it is real then in punctuates and flavors all aspects of our lives, daily.
Rethink is never terrifying. But it also demands being faced, no excuses. And it demands that you devote all your energy to this task. Resolution is the end result in this 'exercise' and is one of the distinct benefits. I sometimes discover that my initial thinking was slightly skewed and needed to be corrected. Sometimes the discovery is that though it seemed to be true that I didn't have all of the information to make my 'reasoned' decision. At other times I find that I was on the right path but needed to go further. There are all sorts of components in 'rethink' but it also always takes you further into understanding.
Truth and belief are strong. They can take the microscope of thought. One should never avoid rethinking because of a concern that truth, underscoring your belief, is unable to stand under the scrutiny. One never is misled in seeking truth. All of our paths to discover may not be the same - they don't need to be. But once we begin sharing our discoveries, we do come closer to understanding. That's why rethinking is an enhancement instead of a threat. Rethinking also applies to the 'how' of our behavior, how we translate our understanding into what we do.
... rethink?
Friday, July 5, 2013
Finding your voice
We all have one... a voice. Our problem is first: discover our voice and second: develop, define, refine and become proficient in using our voice. Some people's voice is painting, some sing or play a musical instrument, some write, some find a particular 'calling', job, career that allows them to express their voice. And this really is the point... expressing our voice, whatever we discover as our best method.
Though others may have a similar voice style, only you have yours. At times it may harmonize with others but it must always be true to who it is. Once you've discovered your voice you do need to develop it, because it will require nurturing and experimenting to discover your best method of expression. And you'll need to identify the various ways your voice can be used. I hope we never see only one avenue, only one expression of our voice because this would be unnecessarily limiting.
Finding your voice is the first step, developing is the second, and expressing is the third. This last step is often the most difficult because you are subject to the opinions of others as to how you should express, what you should express, and when you should express. My advice is to listen to the 'advice' but never let it dictate. Your voice will atrophy if it isn't used but it will lose its luster if you don't use it properly. And 'properly' is never defined by others' opinions.
You will undoubtedly discover as you express your voice that it matures and grows and discovers other methods of expressions. Personally, I find that a delight. Always seeking to do more with what you have is never a negative. Never throwing out the old but having a heighten awareness of the possibilities of what could be is like using knowledge... the operable word is 'use' and that, to me, demonstrates wisdom.
... but, what do you think?
Though others may have a similar voice style, only you have yours. At times it may harmonize with others but it must always be true to who it is. Once you've discovered your voice you do need to develop it, because it will require nurturing and experimenting to discover your best method of expression. And you'll need to identify the various ways your voice can be used. I hope we never see only one avenue, only one expression of our voice because this would be unnecessarily limiting.
Finding your voice is the first step, developing is the second, and expressing is the third. This last step is often the most difficult because you are subject to the opinions of others as to how you should express, what you should express, and when you should express. My advice is to listen to the 'advice' but never let it dictate. Your voice will atrophy if it isn't used but it will lose its luster if you don't use it properly. And 'properly' is never defined by others' opinions.
You will undoubtedly discover as you express your voice that it matures and grows and discovers other methods of expressions. Personally, I find that a delight. Always seeking to do more with what you have is never a negative. Never throwing out the old but having a heighten awareness of the possibilities of what could be is like using knowledge... the operable word is 'use' and that, to me, demonstrates wisdom.
... but, what do you think?
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Comfort Zone
What exactly is a 'comfort zone'? On first blush it sounds like a lovely place to be, but... on second thought, maybe not. One's comfort zone could also become a prison as much as it can be a place of refuge, of refreshing, a break from what's going on. I suspect that a comfort zone can be seductive, implying safety. But it also can inhibit your 'out of the box' thinking. Not sure those two places are compatible unless you are an out of the box thinker and this is your comfort zone.
Everyone talks about 'comfort zone' - being in or not. Question is... do you know yours and what it does for you ? You may not know what or where it is, but you certainly know when you're not in it.Thinking and going outside the box - not necessarily does the former lead to the latter. There should be a caveat in this - moving out of your comfort zone should never be willy nilly (wherever that is). Not sure what the point in that would be. Personally I think that taking chances simply for the sake of taking chances is stupid. I would also content that no one can force you out of your comfort zone but circumstances can. Thus, the only 'reasoned' movement is when you choose to move from the comfortable known to the unknown.
The advantage to movement (going)? Multiple. First, it tests your ability to adjust and adapt to change. Second, it gives you a whole new set of options and opportunities in which to respond to the change. If you are choosing it then you may have the ability to determine the time, place, and method. The point in all this is growth - in an increased understanding of who you are and your ability to make reasoned choices rather than forced choices.
The difficulty arises when movement is trust upon you. This typically happens when you least expect it or are the least prepared for change. However, to expect the status quo to indefinitely continue is really not very logical. Change is always the order of life - how and what is yours to determine, but never if. Comfort Zone - a place, not of residence but of rest and analysis to your 'next'. Use the time and place, don't let it become a prison.
...but what do you think?
Everyone talks about 'comfort zone' - being in or not. Question is... do you know yours and what it does for you ? You may not know what or where it is, but you certainly know when you're not in it.Thinking and going outside the box - not necessarily does the former lead to the latter. There should be a caveat in this - moving out of your comfort zone should never be willy nilly (wherever that is). Not sure what the point in that would be. Personally I think that taking chances simply for the sake of taking chances is stupid. I would also content that no one can force you out of your comfort zone but circumstances can. Thus, the only 'reasoned' movement is when you choose to move from the comfortable known to the unknown.
The advantage to movement (going)? Multiple. First, it tests your ability to adjust and adapt to change. Second, it gives you a whole new set of options and opportunities in which to respond to the change. If you are choosing it then you may have the ability to determine the time, place, and method. The point in all this is growth - in an increased understanding of who you are and your ability to make reasoned choices rather than forced choices.
The difficulty arises when movement is trust upon you. This typically happens when you least expect it or are the least prepared for change. However, to expect the status quo to indefinitely continue is really not very logical. Change is always the order of life - how and what is yours to determine, but never if. Comfort Zone - a place, not of residence but of rest and analysis to your 'next'. Use the time and place, don't let it become a prison.
...but what do you think?
Monday, July 1, 2013
Make believe!
Do you remember the land of make believe? It was a place where you could be anyone you wanted and do all sorts of daring do. I suspect that there is a whole generation that has no idea what 'daring do' is. This was a place where you could be a damsel in distress waiting for your knight (typically riding a broom to rescue) or a spy... maybe a cowboy or cowgirl, maybe you were a great scientist. The point is that this was a place and time when nothing was beyond who you were and did.
And now? Is there anyplace for make believe in your life? Probably not. One 'grows up' and typically envies those who never do. You became 'An Adult' (yes, the capital letters are important). As An Adult, you put away childish things. The casualty in all this is our imagination. We are to put away 'ish' but no one said to ignore 'the child within us' or the child like parts. This mindset is critical for everyone, regardless of age and regardless of what you do. 'Make believe' is a time and place of imagination of inspiration and originality. And in your mind... you can always go there and make discoveries that impact your here and now.
Do you remember those times? The times of sheer fun, of make believe play? Carefree. And now... are you bogged down with all that's on your plate? Did you put those things there? Do you want or need them? Remember... it's never too late. Take a look at what consumes your time, your thought life. If you are pleased with these then retain them. Never throw the baby out with the bathwater. BUT if you discover things on your plate that you really don't want or need - then find a way to improve on your condition: remove them, complete them, whatever is the proper disposal.
Personally I was very fortunate to rediscover make believe. I do hope the same for you. It will give you moments of joy and a kind of abandon that is never out of step but always an enticement to what just might be. And if you dare to revisit the land of make believe and stub your toe or scrape your knee or worse - look foolish? So? You will mend - yes? And looking foolish by whose standard? You can always say you were on an adventure... to make believe land.
...make believe can be real?
And now? Is there anyplace for make believe in your life? Probably not. One 'grows up' and typically envies those who never do. You became 'An Adult' (yes, the capital letters are important). As An Adult, you put away childish things. The casualty in all this is our imagination. We are to put away 'ish' but no one said to ignore 'the child within us' or the child like parts. This mindset is critical for everyone, regardless of age and regardless of what you do. 'Make believe' is a time and place of imagination of inspiration and originality. And in your mind... you can always go there and make discoveries that impact your here and now.
Do you remember those times? The times of sheer fun, of make believe play? Carefree. And now... are you bogged down with all that's on your plate? Did you put those things there? Do you want or need them? Remember... it's never too late. Take a look at what consumes your time, your thought life. If you are pleased with these then retain them. Never throw the baby out with the bathwater. BUT if you discover things on your plate that you really don't want or need - then find a way to improve on your condition: remove them, complete them, whatever is the proper disposal.
Personally I was very fortunate to rediscover make believe. I do hope the same for you. It will give you moments of joy and a kind of abandon that is never out of step but always an enticement to what just might be. And if you dare to revisit the land of make believe and stub your toe or scrape your knee or worse - look foolish? So? You will mend - yes? And looking foolish by whose standard? You can always say you were on an adventure... to make believe land.
...make believe can be real?
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