Yes, this is another of those attitude issues. But how we view an 'obstacle' tells us a great deal about how we approach resolution. Is it a possibility? Is it a problem? You do prepare differently dependent upon how the obstacle is viewed. Actually the first thing we need to know is ... is it an obstacle?
I am one of 'them' who thoroughly enjoys a challenge. I'm always in competition with myself to do better, be better, etc. So obstacles are typically viewed as possibilities. Not always, but I discovered that if my mindset was 'possibility' and not 'problem' then I tended to be more creative and resolved whatever the issue was more quickly. One thing you must remember is that I do tend to define words somewhat 'uniquely'. A 'possibility' mindset may come to the resolution that there's nothing you can do so the best thing is to not continue throwing money and other resources into an enterprise that will never succeed. That is never an issue - it's the result of analysis.
Problems, in my world of definitions, is more emotional. And attempting to resolve whatever the issue is from only an emotional stance I've found to be ineffective. Read carefully - this is not underestimating or denying emotion, it definitely has its function in resolution as well, but the 'possibility' mindset puts the emotion as part of the overall equation - not the driving force. The emotion component can lead into an outside the box solution but it is complemented by the other components of analysis, logic, etc.
If your life is ruled by problems rather than possibilities, I think you must be in a constant state of crisis management. This can get very frenzied and frantic rather than reasoned. And most important... where's your peace? You can change the way you react to your life and the issues that emerge. 'You' is the subject. I'm not suggesting you deny problems when they arise, but you can always choose to meet them as possibilities and not let 'problem' control.
...what do you see?
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