Welcome to: “…but, what do you think, what do you believe?” If this is your first visit then I ask that you read the first post before proceeding further because it sets out the purpose for the blog and what/why I’m writing. It’s my belief that nothing is ever in cement. That we all, overtly or subtly, are continuously involved in a ‘becoming’ process - this exciting adventure called… LIFE.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Touching lives
Friday, January 26, 2024
Undeserving... Unworthy
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Why Questions???
Saturday, January 20, 2024
I Wonder… from a reader (friend)
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
I wonder...
This particular, I wonder…..
what, how I'd feel if I woke up one morning and the rapture had occurred but I was still here! And what my answer to this wondering has led to … what I will do today?!
[Yes, I KNOW this action wouldn't happen - not because of me, but because I accepted the Lord's invitation and came to Him and was born again - but what about how I direct my days -right here, right now, will I regret not doing 'more (undefined)'?]
This might not be your type of wondering but please stay with me a while. You can ask yourself the same question(s). Perhaps my understanding that salvation is the not the end, but the beginning of a wonderful, productive, fruitful life (Ephesians 2, especially verses 8-10) will give you my context in this particular wondering.
Starting with the bottom line… Repeating: IF you have made Jesus your Lord, this would never happen because it would go against scripture and God NEVER goes against His Word. So you can cease worrying that this could happen to you. But the question of how we live in our days does remain.
But even the hint that it could happen should strike a fire in you - not of fear. The fire should be your response to being saved, having your name in the book of life, having a special gift that's meant for building the body up, and your personal desire to touch lives for the Lord and be His faithful worker. How could this not make you wonder?
Personally, I want to become the person the Lord's always seen so I need to be about this mindset. I doubt anyone would argue Perhaps the question should be: am I willing to pay the price to become of value to the Lord… or not willing? I believe we all always have options. The God of the Universe gave us free will to make our own decisions and act on them… or not but we can't not decide since doing nothing is still a decision. If I accept the fact and don't try and weasel out of my responsibilities for the effects of my decisions, then the issue is inevitably - ours.
So the question, wondering, really is: am I 'being about my Father's business'? Am I? And if I am, when the time comes, I won't have to regret not being and doing who the Lord saw in me. And... what happens when I say - YES! Send Me!!!
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Soul... value?
and the King to lay down His life for it.”
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
A whole lotta pruning
Thursday, January 4, 2024
I know the plans
Do you know you?
One of the first areas you have to understand is that I’m not talking about pride. And yes, pride does come before a fall but the motivation for considering these questions is knowledge and understanding and ways to correct incorrect understandings. And in our correcting we discover what it is that we DO know that is 'correct'. Bottom line in my thinking is that we aren't as good as we hope we could be... but neither are we as bad as we might fear. It begins in OUR motivation. And in discovering our motivation we discover our why's.
Another consideration is the understanding that we grow also in appreciation. You can't appreciate something you don't understand. And this will lead to a better application. NO spiritual matter is ever one and done. Do you begin to see how all this blends together and how you understand determines how you do you?
So back to the first question... What do you think about you? And if your first thoughts aren't: I know I am loved. I know I am blessed. I know I know I have become part of the Father's family with rights and responsibilities. And these begin your 'I know...'. But they also help all of us become what is spoken in Ephesians 2 - a workman walking in those works the Father has prepared for me.