Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Thanks, Thankful,

Same thing? Sounds the same? They aren't. Thankful is a deeper more pervasive feeling. Thanks is almost a 'throw away' word since it's used so often, rarely does anyone wait for a response, and it has almost become meaningless.... unless accompanied by more words than just the simple acknowledgement - 'thanks'.  Getting picky... no, I don't think so. We all need to be more intentional in and with our words - that they carry the message we intend.

We're just days passed from one the biggest Holidays of the year. A Holiday that is aimed at families almost as much as Christmas is (but with less stress). Thanksgiving! Some families actually take the time in the day for everyone to sit (sans electronic devices) and share 1 reason why they were thankful. Personally, I think this is a great family tradition. In the midst of sharing the reason we remind ourselves of something important in our lives, something that touched us. Years ago there was a great song that used to be played this time of year, every time you turned around - "I've got plenty to be thankful for" (Bing Crosby - good movie too). Not a bad reminder.
How about thanking the One who gave everything so that you might have an abundant and joy filled life? Is Jesus invited into the feast and festivities of Thanksgiving? Is He honored? How do you not only acknowledge but praise the One who gave and is still giving us everything? What does our manual for living (The Bible) say?

   "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances;
    for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

This is just 1 out of over 50 different scriptures that talk about be thankful. If you take a moment you see that it says: in ALL circumstances. That pretty much covers... everything. Also note that it doesn't say FOR all circumstances. I think that would be foolishness, but we can focus on the reality that He is WITH us in all circumstances. Read Who Jesus is for us NOW in Hebrews - our High Priest (Hebrews 4: 14-16). Especially read these verses in the Amplified and Message versions.

   "Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready
    access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest
    who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing,
    experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to Him and get what
    He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help."

Don't know about you, but this is 'shoutin' time'! If you weren't thankful before, this should greatly increase your 'Halleluiah' reality.

Perhaps I might be asking the wrong question? Maybe I should ask us all to stop and consider how you feel when someone acknowledges what you've done or said. Does a gentle, soft smile appear and a kinda warm feeling occur in the innermost part of you? And how do you respond to that person who thanked you for what you did? Then realize how a genuine thank you is experienced by those whom you thank. Never can tell... we might start an epidemic of joyful people.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Making a Difference?

It isn’t the size of your action or words or even a choice to make a difference that’s relevant - it’s the fact of. What KIND of difference do you want to make in your world? Making a positive difference isn’t always popular. Depending on what you do and how you go about it speaks the loudest. WE all make a difference in our world simply by being in it. The question is what kind of difference do we want to make.

For example... do you consider yourself as an encourager? What kind of encourager? Do you placate or condescend or commiserate... or do you empathize? The latter is the preferred the former 3 are easily detected by another. When you encourage another do you do so based in the will of the Father as shown in His word? Or do you rely on your experiences, your understandings, you?!

Another example... are you a leader? What kind of leader - inclusive or benevolent dictator? Do you try and help your team grow as a team, have ownership over what the goal is? Are you teaching as you lead/direct? Is everything based in how Jesus led, as your model? I could continue but I think you understand my point. We all are given gifts by the Holy Spirit and they aren't ours for ourself but for others to help them in their journey. Thus... we need to know our gift, grow in it, and express it.

"Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is,
put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for
men, knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [not from men] that
you will receive the inheritance which is your [greatest] reward. It is the Lord
Christ whom you [actually] serve." [Colossians 3:23-24]

At first glance you may wonder why I chose these verses. Because, this is our motivation, our foundation in whatever we do...... at least it should be, essentially our 'why'. Sometimes making a difference is as gentle as standing up for what is right. Just doing it! Not yelling from the rooftops and not focusing on inflammatory rhetoric but in the doing of what needs to be done rather than going along with the mob or seeking acclamation from others. Sometimes it's a smile, sometimes a hand on the shoulder, sometimes just a nod of understanding. But do know... even standing expressionless and motionless we always make a difference. The only question is ... is this the difference we want to make?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

No Condemnation -

   "'For I endorse and delight in the Law of God in my inmost self [with my new
    nature]. But I discern in my bodily members [in the sensitive appetites and
    wills of the flesh] a different law (rule of action) at war against the law of my
    mind (my reason) and making me a prisoner to the law of sin that dwells in my
    bodily organs [in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh]. O unhappy and
    pitiable and wretched man that I am! Who will release and deliver me from
    [the Shackles of] this body of death? O thank God! [He will!] through Jesus
    Christ (the Anointed One) our Lord! So then indeed I, of myself with the mind
    and heart, serve the Law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. 
    Therefore, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for
    those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the
    flesh, but after the dictates of the SpiritFor the law of the Spirit of life [which
    is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin
    and of death. For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being
    weakened by the flesh [the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit].
    Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, 
    [God] condemned sin in the flesh [subdued, overcame, deprived it of its power
    over all who accept that sacrifice], So that the righteous and just requirement
    of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the
    flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and
    according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit]."
    [Romans 7:22-8:4]

Yes, a long scripture. But Paul lays out the problem and the solution. But I don't believe we can understand the solution apart from the problem. 

The key is 'no condemnation' (highlighted). I think most Christians cling to these verses. Understandable. But do we understand? First, it is not license to sin. In another place in scripture Paul talks about the freedom we have in Christ but that this freedom does not sanction sin. Second. In another place in scripture Paul laments that he does the things he does not want to do and doesn't do the things he does want to do. Yes... that is our struggle which, in my opinion, is why we have 1 John 1:9. However... that isn't license either.

I can carry on a lengthy discussion about what 'no condemnation' isn't. Somehow I think we all have at least a suspicion about this. So, I'd like us to look at what it DOES means for us. What a huge blessing! 

Bottom line, I believe, is that it tells us that no matter what we do, say that WHEN/IF we turn to the Lord confessing and seeking His cleansing that He tells us it's covered by the blood and that He does forgive and forget. That sense of relief sweeps over me when I am in need of relationship forgiveness and restoration. Not just with whom I have harmed but even more critical... with my Triune God.

I know there's a teaching 'out there' that says to not worry because our sins and mistakes are covered by the cross. True. But equally important is who we are becoming and what responsibilities we have. Being cavalier about sins and mistakes is not part. If we aren't trying to become more like Christ, exactly what are we doing? Are we ignoring the huge price paid by Jesus? He came and died for our sins and this can't be diminished.

Read Romans 8 it will explain the no condemnation, who we are becoming, what we need to do, how we do it. The most important verses, to me, are:

   "For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor
    angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to
    come, nor powers, Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will
    be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
    [v. 38-39]


Monday, November 20, 2023

Miscellaneous Musings

 *** I realize that to some people, what I'm about to say is blasphemous but hold your judgment. Have you ever thought about your DNA? Have you ever thought about what composes your DNA? Yes, your mother and father but what about the 'life giver'? Who is it that breeze life into us? Yes. So doesn't that also mean that we have His attributes in us as well? And if so... are they visible?

*** I seem to be apologizing a great deal lately. This means that I’ve been messing’ up... a great deal lately. I intently dislike 'messing’ up because it also means a host of other things also happening. What is 'other' do I hear you ask? Me-ism is the primary culprit because it always births a lot of other negatives. 
Sometimes there’s also a hint of arrogance, or even worse - superiority. Not a pretty picture. Now... how to extricate myself from this becomes the focus.

*** Not that I was looking for this, I think I may have found something nearly as deadly as taking offense. Being 'justified' in some way by an outside source and the inevitable behavior from this. Both are attitude issues, both build walls, not repair broken bridges. Both are subtle and are the schemes of the devil. No Christian would willingly give the devil even a toehold into their lives but both taking offense or feeling justified can throw open the front door.

*** Have you ever considered what You consider as the desired behavior about being a 'friend'? What do you need/want from a friend relationship? Do you also exemplify these behaviors or are they one-sided?

***The BIG Awkward
At least that's what I call it. It's the time after you did/said something requiring an apology. You apologized and hopefully restored what was damaged. But now it's the first time getting together (whether just the 2 of you, or more) ... now how do you act? As if nothing had happened? (good luck on that one) Not being so much yourself? (again, good luck on that one). Some of what to do is based on what the other person does. And no, that shouldn't dictate - though it might be a basis for understanding. 

I do think that the only proactive response is to... move on. Bringing it up again, generally as an apology, really does little for movement and often only causes embarrassment for all. Besides the offender rarely likes to be reminded of 'that' time and the offend-ee rarely wants a rehash. Remember... we all do/say stupid, hurtful, things and what's the purpose?

***Head Knowledge... Heart Action
There's a difference between knowledge and action in both our head and heart. I know everyone knows this. Do they?  Is this individually define, described? Never assume a universal definition. 
Next there's the issue of leadership: who leads? Head? Heart?

*** We all go through seasons... sometimes the same season more than once. So, what season are you in? Have you been in it long? Do you want to stay? In the end... you have the power and authority over your seasons, not your seasons over you. Granted seasons have a purpose. What's the purpose of your current season?

*** Do you apologize for who you are? no? then do you apologize for what you did, said, are (that didn't need an apology)? If so, then you are apologizing for who you are. 'What!?' do I hear you say? Think about it! What you do and say IS who you are! And yes you do 'bad' things but the point is... what do you apologize for - your Who, your What, your Why?

*** Do you like yourself? Maybe not all of the words and actions, but down deep... do you like you? If so - excellent! If not...... why? First, we all sin, we all make mistakes, we all act and do 'things' that later we regret. You do know that if you have done harm to someone you can apologize to them... yes? And you have 1 John 1:9 that shows you can go to the Lord with those sins and mistakes... yes?So what's remaining? CHANGE. You do have it within your power and authority to change. It may not be easy, but growth, change, improvement is always in your wheelhouse.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Sometimes you have to wait...

Personally... I hate, despise, and abominate waiting. I am a terrible wait-er. But... sometimes there is a 'waiting period'. And there are preparations that need to occur prior to the 'event'. Finally I've discovered that there are things I can do during this time rather than just pacing. The part of the fruit of the Spirit - patience - takes center stage for me at this time. What I need to remember is the parable about the wise and foolish virgins - the wise trimmed their wicks and made certain they had enough oil to keep the flame lit. The foolish - not.

Additionally, Timing is a critical component and it IS everything. My sense of timing is typically - NOW, not 'later'. However, 'now' is not necessarily the right time and if we did proceed, we could be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and with the wrong motives - not to mention the possibility of the wrong people. The point is that there are many components that need to be in place and acting precipitously is never one of them and typically not the best decision.

As to the 'what' of your asking... you have the assurance that if you are asking according to His will (1 John 5:14), then we KNOW we have what we ask. Did you start there? Sometimes I blur my wants and needs. My need may be that I want (fill in the blank). So, have you verified you are asking according to His will? Actually... what are you praying for/about? If it's to change someone, have you ever read a scripture that says we should pray for a person to change? We can pray that they seek the Lord and His will... We can pray a blessing on another... We can ask that they seek your plans... but change someone based on our analysis - I think not. Our motives need assessing and may be the reason for the waiting. 

From a different perspective, for me... wait does not necessarily mean never. However for some, wait means 'no'. Since I'm aware that my timing isn't always spot on, I need to hear all of the words first. Interestingly... I find that when I take the time to know my motives, what and why I am praying, interceding... I rarely have to wait. But... how does scripture define 'wait' and what we should/can do? Sometimes it is a 'who' we're waiting on.

This verse tells us what happens when we wait, what we receive.  KJV definition:

   "The sense is to stop, or to continue.
    To stay or rest in expectation; to stop or remain stationary, till the arrival of
    some person or event."

Paraphrasing Horace Williams Jr, he says that there are 5 essential reasons for waiting:

   " 1-Danger. There can be unforeseen heartache or disappointment or even danger ahead if we move forward without His guidance.   

2-Develop the right time. It may not be the right timing for our requests.    

3-Determine our Motives.  Sometimes we do not receive it when we ask for something because our motives are for the wrong reasons. (James 4:3)   

4-Divine strength.  As we seek God’s will and desire His direction for our lives, He will give us the strength to do what is needed.  

5-Deepen our Faith. Waiting on God increases and strengthens our faith in Him.  

Scriptural definition? Amusingly enough the irony is that one of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31, AMPC

   "But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall
    change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and
    mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and
    not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired."

Perhaps the issue is... what do we do when we wait? Wasting that time is foolish, learning, growing is always a positive.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Act… Think…?

 Which are you? Do you act… and then think. Or think… and then act? The latter is the much preferred method. The former can, or does, result in multiple missteps, apologies, scrapped knees, bumped noses, embarrassment - and the list goes on. Personally I prefer the latter but more often than not act the latter. Oh I can give you a number of reasons why and even some of them make some sense. But the potential problems do outweigh adopting this mindset. 

Why? Why, I ask those of us in the latter category, do we do that! We’ve sufficient evidence from our own lives that point to the potential disastrous ends from our behavior. We really do KNOW. So why don't we change? We can... if we choose. And we have sufficient support from scripture, especially in Proverbs, about the importance.

   "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for
    out of it flow the springs of life." [Proverbs 4:23]

   "The mind of him who has understanding seeks knowledge and inquires after
    and craves it, but the mouth of the [self-confident] fool feeds on folly.' [13:14]

These are only 2 verses that show us the value of prudent thinking over over quick actions. And then we have the verses in the New Testament that tell us to renew our minds, that we have the mind of Christ. But we have to choose to do this.

I’d like to say we act quickly because we’re more passionate … or we don’t want to miss the opportunity … or we have enough to proceed (we really don’t) … we don’t wait well. Honestly... there really is no excuse. And we should focus on growing up. Acting precipitously is folly. Sometimes we strike the mark and that can seem as confirmation but we also miss some of the unspoken cues.

For me, if I catch myself, I try and stop to look at my motives (why I want to act now), look at the recipient of of acts (are they ready to understand what and why I am acting or speaking), and the options available for me to present a lucid and compelling (fill in the blank) to affect a positive result. It really doesn't take as long as we typically imagine answering these question take. Sometimes starting at the end - the desired result - can be the impetus for the right action. In the final analysis ... it's never a case of IF I should act, it's when and how I should act. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The affects of Forgiveness

Yes... I know I write on forgiveness - often. I think it's because it is such an integral and important attitude, standard in our lives. Without it (being forgiven AND not forgiving others) we carry a great deal of baggage around. And I am not suggesting we be cavalier about forgiveness... that's nearly as bad. But have you ever thought about the affects on you, others in terns of the 'what next', how do we react, think. How does this change who we are and how we go about this?

Do you believe that when you seek forgiveness that 'everything' will simply go away and we are back to 'normal'/what was before we did/said something? It doesn't you know. You are still responsible for the effects and ramifications. The difference is really that we respond to what we did either as forgiven or not. Having been in both, I much recommend the former. One of the questions is - based on this experience does this change how we go about being 'you'? Should it?

If we're going to 'reap' what we sowed... what difference does it make? On us - significantly! As we 'clean up our 'mess' we can do it from an entirely different attitude. And wallowing in blame or shame is never the new. If it's the old, then rethink! If it's a case of 'swallowing your pride'... is it really? Or is it righting something that we can actually affect? Separating our emotion from our action can be incredibly difficult... and this too is a learning.

At a quieter moment we can look (hopefully) more objectively at why what happened, how, and the behavior. At the moment other emotions take affected, not the least of which is self protection. But now, later, we can look at this and decide how we might have acted differently, what the underlying motive(s) were, the reactions, etc. If we are to grow then it's imperative that we judge ourselves.

   "For if we searchingly examined ourselves [detecting our shortcomings and
    recognizing our own condition], we should not be judged and penalty decreed
   [by the divine judgment]. But when we [fall short and] are judged by the Lord,
   we are disciplined and chastened, so that we may not [finally] be condemned
   [to eternal punishment along] with the world." [1 Corinthians 11:30-32] 

And self-judgment should not be seen as attempting to escape the consequences of our words and behaviors - we are responsible for our actions. But I believe we don't get into a spiral of self protection which can be deadly. Being disciplined and chastened by the Lord is not to be despised because it is meant for our growth. Though it may seem painful (and don't hang onto 'not fair'):

   "My son, do not despise or shrink from the chastening of the Lord [His
    correction by punishment or by subjection to suffering or trial]; neither be
    weary of or impatient about or loathe or abhor His reproof, 
    For whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a father corrects the son in
    whom he delights." [Proverbs 3:11-12]

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I'm a very private person

This particular post is a wee bit different from the typical post I make. I just had an experience that called into question what I believe and act on. Back to the title...  Complaint? Excuse? What do You mean by 'private'? It is a kind of wall we can stand behind... but do we know why we have this wall? Can we see through the wall but others can't?

Many times I have heard 'stoic' people being defined as 'private persons'. I really don't think the 2 are necessarily related and definitely not the same. And yet... at the same time, a wonderful defense. But what I always find intriguing is... why the wall in the first place? Reasons: 'I've been hurt.  I've been misunderstood. I've been taken advantage of... I've been...' Most of the time the reason/excuse is found in the past 'been'.  However, is there anyone who hasn't been hurt, misunderstood, taken advantage of, etc.? I doubt it. Soooo... are you going to let the past control your now and future? Can't you learn from past experiences and show greater wisdom in the future rather than 'hiding in plain sight'? And speaking of wisdom - were we foolish in (fill in the blank) and realized too late that we had placed ourselves in an awkward position?

I suspect that last few sentences sounded a tad harsh. Not certain that was entirely unintended. We sometimes fail to look at our 'why' of what touches us. We protect. We ignore. We obfuscate. And a lot of other 'We...'  And sometimes we do this without discovering if there's even a need. Dealing with the now with past experiences tends always to be the default. We all do this consciously or not. Point being... not everything is meant to injury us. Sometimes it's a learning we need or need to remember. We need to be able to distinguish learning from potential risks... and if risk -face them.

I've been accused of answering a question with a question. Sometimes that is deliberate on my part, sometimes I'm genuinely interested in what the other person means and am seeking clarity so that I respond to their question and not just my response.  Being a private person does not mean not sharing what you really think and believe. And it is not responding in a manner that is only attempting to please the person asking the question/making a statement. And I suspect every private person has their own definition. I'm just suggesting that everyone who believes that's who they are should reassess because there's also the possibility that you are denying yourself a learning, of growing, of discovering, of exploring, of...

Never use your 'private person' as something to hide behind and do try and smile at those at the diametrically opposite end of this continuum. They exist too. For the same 'reasons'?

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Letting go... Moving on...

Not always so easy... is it? Doesn't eliminate that we may have a need to let things go - both the good as well as the bad. And yes, both define us... actually, how we respond to both of these 'states'. In my world, 'letting go' is the first step but step 2 is also critical - moving on.

Paul teaches about this in Philippians 3:13-14

   "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but
    one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies
    ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward
    call of God in Christ Jesus."

We see in these verses one of the key components to moving on - forgetting and reaching forward... Paul had a goal. If we don't have a goal to pursue then it becomes very difficult to move on. What are we supposed to do now? Likewise if we are holding on to where we are, what we do then we don't let go. Yes... start with the Lord to find His teachings and plans for you. Then decide if you want His Lordship? This too is our decision. I could be wrong but I think that when we seek the Lord's plans for us then we have the opportunity to invite Him into the process. Some people seek, discover, but don't ask. Silly of us.

Letting go... moving on involves reaching forward. When we hold on to who we are, what we do with a tight fist... nothing can be put into our hands. Remember Ephesians 2?

   " For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ 
    Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined
    (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time],
    that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and
    made ready for us to live]." [verse 10]

If you see... works is an 'S' not a one only. Which underscores our need the let go and move on - not take up residency where you are. You were created to be constantly growing, becoming. And no, I'm not diminishing the difficulty. One cue I've used is that to know that what I'm involved in has ended for me and I've completed my part is an inner confidence. Another cue is a kind of restlessness in my spirit. And my last cue is that there is someone else who can take the project, goal, plan on to the next level and if I remain... I'm kinda in the way. Instead... 'reaching forward' to what lies ahead.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Still More Miscellaneous Thoughts on PRAYER, Part 8

I've probably written on this a number of times... but repetition can be a great method for understanding (and thus agreeing... or not). This point:  do you realize that when we act in 'one accord', the power of this action is greatly increased? Actually, you really don't have as strong a foundation when we don't act in one accord, when there is hesitation or lack of understanding or opposing approaches. First we should look at Jesus' instructions about love... second look at His outline/method for praying... and understand the way we demonstrate praying... and the focus/purpose/reason for the praying.

Let me give an example: personally I do not like the 'unspoken prayer'. How can I possibly agree with the person requesting prayer if I don't know what I'm praying for/about? Why would you trust me to pray but not trust me with the need in the prayer? There is no 'one accord' in this scenario. And yet it is a well practiced method of requesting prayer - it's what's taught!

The scripture talks about that when 2 or 3 are gathered in His Name - He is there. Do we acknowledge His presence? He knows He's with us, we know He's with us, but what do we do with that information - what do we do to acknowledge and act on this? How do we treat Him? Do we talk to Him? Not just in the sense of asking for help but the joy we feel and know when we are together. Does praise or worship spring forth? Do we treat Him as a friend? Knowing He's available isn't enough in my thinking, I believe we need to invite Him in so that He has access to US as well (and give Him opportunity to speak).

In prayer, especially, never assume. And when it comes to one accord... make certain you all are on the same page with the same definitions. Simply in the same place and maybe even the same focus - you may not have the same motives, purposes, etc. One site listed 10 different reasons for prayer... none that I disagree with. One of the greatest benefits for us in prayer is that it strengthens our relationship with our Triune God. Our trust, our understanding grows confidently the more we spend time with the prayer answerer. 

This brings up my second point. I believe God always answers prayer. However, it isn't always the answer we want. We do tend to have preconceived expectations (though rarely stated) of how things should work (who, what, when, where, how). We're to bring the requests, ask in Jesus' Name, believe we have the answer, and discover what it is. When we pray the scriptures over the request I think we are on a stronger foundation. Personally I like to couple Philippians 4:6

   "Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every
    circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue
    to make your [specific] requests known to God."

Now look at verse 7 - peace is what we receive when we follow this mindset, attitude. 

Also Hebrews 4:

   "Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the
    throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we
    may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in
    time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment]."

And you see what happens here... blessing - just at the right moment.

And when it comes to answered prayer... never assume a 'wait' is a 'no' and don't assume your answer is His or the only answer. When we pray the Father's 'will be done' we are giving whatever the request is to Him for final determination. It would always be the 'right' answer! And when we stand on the scriptures... we have peace and blessing.