I mean… why bother? Why deny an ‘is’ because if it is an ‘is’ it will make itself known regardless of what you attempt to do. In this case, it really isn’t an ignoring, it’s more of me moaning over something I have absolutely no, zero, zilch, nada control over. And those of you reading this who know me, even slightly, know that when it comes to the ‘I’ in me - I always want the last word!
So what’s so monstrous? AGE. I’ve always spoken those well known 'sayings' many, many times: ‘you’re only as old as you feel’, ‘age is a number not an identification’. Well, those statements are only partially accurate. Age IS a number and it will always let you know that It is in control. And ‘feel’ is the definer - you can’t always do what you did in your 40’s, 50’s, or even 60’s, your physically body WILL betray you, and not all of us are Caleb’s (ex: Joshua 14:11) Not that I ever did anything terrible to my body (that seems to be betraying me now)... didn't really think much about it.
Since I seem to be on a vent of sorts... I didn't do those things that would cause my body harm and I still have all the original parts with no broken anythings. So I didn't totally mistreat. However, when I look at this in more adult moments, that behavior may not have anything to do with it. I'm simply irritated that I'm not the (physically able) person I was. So... now what? How do I live with this identity defining interference?
I think... being smart about what I really can and can't do is the starting point. This also applies to other 'is's' in our lives. Not all of them are negatives - some are informational and some provide us with understandings we didn't have before and some are downright 'FUN'. Some are fairly simple understandings such as... so you can't jump a 10 story building in a single bound? So? Could you ever? Did you ever? Do you need to? And the biggie, what are you trying to prove??? And yes, you can ask these same questions of yourself when faced by any 'is' that is challenging you. Remember, the challenge may not be the 'is's'... it may be you.
I know this whole discussion may sound incredibly tongue in cheek... partially guilty. The way I said it - probably 'yes'. The message... no. Because we all face times of trying to deny an 'is' in our lives. That is wasting time ...... and we know this. Doesn't stop us though. However, we really need to truncate the time we spend there and begin to discover ways of incorporating the 'is'. Since I started with using 'age' as the example, I'll return.
Age can really stop us in our tracks. We don't really want to give up to those 'things' we've always enjoyed. But when those things are physical in nature... nature will dictate. So you can't do (fill in the blank) any longer. What can you put in place? It may not be a quid pro quo, but always add something that is what you enjoy and can still do. Maybe it becomes a priority shift... something that previously may have been a -7- is now a 3? It's OK. Give yourself a bit of grace and accept true 'is's' and make them all they can be. Pouting and complaining (though partially meaningful at the time) never lasts and is really a poorer representative of who you are.