Wednesday, October 24, 2018


(This is an expanded version from an article I wrote for my church's monthly newsletter. I believe the thesis sufficiently important to share on my blog.)

My writing is designed as an encouragement to the body, to lift you up. However, there are times when I feel I'm suppose to issue a challenge. It's true for this post. I feel compelled to ask you, me this question: How do you know that you are a good investment? Actually, it's quite easy. Every time you share your gifting, you prove your value as an investment. 

The obvious next question is: What is your gifting? Surprisingly, it is incredibly simpler to know than we realize. What do YOU like to do? What brings joy to your life?  What do you make time for? That, my friend, is your gift to the body! Too simplistic? too mundane? or doesn’t relate to being a Christian?! Firstly, everything we do should relate to the fact that we have accepted Jesus as our Lord – it should permeate everything we do, are, say, touch. 

But yours is so… so, of the world.? If so, is it convertible? Can you apply what you enjoy doing to  the fact you are a Christian? Yes, the Word says we are tested, but our tests are designed to help us grow... and you can achieve success. We are not put into the world to be of the world, and yes, we are in - not the same. Why wouldn’t your gifting apply?

I sometimes think our problem is comparing - our gifting to what seems to get the greatest acclamation. Read 1 Corinthians 12 again - especially verses 22-26 

   "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." (v. 27)

I do wish I could sit down with everyone to help them see just how important they are. That you are special. That you are right where you are for a reason. That you can make a difference. But it does take bravery. Being brave about who you are, who you are becoming, what you do, how you go about being you… about Whose you are. If you aren’t sharing your gift… what are you sharing? Because, trust me, we all share – consciously or not. It can be so much more effective when we are purposeful in our sharing. Truly… you can do it. Believe. Share. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Not necessarily a positive word, place to be. Can one truly grow in a complacent environment? The 'advantages' to being complacent is???? Don't mistake content and complacent... they are not the same. Content is proactive, while complacent is incautious and typically inactive.

Starting with Webster's definitions, content means: "...contentment..." Not certain what this tells us. However, when we consider the adjectives, the descriptive words for 'content'... gratified, happy, pleased, satisfied, blissful, delighted, glad, joyful, overjoyed, rejoicing, etc. Complacent means, "...marked by self-satisfaction, especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. Descriptive words are apathetic, casual, indifferent, unconcerned, etc.

Obviously there is a marked difference between the two words and how they are expressed. I would also suggest that there should be a preference concerning which to embrace. Content is more of an action word, complacent is non active because there is no 'caring' about (fill in the blank). Besides... I don't think the Lord went to all the trouble and sacrifice so we would be saved and brought into relationship with Him for us to be complacent. We have been invited into the Army of God and this requires training, learning, and becoming all we are destined to be. Not to sit on the beach sunning ourselves.

There are over 38 verses in scripture that talk about complacency. 2 examples:

   "And I will come punish the men who are stagnant in spirit." (Zephaniah 1:12) 

   "Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them,
    will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand." (Matthew 7:26)  

The theme is evident - they will reap what happens to the complacent. Do not forget the warning in Revelation (3:14-20) to the Laodicean church. 

Content, on the other hand can be demonstrated by Philippians 4:11-13

   "... I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content..."

Why? How?

   "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

This is not sitting down, comfortably, for it is in the soul of the person. They are involved and active... but they also know Whose they are.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Choices... and decisions

I would suggest that every decision, from the smallest to the greatest, affords us a minimum of 2 choices. I'm not sure there really is an, 'I didn't have any choice!' Actually, I believe that there are always a multitude of options and choices available to us when we take the time to consider. Sometimes the differences between them is vast and quite pointed. Other times, our choices are more subtle and it may seem difficult to distinguish. And still there are other times when our decision seems to be between two 'good' or two 'bad' options.

Secondly, I believe our decisions are based on our personal philosophy... that they are never quite so 'surprising' as initial thought. If your philosophy is that you try and do your best then your decisions will reflect this. If you are cavalier and/or 'unthinking' then your options you choose from will be reflect this - typically self-centered. None of this is new? Probably not, but do we honestly appraise what we do and how we go about doing it?

If our response to our decisions is: "Hm, I never thought about that!" or "That was NOT what I intended!" Then I would say we are deluding ourselves. Because there is rarely any unthought out decision. Though the ramifications from our actions we don't always choose to see. We may like to insist that there are. Nope. If we act 'without thought' then what does this say about what we believe and what's important to us? If we are surprised at the reactions from others... why? Would you have responded differently to someone else who acted in the same way you did?

We really can't avoid 'owning up'. What we do and how we do or say 'it' speaks volumes. Obviously I believe that there is always a better way. That isn't the point. Bottom line really is - you! You need to be aware that you do present a message for others to hear - whether you like this or not. Since this is a reality, the issue is - what do you want others to see and hear from your decisions? What character points do you want them to observe? This isn't rocket science nor is it a point of stress (or at least it shouldn't be). Who you are, how you go about being you is what is always expressed. One can only act so long before the truth is revealed. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Don't leave open spaces! If that sounded strange, it really isn't - but let me explain. Remember the deliverance described In both Matthew and Luke?

   "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, 

    seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from 
    which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. 
    Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than 
    himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man 
    is worse than the first.” (Luke 11:23-26, ESV)

Why? If the healing or deliverance occurred, why could the unclean spirit return? I believe the Lord taught me the concept of 'Replacement'. Replacement is part of my personal 3 R's... actually 4. Having the spaces empty only beckons occupancy. With this thought in mind, it's up to us to determine what should occupy or we are subject to the fate indicated in scripture - a worse state than before.

Now what do we do??? Again, if you look to scripture you do have obvious clues. Foundational, we are told to renew our minds, to put off the old man and put on the new over 20 times.

   "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal
    of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
    what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2, ESV)

The purpose - not be conformed to this world. As can be seen, WE are the ones that do this. To me, replacement is the foundation to renewing. Minimally, it is an important component to renewing. So what are we to replace the empty spaces with? Again, scripture:

   "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever
    is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable,
    if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think
    about these things." (Philippians 4:8, ESV)   

Personally, I believe this is what we can and need to do. If we replace our thinking, renew our minds then we have the tools available to 'fill up the spaces' so that there is no space, no place for any unclean spirit to attempt to occupy... even with their cohorts. Never forget - we can become our best us.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Know what this word means? Know what it looks like? Is this one of your character qualities?

Webster definition (2nd definition): "....firm in belief, determination, or adherence: Loyal." Is this you? But... in reference to what, whom? If you are 'firm' and 'loyal' - who, and how did they get this designation? What makes us, You a steadfast person?

I believe that 'steadfast' is an excellent character description. I don't think any of us want to be on shifting sand or considered to be a person who will agree with everything the last person they spoke to believes - there's a sufficient amount of this in the various aspects of our lives, but should be a modus operandi. At the same time, I don't expect any of us to be so firmly entrenched that we won't be able to let the 'subject' of our steadfast grow. The older I get the more I begin to wonder just what is 'in cement'. For me a cement component though is my belief in Jesus as my Lord.

Concomitant; there are certain people and 'philosophies' that I have a steadfast attachment to. The simplest way of know where our allegiance lies is to look at what we consider as eternal and/or essential to our lives. What constitutes your absolutes list? And are 'they' the same as they were days/weeks/months ago? Have 'they' grown, matured? Are you the same in your steadfastness? 

Simple concept, steadfast? Don't think so. But I do believe that we all consciously should occasionally review what it is that we would always adhere to... what is irreplaceable... what needs 'updating'. Every challenge to what you believe and think should be viewed as an iron sharpening iron situation and not a threat. If you feel threatened then maybe your commitment to (fill in the blank) is no longer relevant for you... at least not the same. Perhaps it is also a way to help the other person consider a different point of view. If you believe in (fill in the blank) then your steadfast will never threatened by a differing view.

I, perhaps incorrectly, don't believe we have to stress about being steadfast. It is or it isn't. Scripture gives us 15 different verses about steadfastness. I especially like Colossians 1:11 and James writing (1:3-4):

   "...knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (a
    descriptive word for steadfastness)
    ...Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect
    and complete, lacking in nothing."

 The point is for to know yours. What are you steadfast about? How do you express it?

Monday, October 8, 2018

Flourish! Not just survive.

   "I have come that they might have life, and life more abundantly." 
    (John 10:10)

Does 'abundantly' describe your life? Do you even have a definition of abundant so you would know it if you have it? And equally important - what you need to do to be in what Jesus described as the abundant life? So the real question is - do you know what Jesus meant by 'abundant' life? Do you believe that you are part of the 'they'? It really does start there - you must, regardless of the circumstances, believe that abundant is meant for you.

Let's dispel one potentially irrelevant consideration. Abundant is not defined by or limited to your circumstances, especially your finances. Admittedly since we live in this world of money, finances is part but it should never be the only or the predominant basis of defining abundant. One definition that I read that I like is:  

   "'Abundant life' refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength
    for mind, body, and soul."

The King James dictionary states:

   "Abundant, a. Plentiful; in great quantity; fully sufficient; as an abundant
    supply. In scripture, abounding, having in great quantity; overflowing

Now... what do we do with and about these definitions? Do they help us with our understanding and application? There is one scripture that does provide a fuller basis to apply our understanding.

   "Where sin abounded (by its increase) grace abounded more exceedingly
    (was rich beyond measure)." (Romans 5:20)

To me, this shows that the negatives of life are trumped by the positives when we apply abundant to become our foundation to overcome those 'things' in our lives that are of the 'old man' and not the newly created one. All of this is based in our relationship with our Lord.

Flourish is to survive as abundant is to want. When we live according to the Word and how it helps us to grow and understand then we flourish. Survival is knowing but rarely applying the understanding. We can either believe or choose to look at life based on 'reality'. We can know Who we believe and Whose we are and live our lives on this foundation or we can attempt to 'ride out the storms of life' on shifting sands.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Hold your ground!

No one will do this for you. And mark my words - when you've gain a victory, our enemy will try and dilute or diminish what has been accomplished. And even though we might feel this way at times... our lives really aren't one step forward and two steps back. Remember that we ARE more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

How do we hold our ground. Use the weapons we've been given! One incredibly important weapon is the Word. Remember how Jesus defeated satan when we was being tempted in the desert after his baptism? What was Jesus' response to each of the temptations satan gave Him? "It is written..." In many respects that's all we need do - is speak the Word to any temptation. 

   "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man;
    but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what
    you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape,
    that you may be able to bear it." (1Corinthians 10:13, NKJV) 

First - nothing new but all men face, Second - God will NOT allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. and Third - WILL make a way of escape. That pretty much covers it all. We are able to hold our ground and even continue making inroads into what satan thinks he has.

There is another way as well. We find in Ephesians 6 that God's armor has been made available to us to:

   1. Stand against all the wiles of the devil (v. 10-11)
   2. Withstand the evil day (v. 13)

And this is only begins what we are equipped to do. Read verses 10-18 to know that the Lord has done all so that we can hold our ground. I would read this as our foundation. What ground we have succeeded to gaining against our enemy needs to be firmly in our grasp so that we can then proceed even further against him (we wrestle not against flesh and blood - v. 12) and can gain more ground.

I believe as each of us recognizes our role, our call in the Great Commission and we take up our armor and join with others that we do begin to become that great army of God. We begin, though, will holding our ground.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A glimpse

Have you ever thought about what heaven is like? Do you have any conception of what you will be doing? Or do you think you'll be sitting around chatting with others and attending Praise and Worship services. And... is there any relationship to what you've done with your time here, in this life, that is giving you clues to what you'll be doing? Do you care? 

Personally, and yes, perhaps my age is showing but I've always been intrigued, I am immensely curious. There are certain 'things' that I'm convinced won't be occurring such as sitting around on clouds with fairy wings strumming lutes. Unless there is some intrinsic value that I'm missing, I would think this to be a big yawn. AND... I don't think this is the case. My guide is scripture,  especially but not limited to Revelation. 

In chapter 17 verses 7-14, it ends with: 

   "They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, 

    for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him are 
    called and chosen and faithful.”

called... chosen... faithful... Do these words characterize you? I think I fail so often but still... me too? To me, this scripture gives a glimpse of what we will doing, indicates that we who made Jesus Lord and have tried to follow Him will return in triumph with Him. This is not a passive act and if this is a foretelling of what happens, then we will be actively involved. 

Another point about being involved is: why would God spend all this time and energy on us to teach and train us if there wouldn't be continued need and use? I don't believe we are ever meant to merely 'sit'. Other hints come from the words of Jesus: Luke 18: 29-30 and Mark 10: 29-30. It all comes down to who we are, whose we are, how we demonstrate (not just talk) the importance of living a Christian life now, and so many other things.

Could I be mistaken? Of course. But what if I'm not...... I believe that this life is prep ground for our future life. We will need to learn and apply, to become Paul's workman (2Timothy 2:15). Read Revelations 22 - what a glimpse into our future!