Yes, I do write about these two words often... in some fashion. I do so because of my strong conviction and belief that they are incredibly important in our lives. Meaning and value tell us that we have a purpose in life - that we, our lives, make a difference... or, at least we have that potential. It truly is up to us - to act or not. And I'm not talking about any quest for fame or fortune, accomplishments, or anything that's 'external' to WHO we are and how we go about being us. I'm talking about the essential and eternal issues.
You may not define or even describe the words in the same manner I do, not important. What is important is that you understand both your definitions and mine so that you can see where they converge and diverge and how this expands understandings. Out to convince you? Probably. But not necessarily of the definitions so much as the underlying essence of the words. If you do not consider that meaning and value are the attributes that describe and define who we are, what we do, and how we go about doing that... then what would your words (and definitions) be that would give your life purpose? Surely you don't simply go through the day...
Others interaction - compliments, criticism, or correction - with our understanding of ourselves in relation to meaning and value is only as a form of confirmation and/or refinement. It all has to start with us. If we don't see any meaning/value then what others would say wouldn't have much bearing on how we 'interact' with those concepts. So, back to the initial inquiry - do you know what gives your life meaning and value? Do you see it 'played out' in your daily life and interactions? If not... does it make any difference to you. And, if not - why? Why would you not seek to enhance your life?
Haven't really defined or described the two words... necessary? Intuitively we know if we are living a life of meaning and value. Instinctively we know if (fill in the blank) contributes, detracts, or has no affect on these words. But how often do we see that the majority of our time/effort/resources are involved in those activities that don't fulfill our definitions? Do we continue in them ... because ... need, familiarity, weariness, (fill in the blank) is all we can see? I hope that this sense of hopelessness isn't yours. That at some point you decide that there IS more. That Solomon's futilities isn't your path nor destiny.
If you find yourself in the morass of stagnation or the desert of dryness and you thirst for the cool waters of refreshment... there is the obvious answer. Your hope, your life, your answers can be found in the One who has the understanding, who will walk with you into light and purpose. Jesus is the only answer and He is waiting for you, each of us. If you have accepted His Lordship then all you need do is to ask what the next step should be and He will guide you. Develop a listening heart to hear and know. They do lead to meaning and value.
Welcome to: “…but, what do you think, what do you believe?” If this is your first visit then I ask that you read the first post before proceeding further because it sets out the purpose for the blog and what/why I’m writing. It’s my belief that nothing is ever in cement. That we all, overtly or subtly, are continuously involved in a ‘becoming’ process - this exciting adventure called… LIFE.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Another fine mess???
Is this your lifestyle? Moving from one mess to another? How do you extricate yourself from the messes you create or when you find yourself in the middle of this state? Or perhaps you just slide from one mess to the next? Remember, a mess may not really be a mess - just your definition of the state you find yourself. But if all you are doing is moving from one mess to another, what are you learning? Do you discover your entrance, existence, and emergence from a mess lifestyle?
Messes can be great object lessons - helping us to discover more about who we are, and especially, how we live our lives. Messes are definitely a fact of life, regardless of the source of the mess. As long as we are in relationships with others and/or work outside of the home, not sure how we can avoid them. Granted, messes come in all sizes and shapes with varying degrees of seriousness. While we can't avoid them, we shouldn't be looking for them either.
The important considerations, in my opinion, are first - definitions - do we know the natural extension of the 'project' v. messes? The definition often provides us with the necessary information to move to resolution or restructuring. Once we have analyzed and determined the best approach, we need to have the courage of our convictions. Messes rarely respond to indecisiveness.
The next consideration is knowing how to maintain a good Christian witness in these situations. You are always on display - people watch if you walk your talk. Messes may not be difficult to resolve, but our 'how' is critically important. We, by our actions and words, demonstrate what we really believe and Who we believe. Even in relatively simply situations, our how will speak volumes. Remember we can create a new mess while attempting to extricate ourselves from the one we are in. 1 Peter 3:15 gives us our foundation - being able to give a good report.
Messes can be great object lessons - helping us to discover more about who we are, and especially, how we live our lives. Messes are definitely a fact of life, regardless of the source of the mess. As long as we are in relationships with others and/or work outside of the home, not sure how we can avoid them. Granted, messes come in all sizes and shapes with varying degrees of seriousness. While we can't avoid them, we shouldn't be looking for them either.
The important considerations, in my opinion, are first - definitions - do we know the natural extension of the 'project' v. messes? The definition often provides us with the necessary information to move to resolution or restructuring. Once we have analyzed and determined the best approach, we need to have the courage of our convictions. Messes rarely respond to indecisiveness.
The next consideration is knowing how to maintain a good Christian witness in these situations. You are always on display - people watch if you walk your talk. Messes may not be difficult to resolve, but our 'how' is critically important. We, by our actions and words, demonstrate what we really believe and Who we believe. Even in relatively simply situations, our how will speak volumes. Remember we can create a new mess while attempting to extricate ourselves from the one we are in. 1 Peter 3:15 gives us our foundation - being able to give a good report.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Free... or burdened?
I realize that one can't dichotomously be starkly free or burdened, but how would you characterize where you are? Equally important - do you know how you got there? Also, do you see yourself as the one others come to 'unburden' themselves or are you the one seeking to unburden yourself? Interestingly enough, scripture says a great deal about 'burdens', probably because this is a reality for us. Some of the scriptures related to burdens:
"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will
never permit the righteous to be moved." (Psalm55:22)
"For I, the Lord your God; hold your right hand; it is I who say
to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you." (Isaiah 41;13)
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon and, and learn from me, for I am gentle
and lowly in heart, and you will find rest." (Matthew 11:28-29)
" not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known
to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
"...casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." (1Peter 5:7)
Those scriptures should end all doubt about what we should do about the burdens we are carrying. It never does though, does it?
Who is it we are suppose to cast the burdens on? Your spouse? Your family? Your friends? Those in your church? Blame your boss? Your family? Whoever happens to be handy? Obviously, not. The God of the Universe tells us that we are to cast our burdens on Him! Can you even comprehend bothering God with your burdens - big and small? Probably not. But all those scriptures tell us to do precisely this. Why? Because He cares for us - He wants us to find rest, to not be anxious, to not fear. He wants us healthy and strong.
There is a kind of caveat in this, which is found in Galatians 6:2 which tells us to bear one another's burdens. Paul can't be contradicting the other verses in scripture so what does he mean? My understanding is that in this context we are to join with the person, not take their burdens away from them. Part of my rationale is that if we take the burden away from the person rather than join with them; when we assume their burdens we don't honor their responsibilities and abilities. We all need help from one another at times, but we don't dump on others or take their issues from them. When we take away their burden then we undermine who they are and their ownership of both the burden and resolution.
One of the most effective ways we help (ourselves and others) when ladened down is to pray with and for them, lead them to scripture they can stand on to turn to the One who can help. We can become that human touch of understanding so they can reach a point of rest. All of us become burdened at times but we can stand and discover a way to freedom when we turn to the Lord for direction - He has our back.
"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will
never permit the righteous to be moved." (Psalm55:22)
"For I, the Lord your God; hold your right hand; it is I who say
to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you." (Isaiah 41;13)
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon and, and learn from me, for I am gentle
and lowly in heart, and you will find rest." (Matthew 11:28-29)
" not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known
to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
"...casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." (1Peter 5:7)
Those scriptures should end all doubt about what we should do about the burdens we are carrying. It never does though, does it?
Who is it we are suppose to cast the burdens on? Your spouse? Your family? Your friends? Those in your church? Blame your boss? Your family? Whoever happens to be handy? Obviously, not. The God of the Universe tells us that we are to cast our burdens on Him! Can you even comprehend bothering God with your burdens - big and small? Probably not. But all those scriptures tell us to do precisely this. Why? Because He cares for us - He wants us to find rest, to not be anxious, to not fear. He wants us healthy and strong.
There is a kind of caveat in this, which is found in Galatians 6:2 which tells us to bear one another's burdens. Paul can't be contradicting the other verses in scripture so what does he mean? My understanding is that in this context we are to join with the person, not take their burdens away from them. Part of my rationale is that if we take the burden away from the person rather than join with them; when we assume their burdens we don't honor their responsibilities and abilities. We all need help from one another at times, but we don't dump on others or take their issues from them. When we take away their burden then we undermine who they are and their ownership of both the burden and resolution.
One of the most effective ways we help (ourselves and others) when ladened down is to pray with and for them, lead them to scripture they can stand on to turn to the One who can help. We can become that human touch of understanding so they can reach a point of rest. All of us become burdened at times but we can stand and discover a way to freedom when we turn to the Lord for direction - He has our back.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
This is definitely a catch-word in the times we live in. There is a vast majority of people who feel they are 'entitled'... but for what? To what ends? At whose expense? Equally important is - why are they entitled and someone else isn't? Those questions only scratch the surface of this issue, and I haven't even stated the context of entitled.
When you consider the things of the world - money, shelter, food, etc. - this is typically accomplished by 'the sweat of your brow' or the work of your hands. However, there are those who feel that they have been deprived or disfranchised or discriminated against and have not had an equal opportunity to 'receive' their just due. These are the people who give those in the lower rungs of the working classes (wait staff, cashiers, clerks, etc.) the greatest disdain and difficulty. But why do those who don't work feel they deserve even more than those on the lowest rungs of the working world? Is a puzzlement...
This same attitude can also be seen in the church world. There are those who feel that for some reason, their opinions should be followed. Somehow they tend to feel entitled and that they are more (more of a Christian, more scripturally advanced, more spiritual, more...) than the typical Christian. And they tend to associate together and support one another's ideas. (Does this remind you of the Pharisees?) The one place that the word, entitled, has no meaning - as defined - is in the life of a Christian.
If we are entitled to anything it would be only in the context of our new lives in Christ. We have been bought with an incredible price and should never attempt to lift ourselves above our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Our entitlement is as sons and daughters of the Most High God - not over one another. According to scripture (1Corinthians 12:14-26) we read about the gifts and especially beginning in verse 12 we read about the body to which we are part.
"For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and
all the members of the body, though they are many, are one
body, ... But now God has placed the members, each one of
them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one
member, where would be body be? But now there are many
members, but one body... (20)
This should end any 'entitled' behavior since we are one... in the One.
When you consider the things of the world - money, shelter, food, etc. - this is typically accomplished by 'the sweat of your brow' or the work of your hands. However, there are those who feel that they have been deprived or disfranchised or discriminated against and have not had an equal opportunity to 'receive' their just due. These are the people who give those in the lower rungs of the working classes (wait staff, cashiers, clerks, etc.) the greatest disdain and difficulty. But why do those who don't work feel they deserve even more than those on the lowest rungs of the working world? Is a puzzlement...
This same attitude can also be seen in the church world. There are those who feel that for some reason, their opinions should be followed. Somehow they tend to feel entitled and that they are more (more of a Christian, more scripturally advanced, more spiritual, more...) than the typical Christian. And they tend to associate together and support one another's ideas. (Does this remind you of the Pharisees?) The one place that the word, entitled, has no meaning - as defined - is in the life of a Christian.
If we are entitled to anything it would be only in the context of our new lives in Christ. We have been bought with an incredible price and should never attempt to lift ourselves above our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Our entitlement is as sons and daughters of the Most High God - not over one another. According to scripture (1Corinthians 12:14-26) we read about the gifts and especially beginning in verse 12 we read about the body to which we are part.
"For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and
all the members of the body, though they are many, are one
body, ... But now God has placed the members, each one of
them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one
member, where would be body be? But now there are many
members, but one body... (20)
This should end any 'entitled' behavior since we are one... in the One.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Final Word
Do you have to have the last word? On everything? Are you the ultimate authority? If you aren't infallible, then why the need to always have the last word? Is this, final word, a kissing cousin to always being right? Not an easy 'crown' to wear and typically self-determined (inflicted?). And no, that wasn't said tongue-in-cheek. However, the definition of 'right' is critical. How do you define the word? What is your standard based on? Those two questions form the foundation of always being right and/or having the last (authoritative) word.
Perhaps the question should be - are you teachable? Do you consider yourself a student? If you don't then you really are stuck in what you know and you stop yourself from learning what is new. Always remember that you are responsible for what you know but new learnings are what provide the flavor, and often the spice, to living. Without a lifelong learning approach to life, I'm not certain that you stay relevant... even for yourself.
Of course we want to think that we 'know' whatever it is... but how do we know we know? Unless you are willing to accept questions on what you know and how you got there, how can you 'defend' yourself. For some people, they simply want to understand how you came to your understandings - they really aren't challenging, they are wanting to know, to understand. And yes, some simply want to challenge. But, do you have to rise to this? Where is your level of confidence in your own understandings? If you dare to look at life and people's questions as opportunities to refine what you know, then you will constantly need to have the last word - regardless of its efficacy.
There is a slight caveat, condition to this. If what you are talking about is spiritual, then carnal answers are rarely sufficient or even 'correct' - spiritual definitions to spiritual issues, not carnal definitions. And where you find those definitions, knowledge, understanding is in scripture. This forces us to all consider how we accept/view the Bible. Literal? As the Word of God given us by those who were inspired by God to write and eventually collect these writings into the Scriptures. If you are looking for the Final Word - we have it. Accepting scripture as the final authority, divinely inspired is a yes or no decision. You can't accept some of the writing and redefine or reject other parts. So...what is your Final Word?
Perhaps the question should be - are you teachable? Do you consider yourself a student? If you don't then you really are stuck in what you know and you stop yourself from learning what is new. Always remember that you are responsible for what you know but new learnings are what provide the flavor, and often the spice, to living. Without a lifelong learning approach to life, I'm not certain that you stay relevant... even for yourself.
Of course we want to think that we 'know' whatever it is... but how do we know we know? Unless you are willing to accept questions on what you know and how you got there, how can you 'defend' yourself. For some people, they simply want to understand how you came to your understandings - they really aren't challenging, they are wanting to know, to understand. And yes, some simply want to challenge. But, do you have to rise to this? Where is your level of confidence in your own understandings? If you dare to look at life and people's questions as opportunities to refine what you know, then you will constantly need to have the last word - regardless of its efficacy.
There is a slight caveat, condition to this. If what you are talking about is spiritual, then carnal answers are rarely sufficient or even 'correct' - spiritual definitions to spiritual issues, not carnal definitions. And where you find those definitions, knowledge, understanding is in scripture. This forces us to all consider how we accept/view the Bible. Literal? As the Word of God given us by those who were inspired by God to write and eventually collect these writings into the Scriptures. If you are looking for the Final Word - we have it. Accepting scripture as the final authority, divinely inspired is a yes or no decision. You can't accept some of the writing and redefine or reject other parts. So...what is your Final Word?
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Live Simply
'Live simply' was a catch-phrase that seemed to be the current fad, a few years ago. Not certain it still is. However, no one ever bothered to define or describe what this means. It sounds good on the surface. But... who sets the standard for what this means? Do these questions make us want to give up on this possibility? Is living simply a 'good' idea/plan... or just meaningless words?
For many, I discovered that the phrase meant to downsize - another definition-less word, though mostly the area was 'things'. For others it meant to divest themselves of all the activities that dominated what little free time they had - regardless of the value. There were also those who responded with an, 'easy for you to say, I've got these (responsibilities, bills, family, etc.) that have to be attended to'. There are countless individualized definitions - and that, is what it should be. Your 'live simply' may seem inordinately complex to me and mine may seem too surface for you. The phrase needs individualizing for it to become a real part of our living our lives.
The beginning has to be - do we think/feel/know we need to simplify our lives? This answer will move us into what this means for us. Do we need simplification in how our time is spent? How our money is spent? How our resources and energy are spent? What we do with our 'free time'? Which parts need restructuring? Is it responsibilities? Are there certain areas that can be addressed easier? Is it ... Actually, it seems that we can drown in all the questions and never get to the core of living simply according to what we want in and for our lives.
Living simply may turn out to be a lifestyle... or a mindset... a goal... a plan... a focus... a way of interacting with the world you live in. Quite honestly, I believe that it is a mindset check to see if what we are doing is what we want to be doing; if it is a path to a deeper and fruitful life. Unless your life is one that is full of what brings meaning to your life, you will always live a fitful life. Adding (fill in the blank), though seemingly ironic, when what you add is the flavor or spice to your life may lead you to living a simple and effective life. This is what I would consider living simply.
For many, I discovered that the phrase meant to downsize - another definition-less word, though mostly the area was 'things'. For others it meant to divest themselves of all the activities that dominated what little free time they had - regardless of the value. There were also those who responded with an, 'easy for you to say, I've got these (responsibilities, bills, family, etc.) that have to be attended to'. There are countless individualized definitions - and that, is what it should be. Your 'live simply' may seem inordinately complex to me and mine may seem too surface for you. The phrase needs individualizing for it to become a real part of our living our lives.
The beginning has to be - do we think/feel/know we need to simplify our lives? This answer will move us into what this means for us. Do we need simplification in how our time is spent? How our money is spent? How our resources and energy are spent? What we do with our 'free time'? Which parts need restructuring? Is it responsibilities? Are there certain areas that can be addressed easier? Is it ... Actually, it seems that we can drown in all the questions and never get to the core of living simply according to what we want in and for our lives.
Living simply may turn out to be a lifestyle... or a mindset... a goal... a plan... a focus... a way of interacting with the world you live in. Quite honestly, I believe that it is a mindset check to see if what we are doing is what we want to be doing; if it is a path to a deeper and fruitful life. Unless your life is one that is full of what brings meaning to your life, you will always live a fitful life. Adding (fill in the blank), though seemingly ironic, when what you add is the flavor or spice to your life may lead you to living a simple and effective life. This is what I would consider living simply.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Jesus came...why?!
"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being
in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond servant
... and was made in the likeness of man..." (Philippians 2:5-8)
That's the point. Jesus came. Have you ever asked yourself why?! Why did He willingly set aside His princely position and did not despise becoming man? Knowing what would happen, that He would be rejected and despised, He willingly chose to be our way back into fellowship with the Father. Incredible. But I also don't believe we have an inkling of an understanding about what He did and how it would affect our opportunity. Salvation is ALWAYS a choice. To me, the next step, Relationship, is available but it is a 'joint venture'.
Early in my walk and growing in the Lord, I discovered the verse in scripture uttered by Jesus as to why He came. Specifically, Mathew 9:12, Mark 2:17, and Luke 5:31 all relate Jesus' words about healing and when He healed when He was challenged. But, it is Luke 19:10 that is the most powerful statement about why He came - to seek and save the lost. For us - for all of us. He came to provide us a way back into relationship and the only way He could accomplish this was to set aside His standing and become as man.
Seek/Save the lost is also a part of what we do once we become part of His army, part of the Family of God. This is never an exclusive 'club' - there is only one litmus test: accepting Jesus for who He was, why He came, and what He continues to do. Our role is to share this and how this has affected our lives. Our personal story is shared in a variety of ways, but the most powerful in my opinion is our actions. How we show how this affects us in our day-to-day lives will make the most powerful statement that this is not words only.
One of the reasons I've begun to believe that explains part of the 'why' Jesus came is in the 'next step' category. He came to model for us the ways in which we can touch lives. His main role was to provide the spotless lamb to atone for the sins committed but in this process He also gave us words and behaviors that we can share with others. He called Himself the 'first born'. This implies that there are also second born which includes us. He made room for us in His Father's house/family. And now we become His hands to others. What an honor awaits us with this understanding.
in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond servant
... and was made in the likeness of man..." (Philippians 2:5-8)
That's the point. Jesus came. Have you ever asked yourself why?! Why did He willingly set aside His princely position and did not despise becoming man? Knowing what would happen, that He would be rejected and despised, He willingly chose to be our way back into fellowship with the Father. Incredible. But I also don't believe we have an inkling of an understanding about what He did and how it would affect our opportunity. Salvation is ALWAYS a choice. To me, the next step, Relationship, is available but it is a 'joint venture'.
Early in my walk and growing in the Lord, I discovered the verse in scripture uttered by Jesus as to why He came. Specifically, Mathew 9:12, Mark 2:17, and Luke 5:31 all relate Jesus' words about healing and when He healed when He was challenged. But, it is Luke 19:10 that is the most powerful statement about why He came - to seek and save the lost. For us - for all of us. He came to provide us a way back into relationship and the only way He could accomplish this was to set aside His standing and become as man.
Seek/Save the lost is also a part of what we do once we become part of His army, part of the Family of God. This is never an exclusive 'club' - there is only one litmus test: accepting Jesus for who He was, why He came, and what He continues to do. Our role is to share this and how this has affected our lives. Our personal story is shared in a variety of ways, but the most powerful in my opinion is our actions. How we show how this affects us in our day-to-day lives will make the most powerful statement that this is not words only.
One of the reasons I've begun to believe that explains part of the 'why' Jesus came is in the 'next step' category. He came to model for us the ways in which we can touch lives. His main role was to provide the spotless lamb to atone for the sins committed but in this process He also gave us words and behaviors that we can share with others. He called Himself the 'first born'. This implies that there are also second born which includes us. He made room for us in His Father's house/family. And now we become His hands to others. What an honor awaits us with this understanding.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Hindrances, Helps, and Believing
Have you ever stopped long enough to consider what might be hindering you from (fill in the blank)? Were/are you even aware of what is stopping You from becoming your best you? Or is this not even relevant for you? Are you in your happy place and see no need for growth or accomplishments or whatever your goals are because you are quite satisfied?
One of the biggest threats we can face is a sense of self-satisfaction (?), of complacency (?), of staying securely in our comfort zone. The last words some people want to hear is 'thinking outside the box'! What is your story? Are you staying safe and secure? Are you sticking your toe out to test the waters? Are you rushing headlong into a future you have no idea about? Actually, none of those actions would be a good choice/decision. But in the last analysis... it is always your decision as to who you are and where you are and what you want for you next.
In the midst of all this self-introspection, grant yourself some grace. None of us are our best 'us' - the point is to have as a goal the continuous mindset that a high priority is to continue to become our best. Turn to the Lord and seek His answers as to your now and the plans He has for your future (Jeremiah 29:11). You really don't need to know the end from the beginning - He has you securely in His hand. Look to His answers for right now, what's the next step He is leading you toward?
A woeful, 'I don't know!' occurs for all of us at times. Or a, is this really from you Lord, or am I truly equipped? Questions are good. They help defined and refine. But questions have answers... they are not meant to be excuses or something to hide from or avoided. You have your answers and they aren't being hid from you. What we all seem to 'forget' is that the Lord loved us first - He believes in us. But we also need to believe. Belief is a strong foundation and help to thwart any hindrances.
One of the biggest threats we can face is a sense of self-satisfaction (?), of complacency (?), of staying securely in our comfort zone. The last words some people want to hear is 'thinking outside the box'! What is your story? Are you staying safe and secure? Are you sticking your toe out to test the waters? Are you rushing headlong into a future you have no idea about? Actually, none of those actions would be a good choice/decision. But in the last analysis... it is always your decision as to who you are and where you are and what you want for you next.
In the midst of all this self-introspection, grant yourself some grace. None of us are our best 'us' - the point is to have as a goal the continuous mindset that a high priority is to continue to become our best. Turn to the Lord and seek His answers as to your now and the plans He has for your future (Jeremiah 29:11). You really don't need to know the end from the beginning - He has you securely in His hand. Look to His answers for right now, what's the next step He is leading you toward?
A woeful, 'I don't know!' occurs for all of us at times. Or a, is this really from you Lord, or am I truly equipped? Questions are good. They help defined and refine. But questions have answers... they are not meant to be excuses or something to hide from or avoided. You have your answers and they aren't being hid from you. What we all seem to 'forget' is that the Lord loved us first - He believes in us. But we also need to believe. Belief is a strong foundation and help to thwart any hindrances.
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