Friday, May 10, 2024

Who's in Charge?!

And when I say … ‘who’s in charge’ your mind should immediately go to - of what?! And isn’t that the point? A number of people may be the answer depending of the 'what'. When it comes to us, our lives, the answer is often a shrugged shoulders. Or maybe the answer is - it depends on the focus. Or maybe you place the decision-making as a external to you - someone else is in charge. How about you! Are you ever in charge? Do you need or want to be? Do you turn to the Lord? Is your spirit your director?

I suspect that I could create a variety of scenarios and the one in charge would continue to change. Where's the stability in that?! But that’s not how it should be and the only one that can change or affect this is .., you. Bottom line really is that it should always be your spirit who is in charge, you can trust that and it doesn't fail. Our minds, our wills, and especially our emotions (description of our soul) can and often does get us in terrible straits. I'm reminded of the catch phrase - 'Look at what you've done! Another fine mess you've gotten me into!'

If really doesn't have to be that way. Yes we will mis-hear or not understand, but when we consciously and intentionally follow the spirit's leading we'll be in a much better (need I say 'safer') place. But this begins by trusting your own spirit... which, in my opinion begins with having your spirit in relationship with the Holy Spirit, who is all that He's been given to do (John 14:26).  But is this really for us... too? Can we be in charge by our spirit? I think so, but it isn't instantaneous - it's a process we continue to grow in/by. My proof? Scripture.

Remember the scripture that says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14). Now couple that with the Father’s words that says He knows us from the womb (Jeremiah 1:5a). And as an added accompaniment to this is that He, the God of the Universe, breathed into us the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). Now how do you think about you!

Who knows us best? God. Who says He will never leave or forsake us? God Hebrews 13:5). Who says nothing can ever separate us? God (Romans 8:33-39). Who tells us that we’re a new creation? God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). And who said that we are to come boldly to the throne? God (Hebrews 4:16)And I could go on because there are so many examples - but the point should be made - what is man that you are mindful of him (Psalms 8:4)? Why??? He is.

And how do we respond to all this love lavished upon us? Do we not just take but make time for fellowship with Him? Is our time set aside, planned to just rest in Him. not an unthinking few minutes? I’m not being critical or condemning. I’m not pointing fingers. But if even the smallest amount of understanding doesn’t make us think, it should! We all need to look at how we go about being us and doing those works that God has prepared before hand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).

If we aren’t in close communion with the Lord, if we don’t rest in His rest then how effective can we be? What is your purpose? What do you want to do, not in repayment for what the Lord has done (we can't), but to share the wonderful experience, good news that you know? When your spirit is in charge, you will be led to opportunities to witness - just ask... this will be given. 

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