Sunday, August 11, 2024


Have you ever tried to get your head around the idea, the concept, the reality of GOD? I suspect every person who comes to the saving knowledge and makes Jesus their Lord has wrestled with this question more than once. It is HUGE and there's no way we could have created God... as the skeptics say. But somehow I also feel that I should embody:

   "But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect."
[1 Peter 3:15] 

Let me dispense with some preconceived argument against the unmistakable reality that there is a God, and that He is GOD. It can't be man-made, conceived of for at least the following reason - we aren't omni or any of the omni's - not omnipotent, meaning all-powerful; omniscient, meaning all-knowing; and omnipresent, meaning present everywhere at all times. So how could a non omni create an omni? If you know of someone who would classify themselves as omni - they're lying. Simply ask them to prove they are all powerful... or all knowing... or present everywhere at all times (this last one is the clincher)

Obviously there are other reasons but it is so very obvious that there is a God and there's no way we could create Him. Why would anyone buy into the idea that He isn't and we can conceive of such a thing, person as - God? Even a cursory look at nature should be proof enough - where did the first seed come from that grew into a tree? And not just one tree... a multitude of different varieties. Personally, I think it takes more dispensing of logic and reality to think that humans came out of the murky muck and somehow 'evolved'. If you do then you also do not have much respect for you or your fellow man.    

God isn't to be trifled with either. The first 10 Commandments are not a suggestion. And anytime we put a person, idea, thing as the basis for our existence we rebel and defy who God is, what He done and does. Let me remind us of the first 3 Commandments:

     “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” ...
     “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” ...
     “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” 

These first 3 of 10 Commandments all point to God, not god. And they have been a guide for mankind since Moses came down from the mountain with them. They have survived, except in the hearts and minds that deny Him. But if God was that insignificant, how do you explain His influence through the millennium? Why does the fallible think they can dictate to the infallible?

I suspect that those who will/do not have ears that listen will ever hear. I also suspect that those who will/do not have eyes that see will ever see because they don't want to hear or see. The only act that we can do is pray for them, ask that they be given seeing eyes and hearing ears so that the gift of salvation that is given can be accepted. We sow the seed of life, we plant, we water. God gave us free will which means we can accept Him and His gift of His Son as our Savior... or we remain defiant in our sightless, deaf lives. What a terrible end.

I believe God when He said in His Word:

   " Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will vanish with a [mighty and thunderous] roar, and the [material] elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and the works that are on it will be burned up." [2 Peter 3:8-10]

   Jesus's words "If anyone hears My words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge and condemn the world [that is, to initiate the final judgment of the world], but to save the world. Whoever rejects Me and refuses to accept My teachings, has one who judges him; the very word that I spoke will judge and condemn him on the last day." [John 12:47-48]

Someone once said in rebuttal to a scoffer...  but what if I'm right and you are wrong?' Obviously not the best response but it is a stopper. You can't just ignore that question. It has been planted and the scoffer will have to respond at some point. What if your opinion, teaching is wrong? What if what you believe is not truth? What if ...

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